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(New page: ----------------- Jan 12, 2005 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?search_id=498217134&t=61647 I surveyed Radioactive 7 a few days ago, gave me bad mind wounds. PE is 950+ so i...)
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Jan 12, 2005 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?search_id=498217134&t=61647

I surveyed Radioactive 7 a few days ago, gave me bad mind wounds. PE is 950+ so it's lovely Will keep me going for weeks.

once you find some rads you can sample them as usual but you have to override the safety thingy when you sample.....you are given this option when you press sample. be warned tho you may get some nasty wounds, i have found that the higher PE the worse the wounds tho this may be a fluke....i have on more than one occation been landed incapped by it! less harmful way of sampling is to plant a harvester and then remove one unit from the hopper to take a look at it.

I tried it a couple nights ago and only took damage - not wounds. I do not recall reading in any patch notes that this was changed, but it wouldn't be the first time something was changed without telling us.

Sampling radioactive as others have said will cause damage. It was nasty wound damage up till recently but not sure what it is now.

i believe certain types of radioactives affect you in different ways. when i was a noob (months ago) i remember soem radioactive causing wounds, and another just damage, but another type actually gave me a negative modifier to my stats for a few minutes (around -250 maybe)

This is another shipwright doublestandard. The new "high grade polymetric" radioactive, that is used by shipwrights for crafting, won't give wound (just damage). All other radioactives still give wounds and battle fatigue if you sample them.

Not exactly true. Radioactive Class 1, 2, 3, and 4 will give you negative modifiers to your HAM pools (like -250 for 5 minutes) if you sample them. Your max HAM pool amount is reduced. Radioactive Class 5, 6, and 7 will give you wounds if you sample them. The differentiation comes into play through the quality of Potential Energy in the Radioactive (which is why some are Class 1, 2, 3, and so - based on how high of PE they have). I think the rule of thumb is Class 5 or 500PE or more gives you wounds. Anything below gives you negative modifiers to your HAM. As for the Polymetric Radioactive, I don't know if it's true that it never gives you wounds. If the PE is high enough, maybe it will. Maybe not, never messed with sampling Polymetric.

Nov 22, 2003 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?search_id=2123085462&t=57570

My guildmate swears this gives him wounds, but when I do it all I get is negatives in the "modifiers" column, and no "wounds". I heal back to normal fairly quickly afterwards as well..

Yup I just sampled radioactive last night, 1st time I got some damage, second time 100pts of wounds to my HAM and 100pts of battle fatigue, 3rd time was 300pts of wounds to my HAM and another 100pts of BF. Needless to say I stopped sampling after that.

It seems to give me around 300-400 wounds per stat and a lot of battle fatigue each time I sample.

Update Notes 9/4/03 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?t=501482&search_id=1874603481

Power update. Potential energy attribute > 500 yields up to two times more power output. Power of that quality can last up to two times longer. Radioactive sampling causes ill effects. It will now make you take damage when trying to manually sample radioactive materials.

Nov 19, 2003 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?t=112946&search_id=1874603481&start=15

Though I do not have wound healing yet, I think we should at somepoint have to rely on someone else to heal something. I think I can live with it personally since I do not stay out long enough to really get beaten down by it(except that time I was surveying which I guess when u survey it hits ur BF because after doing it for some time I found a radioactive sample and like before took the risk to get the quality of it, and well, imagine your entire ham going black with 1 in health 1 in action 1 in mind. I had about 850 bf, which I assume caused the problems, or it could have been the power of the meterial, guess Ill never know). So yea while I would like to take about bf, I think it should stay.

Dec 11, 2003 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?t=114572&search_id=1874603481

You get something like 100 or 200 pts of damage in each of your HAM bars*

To confirm something. I wanted to see what would happen, so I put my OOC hat on, and sampled radioactive. After the third sampling, I had about 1500 BF, and 1 less wound than I had points in that stat (only HAM, the other 6 stats were unaffected), and I was incapped. I got up in the normal amount of time, but couldn't burstrun, sample, or do anything that requied HAM. I went to a doctor and he healed me up, and no lasting ill-effects have been recorded.

Radioactives...they kill off 300-400ish HAM. I know this very well as a friend of mine was grinding through doctor and we found that he could get more XP healing my wounds from sampling radioactive than sitting in a busy cantina. I was able to get three samples in and blammo total black and instant incap. After 90ish seconds of him healing me, I'd march to the cantina (usually within 100m) and get healed up. The dancers made good cash and xp of us those night.

Jan 22, 2004 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?t=269538&search_id=1874603481

If you sampled it, you'd take wounds to your health, action, and mind (HAM) pools. The amount of damage for each sample would vary according to the PE of the mineral, the efficiency of the vein, and how many units you obtained from the sample.

Feb 03, 2004 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?t=182038&search_id=1874603481

If you can find any CMs find a cantina with a % of radioactive outside the door. Have any artisans willing to sample get health, action and mind buffs (the amount doesn't matter, only really how long it lasts). Move yourself over by the door. Have them come inside and watch you. Then have them walk outside and start sampling radioactive, anytime they get a successful sample they take wounds on all three bars and a good amount of BF. Wounds will stop at a players normal HAM so they won't incap as long as the buffs are in effect. You should get a steady supply of healing XP. I tested this out with two artisans last night and was pulling about 200 healing xp a round. Ended up doing wound healing 1 and 2 and bf healing 1 and 2 in one night.

Feb 05, 2004 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?t=243010&search_id=1874603481

My alt is a master doctor so it gives me a pretty big edge. I have him buff my action secondaries and his health and action and I buff his mind secondaries. I have a house on a 40% radioactive source and he steps onto the from porch, pulls out a medic droid and samples. At the same time he does /tendwound on himself. The reason I buff health and action is that you are limited on wound to teh value of a stat. You can't sample radioactives if your stat can't take the damage. After he gets incapped, I take a fishnak to get his mind over 500 to continue the /tendwound.

Apr 18, 2004 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?t=190327&search_id=1874603481

Have your friend sample some radioactive for big black wounds. Heal the wounds (that you can) and repeat. Once thier mind wounds and battle fatigue get up there, (about 500 BF, it doesn't take many sample attempts)

Mar 02, 2004 http://swgforums.swganh.org/viewtopic.php?t=261923&search_id=238343766

How to sample radioactives indefinitely O.o 1) First, be a TKA with meditate 4, or have a doctor and dancer on hand. 2) Buff your Health, Action, and Mind 3) Find a nice class of radioactives and sample away. It turns out the wounding to your stats from sampling radioactives does not take into account buffed stats. So, in my case, my health/action/mind are all 800. I powerboost and that raises them all to 1200. When I sample radioactives, the wounds stop at 799 wounds(ie 799 out of the 800 I had base). I do, however, continue to gain battle fatigue until that too caps at 1000. After that, I just keep on sampling radioactives until my powerboost drops. Leaving me with 799/800 wounds and 1000 bf and no incaps. Now, since I have meditate 4, I simple meditate for a minute to heal up enough of my mind, then powerboost again and sample away. This should also work with doctor/dancer buffs and last for 2 hours with a full dancer buff, before needed to be buffed again. You could also use this to turn someone into an endless bf/wound bot