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(New page: http://swg.allakhazam.com/db/guides.html?guide=77 Quote: By: Gandel, Posted at: Fri, Jun 27th 7:42 AM 2003, Last Edited: Wed, Oct 4th 5:24 AM 2006 Rated 4.94 by 70 people Where to Start...)
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By: Gandel, Posted at: Fri, Jun 27th 7:42 AM 2003, Last Edited: Wed, Oct 4th 5:24 AM 2006 Rated 4.94 by 70 people

Where to Start:

So, You want to know how to become a Master of the Beasts eh? Well this guides for you then. First off you need to Master the Hunting and Exploration columns of the Scout Profession, and then you need 17500 Scouting experience, you can advance through all of this simply by harvesting resources from things you kill.

Ok, I got all that, now what?:

Well First you're going to need 6000 credits to pay for the Novice Creature Handling skill. I'm sure you've already collected this much after all the work getting here though, so where is this trainer then huh? Well if you're on Naboo you can go to Kaadara Hotel and there is a Creature Handler trainer there. Just look for the Gualama (a Goat resembling creature) talk to him. Then Train, Boom you're a Creature Handler. Congratulations! Here's a list of other Creature Handler trainer locations if you're not on Naboo

Tatooine : In Mos Espa , I think its behind the Cantina Talus: Behind the star port in Nashal Corellia: Behind the bank in Coronet Rori: Restuss 5133, 5749 Naboo: Kaadara Hotel

I'll update this list as I find more trainers.

I'm a Creature Handler, now what? :

Well the first goal is to get a pet. Sounds easy? Hah guess again. However you'll be glad you got Hunting IV, as a Novice there isn't much you can tame. You'll be quite limited. However it is easy to tell what you can and can't tame if you hit CTRL+~ you'll see the radial. If Tame isn't listed, than you can't tame it, but still there is some things you should check before even attempting. Like their stats here is some things to check for. Their Aggression, this is listed in the examine window its either 'Aggressive: yes' or 'Aggressive: No'

Then there is the Ferocity level, this tells you how easily it will lose its temper towards you if it is aggressive. 0-5 and chances are it won't tear you apart unless you're right in its face. 5-10 it will most likely attack you if it sees you. 10-20 it will attack you the moment it even hears you. Another thing to watch for is this stat 'Killer' if its 0 then it will not death blow you, if it is 1 however it will deathblow you. These creatures are usually very difficult to tame and I suggest you stay away from them until your confident in your skills or are have a plan to avoid killing or being killed by the baby. So we got through all this and now straight to 'what should I tame? How can I tell what is a good pet and what is not?' well this is easy really. Take a look at the parents stats, if you like their stats. chances are your baby will have close or higher stats than its parent. Ok we're done with this part. Now onto the fun: Taming techniques. If you decided you wanted to tame something then here is what you should do. First Mask scent, this is important because creatures are very skittish so it's a good idea to move slow - and use Mask scent. Once you get close enough to start taming it you're going to want to start auto following it. Do this by typing /follow. So now you're Following it and you hit the Tame button.. Now what? This part can be summarized in a few quotes:

'Good.er.Boy?' 'Don't be scared.' 'Steady' 'Easy' 'Don't bite me.'

So 1 of 3 things is going to happen after you say 3 of these quotes. (It does it automatically) it's going to either A. Be tamed and able to be trained by you, its name will then turn pink to signify that it is now a pet. B. It will say 'Failed to tame creature' and it will ignore you and keep doing what its doing. C. It will say 'Failed to tame Creature' and it will lose its temper and start attacking you, Along with its parents most likely.

If the creature begins attacking you this can be fixed in many ways. If you have ranged support 2 (Marksman), you can use warning shot and scare the creature away long enough for it to forget about you and run back and try again, or you can hit burst run and start burning rubber while spamming the 'Peace' Button till the combat box disappears, then run back and try again.

Training your Pets and naming them:

So you got your first pet eh? Congratulations! First thing you're going to want to do is train it in your 3 basic (or 4, if you're a Wookiee) commands. These commands are very simple:

Attack: Makes the pet attack Follow me: Makes pet follow you Release: Sets your pet free

So lets train them already! Click on the pet and open the radial, you'll see 3 new options, Store, Feed, and Train. Lets click Train. You'll see those 3 commands I mentioned. Click one of them. You will see a '?' appear in your text. this means the next thing you say will trigger this command. In other words if you click the 'Follow me' then say 'lets go' your pet will begin following you from then on when you say 'lets go' (Caps are important, and it's best to keep this on a Macro). So, you've trained your pets the 3 basic commands and now you want to name it? Well I hate being the bearer of bad news but you cannot name them until you can teach them 4 commands - meaning you will need either 'Creature Empathy I' or 'Creature Training I' or 'Creature Management I.' Once you get one of these, to name them you will need to re-teach them the commands, but this time with a Name in front of the command. For Example:

'Tiny lets go' 'Tiny attack' 'Tiny you're free' 'Tiny do a trick!'

