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(Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Fundamentals)
(81 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Notice :
{| class="collapsible prettytable"
There is a list of attack you can use with few weapon in your inventory. Open your skill box (Ctrl+A), put the proper attack in your toolbar and equip a weapon.
<div class="NavFrame">
  <div class="NavHead">[... This is the title of your collapsible content ...]</div>
  <div class="NavContent">
    [... The content you want to hide goes here ...]
1) I would like to help about animation, what I can do ?
=> Once you log in, check the welcome system message. It will tell you some important informations. Find a friend / Mate / Group if you want to help, it's better if they can confirm your tought about an animation.
Then, type @setRebel or @setImperial to chose a faction and fight for try attack on another one. Please, don't attack everyone, just chose someone and make you agree with him to find animation.
2) How can I find the proper command per skill ?
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080406223731-4d280ac46dc5972257ab727113fefa76 == chat on create
=> Every time you do an attack, you can see up to your head, a system message like that "AAA_0_BBB_0" "combo_3c_medium".
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080406223804-cf1cf796ede99032c12bde8dd0810376 == chat on leave
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080406223901-2ae49233bd24e620b12c378090fb620a == chatondestroy
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080406224146-5ae733525af5bac801999c95be8cbc91 == chatroommessage
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080406224412-74b597c0e2da1653284b3d9f9c2b8873 == chatunban
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080407105225-28c8529ebe0bc6e4d6ecb1a70f9b14b0 == chatonaddmoderatortoroom
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080407105353-9d12de7037bd6061433d5b573ff53758 == chatonbanavatarfromroom
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080407105433-f62842a650459c932056a14a303c85c9 == chatonconnectavatar
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080407105607-63da88e81c4c86e3768046a537561d1b == chat on destroyed room
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080407105639-499cfb5080a3b4a17bf3cc74fa46f722 == chatonenteredroom
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080407105713-c2f80dffd7cb65e1167ae5cbefc66a48 == chat on invitetoroom
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080407105832-f17d9af8eec909b35d8d1f78459deb47 == chatonroominvitation
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080407105911-97d7b89d9bf26e43db1f4103cba312a0 == chatonremovemoderatorfromroom
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080407110024-fc6ec6b0c4d708768b187b62eb37ebe2 == sendroommessage
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080407110132-1545317545501f0ba781f7b12cf08f31 == Chatonuninvitefromroom
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080407110208-aaf809d73e139396bb5c255bcbcdce15 == querryroomresults
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080407110252-0828db7f0daf2b58486d1d3ef4f51550 == ChatRoomList
Don't attack too fast because you need to be sure about the animation, in addition the system message will leave if you do another attack. Just do that slower.
3) What I can do if I'm out of force ?
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080601222834-a8107ccf289592429b26b302e2263a1e
=> Just log out and log in again. It will recover your force pool.
* http://paste.swganh.org/viewp.php?id=20080601213447-4e682ae1bf0f047958658b4433b06751
4) I'm disconnected sometime, what happened ?
=> Developers patch the game sometime, don't worry and try to log in few minutes later, or check out the server status.
  INNER JOIN `draft_schematic_item_link` ON (`item_types`.id = `draft_schematic_item_link`.item_type),
WHERE `item_types`.object_string like '%wearable%' AND `item_types`.object_string not like '%armor%' AND `draft_schematic_item_link`.item_family = 0 ORDER BY `item_types`.object_string;
5) Once I figured out an animation, what I can do ?
=> You can post your tought there, check out the list to be sure that your feed back isn't already in this list.
You can also go to the IRC SWGEmu on the #test channel.
6) Why there is few "(?)" in this list ?
{{ExperimentalPropsTEST|Experimental Charges|Charges
=> These "(?)" was made because we need a confirmation on this animation, if you see one, and if you are able to confirm if this animation is correct or not, please make a post on this thread.
7) Why some skill animation are inside "(...)" ?
=> If we made an update on this list, and if some changes appear, the old animation name will be inside "( <insert old animation name> )" and the new one just after. This will help to confirm if an animation is wrong or not.
