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= Ability Breakdown & Details =
= Ability Breakdown & Details =
'''Q. How does Volley Fire work?'''
A. It takes one default attack from all ranged persons in group, and directs it toward the squad leaders current target reticle. They will then return to their target of choice, If it succeeds, that is. What you do is, during the volley fire, you deselect your target. That selects the Volley fire target. Then the Squad Commences firing on the selected target.  
When the command /volleyfire is given, all members of the squad leader's group will fire a single shot at the squad leader's current target. When VF is successfully issued and it processes through the squad leader's combat queue, all group members with the exception of pets, heavy weapon users, and melee weapon users within attack range (64 meters) will substitute their next combat round to take an *default* shot at the target the Squad Leader has selected. They group will then return to their previous targets. The ability does not re-target the squad leader's target. All players, including the squad leader must be in combat and currently fighting in order for volley fire to work. Targets that are not fighting will not begin shooting a target if a volleyfire order is given.
When VF is successfully engaged, the entire squad will substitute their next combat round to take an *unstyled* shot at the target the Squad Leader has selected. They group will then return to their previous targets. Against NPC targets, this means that a squad of 6 people will on average do 1200 points of damage to the target (6 members X 200 points of damage). Since this also uses up a round of combat for the squad leader him/herself, it's almost always more advantagous for the SL to use that round to fire a style of their own that hits in the 1100-1400 range.
Ham costs of the ability are multiplied by the number of members in the group.
Note: The exact multiplier for group size is unknown so i will assume its a +1 multiplier per person added;Therefore a 20 person group multiplies the ham cost by 20.
Most Squads never even know that the skill is working, because it doesn’t re-target the SL’s target, it just auto-shoots the target. Volley Fire is untargetted and will hit the three pools at a 3:2:1 ratio Volley fire can be used in PVE to draw aggro off of yourself.
Note: Base Ham costs are unknown.  
To clarify and reitterate, group members do NOT change targets during this process, they simply fire at the SL's target when the SL's queued volley round comes up then go back to attacking their original targets. When no one is engaged, and you use /volleyfire.... Nothing happens. Nada, Zilch, nothing. Your party must be engaged in combat before using /volleyfire.
Volley fire only works with RANGED weapons.
'''Note: Perhaps we can make this skill more useful without a major change in game play by making all the volley shots hit a particular ham pool but make it so that the ham pool that is hit will be chosen at random.'''
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* '''1 + 1 = 3'''
* '''2 - 2 + 2 = 3'''
No known formula exists for the volley fire success chance so I will propose the following:
volley fire Success Chance =
( 50 + (100 x ( volley fire mod / 100)  ) + leadership )  -  ( ( ( 100 x ( group size / 20 ) ) ) x .25 )
==Source References==
==Source References==

Latest revision as of 11:04, 8 September 2009

Ability - Volley Fire

SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.


/volleyfire <target>: This Squad Leader command directs the fire of the entire group at the target the Squad Leader has chosen. This enables a Squad Leader's group to cut through a group of difficult creatures/NPCs far more efficiently than a group without a Squad Leader would perform.

Command: /volleyFire
CommandQueue Entry: volleyfireattack (1EF93CD7)

Related Tags

50% This document has been partially completed.

Ability This document relates to Player Abilities.

Squad Leader This document is related to the Squad Leader Profession.

Ability Breakdown & Details

When the command /volleyfire is given, all members of the squad leader's group will fire a single shot at the squad leader's current target. When VF is successfully issued and it processes through the squad leader's combat queue, all group members with the exception of pets, heavy weapon users, and melee weapon users within attack range (64 meters) will substitute their next combat round to take an *default* shot at the target the Squad Leader has selected. They group will then return to their previous targets. The ability does not re-target the squad leader's target. All players, including the squad leader must be in combat and currently fighting in order for volley fire to work. Targets that are not fighting will not begin shooting a target if a volleyfire order is given.

Ham costs of the ability are multiplied by the number of members in the group.

Note: The exact multiplier for group size is unknown so i will assume its a +1 multiplier per person added;Therefore a 20 person group multiplies the ham cost by 20.

Note: Base Ham costs are unknown.

Ability Flow

<graphviz> digraph G {

       rankdir = LR;
       node [shape=record, width=.2, height=.2];
       node [width=1];
       node1 [color="#929292", label = "Step 01", style="bold", fontname="arial", fontcolor="#929292", URL="Test101"];
       node2 [color="orange", label = "Step 02", style="bold", fontname="arial", fontcolor="#458CAF", URL="Test102"];
       node3 [color="orange", label = "Step 03", style="bold", fontname="arial", fontcolor="#458CAF", URL="Test101"];
       node1 -> node2:w [color="#929292"];
       node2:w -> node3:e [color="#515FCA", constraint=false];

} </graphviz>

System Messages

ID Path Filename Trigger Message
volley_fail_single /string/en/ cbt_spam.stf internal_command_string Your group fails to volley fire!
volley_success_single /string/en/ cbt_spam.stf internal_command_string You order a volley of fire!

SUI Prompt

Combat Chat Spam

ID Path Filename Trigger Player Message1 Player Message2 Other Player's Message
volley_counter /string/en/ cbt_spam.stf internal_command_string You joins the volley of fire at %TT and %ST counterattacks! %TU joins the volley of fire at you and you counterattack! %TU joins the volley of fire at %TT and %ST counterattacks!

volley_block /string/en/ cbt_spam.stf internal_command_string You joins the volley of fire at %TT and %ST blocks it! %TU joins the volley of fire at you and you block it! %TU joins the volley of fire at %TT and %ST blocks it!

volley_evade /string/en/ cbt_spam.stf internal_command_string You unleash a volley of fire at %TT, but %ST dodges out of the way. %TU joins the volley of fire on you, but you dodge out of the way. %TU joins the volley of fire at %TT, but %ST dodges out of the way.

volley_hit /string/en/ cbt_spam.stf internal_command_string Your volley of fire hits %TT for %DI points of damage! %TU's volley of fire hits you for %DI points of damage! %TU's volley of fire hits %TT for %DI points of damage!

volley_miss /string/en/ cbt_spam.stf internal_command_string Your volley of fire misses %TT! %TU's volley of fire misses you! %TU's volley of fire misses %TT!

Fly Text

ID Path Filename Trigger Message
ID Value /path/goes/here/ filename.stf internal_command_string System Message Text


No known formula exists for the volley fire success chance so I will propose the following:

volley fire Success Chance =

( 50 + (100 x ( volley fire mod / 100) ) + leadership ) - ( ( ( 100 x ( group size / 20 ) ) ) x .25 )

Source References

Source Source in Context
Source 1 Source 1
Source2 Source 2

Ability HAM Costs

Modifier Value
Health Cost 25
Action Cost 50
Mind Cost 100
Force Cost 0

Ability Multipliers

Modifier Value
Health cost 0
Action cost 0
Mind cost 0
Force cost 0
Damage 0
Delay Time 0