This will replace the creature's original name with 'Tiny' and will also give you some Creature Handler experience, about 134 depending on the pet. Here is a list of other commands that can eventually be taught to pets:

Guard: Makes your pet attack anything that attacks you or that you attack. Stay: Makes the pet stay where you tell it. Patrol point: Adds a Patrol point to where you stand. Patrol: Makes your pet roam between patrol points, attacking any aggressive creatures that come close to it, or PC's of the Enemy faction. Clear Patrol Points: it clears all current patrol points, be sure to do this after your finished making your pet patrol. Follow Other: Makes your pet follow your target. Group: Makes your pet join your group. Befriend: Makes your pet accept orders from the person you have targeted when you say the command. Wedge Formation: Makes your pet go into a Wedge formation, which is useful when you get multiple pets. Column Formation: Makes your pet go into Column formation, which is useful when you get multiple pets. Trick1: Makes your pet do one of its tricks, costing you some mind points and healing its entire mind pool along with its mind wounds. Trick2: Same as Trick 1 except it has a neater graphic. Enrage Pet: Makes your pet go berserk making it do more damage but makes it also take more. Transfer: Transfers Ownership of pet to the person you have targeted. Only works on Other Creature Handlers. Embolden: Makes your pet braver (practically useless since your pets are willing to fight anything you tell them to unless they have changed this since beta)

Storing Pets:

As a Novice you can only hold 2 pets. will appear in your Data pad (CTRL+D if you use default controls) in Pet Storage devices. This thing will list its future stats and its current stats. To gain the ability to store more pets you must advance in the Creature Handler Tree. I will list the tree later in the list, so you can tell what you need to hold more.

Calling Pets:

Well, you're going to be calling and storing pets constantly. This is where all that harvesting is going to pay off. To call a pet you must be in either a City, in the area of a building you own, or in a camp. To call, just go to your data pad hold the left mouse-button over the creature till its radial opens, then click 'Call' your pet will appear near you.

Advancing in the Creature Handler Profession:

Ok, You got you a pet baby, and now your ready to advance on through the tree eh? But you don't know how to gain the experience? Well there are 3 ways:

1.Using your pet in Combat 2.Training and Naming a pet 3. Taming babies

Creature Handler Skill Tree:

Well some of you are too lazy to sign on and go look yourself so I will list it here.

Novice Creature Handler: 17500 Scouting experience and Hunting 4 and Exploration 4 6000 Credits This skill gives you: Taming Wild Creatures: +5 Tame Ability Pet Command: Follow me Pet Command: Attack Pet Command: Release

Taming I: 175000 Creature Handler Experience (may have changed) 6000 Credits Taming Wild Creatures: +10

Taming 2: 52500 Creature Handler Experience 7000 Credits Taming Wild Creatures: +10 Taming Aggressive Creatures: +5 (this allows you to tame Aggressive Creatures)

Taming 3: 87500 Creature Handler Experience 8000 Credits Taming Wild Creatures: +10 Taming Aggressive Creatures: +10

Taming 4: 140000 Creature Handler Experience 9000 credits Taming Wild Creatures: +5 Taming Aggressive Creatures: +15

Training 1: 175000 Creature Handler Experience 6000 credits Training: +5 Pet Command: stay

Training 2: 52500 Creature Handler Experience 7000 credits Training: +5 Pet Storage: +2 Pet Command: Guard

Training 3: 87500 Creature Handler Experience 8000 credits Training: +5 Pet Command: Get Patrol Point Pet Command: Clear Patrol Point Pet Command: Start Patrol

Training 4: 140000 Creature Handler Experience 9000 credits Pet Storage: +2 Training: +5 Pet Command: Wedge Formation Pet Command: Column Formation

Creature Empathy 1: 175000 Creature Handler Experience 6000 credits Pet Command: Trick1

Creature Empathy 2: 52500 Creature Handler Experience 7000 credits Pet Command: Trick2 Pet Storage: +2

Creature Empathy 3: 87500 Creature Handler Experience 8000 credits Pet Command: Embolden Pet

Creature Empathy 4: 140000 Creature Handler Experience 9000 credits Pet Storage: +2 Pet Command: Enrage

Creature Management 1: 175000 Creature Handler Experience 6000 credits Pet Command: Group

Creature Management 2: 52500 Creature Handler Experience 7000 credits Pet Command: Follow other Pet storage: +2

Creature Management 3: 87500 Creature Handler Experience 8000 credits Pet Command: Befriend

Creature Management 4: 140000 Creature Handler Experience 9000 credits Pet Command: Transfer Pet Storage: +2

Master Creature Handler: 620 Apprentice experience, Requires: Taming 4, Management 4, Training 4, Empathy 4, 10000 credits Taming Wild Creatures: +10 Taming Aggressive Creatures: +10 Pet Storage: +2 Training: +5

Pet Combat:

You're probably going to want to dive straight into combat with your pet, but that is a bad idea - especially if the pet is still a baby. A baby, even if it's a Rancor, is still just that - a baby. It will hit for very little damage, 14-20 average, depending on the breed. It's best to let the pet grow a few days before attempting to use it in combat. However patience does pay off, friend, trust me. To get CH XP all you need to do is send the pet in and make it do 5% of the damage then you can go in and finish it yourself (you can't put the pet away though). Some pets are gifted with different combat specialties like resistances to certain attacks, or strong hides in general that cut down the damage they take. An Example is my pet, Tiny the Giant Veermok, he has standard resistances to most attacks. However, he has a tough hide (Listed as Armor Rating: 1 in the examine window, you should keep an eye out for this on pets) that cuts the damage it takes in half. Some creatures have strong resistances to Blast Fire, which can reduce the amount of damage Blasters do to it, or some creatures have strong resistances to Acid, which reduces the damage that creatures that spit Acid do to it.. Which brings up another thing - some creatures are gifted with the ability to spit Acid or Venom. This is something you should watch for because it won't be listed in the examine window, so you'll have to find out straight from the sort of species it is by fighting its species.

How to tame Aggressive/ Highly Aggressive Creatures:

Unlike Non-aggressive creatures, Aggressive ones are quite a different ball game to tame. You can't just walk up to them and start taming and following, you're going to need to be extra careful, especially around its parents. So, you see a cool baby you want to tame, but its parents are not very friendly and it's really close to them. Well, hopefully you have enough common sense to know that you can't just go running in there. You're going to need a plan. There are quite a few options here.

1. Get a party together and slaughter the parents and pray to God that the group doesn't murder the baby while they are at it.

2. Start walking in a circle around the family, keeping Mask scent up at all times until one of two things happens: the parents start moving towards you (be careful if this happens but take advantage of it and lure the parents away from the baby), or the baby begins to approach you. If you see a '?' appear over their head, it means they have detected you and are most likely going to start heading towards you to check you out. (This can be good or bad)

3. Use warning shot on the baby and run like there is no tomorrow from the parents while the baby runs in the opposite direction away from the parents.

4. Use warning shot on the Parents and run like there is no tomorrow from the baby till you manage to get it to give up on you and is away from its parents.

5. Sit and wait. Watch the baby closely until it moves away from its parents then CAREFULLY walk up to it. If you move too fast, it'll run back to its parents.

6. This isn't really an option, but I had to add it in somewhere. Always keep your weapon unequipped. If you look hostile, the baby will run in terror to its parents.

Wookiee Bonuses:

Alot of people in the last few days have asked me, how big of a benefit is it to being a Wookiee Creature handler instead of another species, Well if you read the Wookiee starting stats you would know they get a +10 to taming. this does not mean they can tame before becoming a Creature Handler, this does not mean they can tame things that other species cannot, All it means is you can tame things sooner. Example: at Taming 4 a Creature Handler can tame a Rancor (well with some difficulty but its doable), However if your a Wookiee you can tame Rancors at Taming 3 instead.

What Profession should I take as a Side?:

I've been asked this alot lately, personally it depends on what kind of player you want to be, anything can effectively go hand in hand with a Creature Handler, However if you want MY suggestion, I suggest Smuggler/Creature Handler, why you ask? Two Words, Feign Death , When a Smuggler gets the first section of Dirty Fighting they gain the ability to Feign Death, this can prove very useful if you anger a Baby or its parents. Heres how it works : You gain the ability...you HAVE to make the creature angry at you for it to work (in other words be in combat) you hit the Feign death button (you can't be moving) and your character will stand his ground to absorb the next hit to make it look like a killing blow. (this shot will usually do double damage unfortunatly so becareful with this) when this shot is delivered your character will fall to the ground and look like he is incapacitated however the Incap bar will = 0 on the timer. you can just hit stand to stand up, you can also heal during this process and the hopefully the Creature will forget about you, So you can get right back up and try again at taming.

Healing your Pet:

In combat, your pet is going to get damaged. When it is damaged it will let you know. If it has Health/Action wounds it will say 'X Hungry!' (Replace X with pet name). Feeding the pet will fix this. I often get asked 'What do I feed it?' the answer is simple, anything you can eat in game: fruits, bugs, spice, it doesn't matter just because a creature is a carnivore doesn't mean you have to feed it meat.

If it has Mind Wounds or damage, it will let you know by saying 'X play!' (replace X with the pet's name). This is just as simple as feeding it; just make the pet do Trick1 or Trick2 from the empathy tree (it's suggested that you train Empathy before other branches unless you like lots of down time). Also, storing and recalling your pet will bring it back full health.

End of Guide:

Well I will continue to update this guide with new and updated Information, if you have any personal questions I will be on Bria server under the name of 'Gandel' in search of a pet to replace Tiny , my treasured pet of Beta.

Special Thanks: To Terretes for showing me the ropes of taming highly aggressive creatures and Luca for giving me the loc of Creature Handler Trainer in Rori :p

Also, I plan on making a Beastiary soon (hopefully with the help of Terretes) so keep an eye out for updates.