To-Do List for Preview
- add visual effects
- possibly add mind buffs
- add /registerlocation
- fix constant 'angry' mood upon login
- add burstrun
- add flybys to all cities
- add welcome / starting email
- add banks
- add mission population
- add survey missions
- add delivery missions
- fix /who /friend issues
- shuttle timer seems to be off by a few seconds, ie delay exists when the flap hits the ground to when you can actually use ticket
- implement backpacks
- make blue frog item selection a dynamic one (possibly tie to a table in the db where we can control what's on the frog, tying back to the item_type table)
- fix weather script to be more random
- fix schematics display in crafting tool / datapad after learning a new skill, seems to be tied to waypoints somehow.
- fix survey / sampling (wounds, proper yields, existing bugs)
- add badges for mastering professions
- region maps for bazaar search
{| class="wikitable"
- add group chat commands
||area attack 3||combo_4b_medium --> combo_3a_light
- possibly implement remainder of chat packets
- add Artisan schematics
- add the feature where clicking a crafting station launches the crafting session
= Test1 =
{| class="anhsmalltable sortable"
|- align="center" style="background-color:#ffffcc;"
||area attack 2||(Combo_5a_Medium) - (lower_posture_polearm_1) - (combo_5a_light) - combo_4b_medium (?)
||area attack 1||attack_high_right_light_2
||head hit 3||( combo_2d_medium - knockdown_polearm_1 ) - (combo_3c_medium) - attack_high_left_light_3 (?)
||head hit 2||(combo_3b_light) - combo_2d_light
||head hit 1||(counter_low_left_right) - attack_high_center_light_1
||hit 3||combo_3c_medium
||hit 2||combo_2a_medium
||hit 1||
||mind hit 2||
||mind hit 1||combo_2d_light) - combo_2b_medium (?)
||spin attack 2||combo_4b_medium (?)
||spin attack 1||attack_high_right_light_2 (?)
||ObjController0F4||SpatialChat||0062AA10||00AEF2C0||00AEF2A0||PlayerCreatureController||Spatial Chat
||sweep 2||(combo_4b_medium) - lower_posture_2hmelee_6
||sweep 1||lower_posture_2hmelee_3
||lunge 2||( knock_down_2h_melee_1 ) - (lower_posture_2hmelee_4) - lower_posture_2hmelee_1 (?)
||lunge 1||( knock_down_polearm_3 ) - (lower_posture_2hmelee_1) - kiwer_posture_2h_melee_1 (?)
||ObjController12E||Social||0062AA10||00AF3E70||00AF3E50||PlayerCreatureController||Player Emote
||ObjController13B||SitOnObject||006392E0||00ACE300||00ACE2E0||CreatureController||Sit On Object
||ObjController147||ObjectMenuResponse||0062AA10||00AF35F0||00AF3510||PlayerCreatureController||Radial Menu
||ObjController1E7||PlayerSearchResponse||0062AA10||01196340||011962B0||PlayerCreatureController||Player Search
||ObjController1FC||StartingLocationsList||0062AA10||011967B0||01196720||PlayerCreatureController||Starting Location
||ObjController1FD||SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages||0062AA10||011965B0||01196530||PlayerCreatureController||Starting Location
||ObjController238||ImageDesignChangeMessage||0062AA10||00B0B990||00B0B620||PlayerCreatureController||Image Design
||ObjController239||ImageDesignEndMessage||0062AA10||00B0B990||00B0B620||PlayerCreatureController||Image Design
||ObjController23A||ImageDesignStartMessage||0062AA10||00B11260||00B111C0||PlayerCreatureController||Image Design
||ObjController401||SetupSharedNetworkMessages||0062AA10||00AC85C0||00AC8540||PlayerCreatureController||Mediator UI
||ObjController43C||SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages||0062AA10||01195890||01195850||PlayerCreatureController||Group Lottery
||ObjController43D||SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages||0062AA10||01195890||01195850||PlayerCreatureController||Group Lotter
= Test2 =
{| class="wikitable"
||blind 2||combo_2b_medium
{| class="anhsmalltable sortable"
|- align="center" style="background-color:#ffffcc;"
||blind 1||combo_4b_medium
||dizzy 2||combo_4a_light - combo_2d_medium
||dizzy 1||combo_2b_medium
||body 3||combo_3d_medium - lower_posture_2hmelee_6 (?)
||body 2||combo_4b_medium
||body 1||
||health 2||combo_3c_medium) - combo_3a_medium
||health 1||counter_low_left_light
||scatter 2||combo_5a_medium - combo_5b_light
||scatter 1||combo_5b_medium
||spin 2||(?)
||spin 1||combo_2d_medium) - (combo_2d_light) - attack_high_right_medium_2
||hit 3||combo_5b_medium (?) - combo_5a_light
||hit 2||
||hit 1||counter_high_center_light
||lunge 2||same for 1 & 2 (?)) -
||ObjController15A?||CraftCustomization||0098C570||00AF5860||00AF57B0||Crafting 83
||lunge 1||same for 1 & 2 (?)) - counter_mid_left_medium (?)
||ObjController238?||ImageDesignChangeMessage||00D9E780||00B0B990||00B0B620||Image Design||23
||ObjController239?||ImageDesignEndMessage||00D9D360||00B0B990||00B0B620||Image Design||23
||ObjController436?||SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages||00E00570||01195890||01195850||User Interface||23
||ObjController43C?||SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages||00E35280||01195890||01195850||Group Lottery||0B
||ObjController43F?||SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages||00F121F0||01197040||01196FE0||Group Lottery||23
-action hit 2 -> attack_mid_left_medium_1
-action hit 1
-leg hit 3
-leg hit 2
-leg hit 1 -> attack_low_left_medium_0
-area attack 2 -> lower_posture_2hmelee_6
-area attack 1
-stun 2 -> combo_5b_light
-stun 1 -> combo_3b_medium
-sweep 2 -> lower_posture2hmelee_6 - lower_posture_polearm_6 (?)
-sweep 1 -> combo_3d_light
-lunge 2 -> lower_posture_polearm_2
-lunge 1 -> knockdown_polearm_1 - lower_posture2hmelee_1 - lower_posture_polearm 1 (?)
-hit 3 -> lower_posture2hmelee_4 - combo_4a_medium
-hit 2 -> combo_2c_light
-hit 1 -> combo_3a_light - combo_2b_light
-spin attack 2 -> combo_3d_medium
-spin attack 1 -> combo_4c_light
=='''Teras Kasi Artist'''==
-hit 3 -> lower_posture_polearm_1
-hit 2 -> (combo_4c_medium) - combo_3a_light - (combo_3c_light)
-hit 1 -> knockdown_polearm_1
-body hit -> (attack_special_knee_strike_medium) - attack_special_shoulder_bash_medium
-leg hit -> attack_special_foot_stomp_light - attack_special_foot_stomp_medium
-head hit -> knockdown_unarmed_1 - lower_posture_2h_melee_2
-spin attack 2 -> knockdown_2h_melee_1
-spin attack 1 -> combo_3d_medium
-lunge 2 -> counter_mid_center_medium - (knockdown_unarmed_1 need confirmation) - [Same as lunge 1 (?)]
-lunge 1 -> counter_mid_center_medium - lower_posture_2hmelee_3 - lower_posture_unarmed_1 - counter_mid_center_light
-knockdown 2 -> (attack_special_hammerfist_medium(?)) - knockdown_unarmed_2
-knockdown 1 -> (attack_special_shoulder_bash_medium) - (knockdown_unarmed_2) - attack_special_hammerfist_medium
-stun -> combo_4c_light - combo_4c_medium - lower_posture2hmelee_6
-blind -> ( combo_4d_medium - test_swoosh ) attack_high_center_light_1
-dizzy -> attack_special_wookiee_slap_light
-combo 2 -> combo_4a_light - combo_4a_medium
-combo 1 -> (lower_posture_2h_melee_5) combo_4b_medium
-action shot 1 -> fire_3_single_light
-action shot 2 -> fire_3_single_light
-burst shot 1 -> fire_7_single_medium
-burst shot 2 -> fire_7_single_medium
-charge shot 1 -> charge
-charge shot 2 -> charge
-crippling shot -> fire_3_single_light
-full auto area 1 -> fire_defender_posture_change_down
-full auto area 2 -> fire_defender_posture_change_down
-full auto single 1
-full auto single 2
-leg shot 1 -> test_homing
-leg shot 2 -> test_homing
-leg shot 3 -> test_homing
-overcharge shot 1
-overcharge shot 2
-point blank single 1
-point blank area 1
-scatter shot 1
-scatter shot 2
-suppression fire 2 -> fire_5_single_medium_face
-suppression fire 1 -> fire_5_single_medium_face
-wild shot 1 -> fire_7_single_medium
-wild shot 2 -> fire_7_single_medium
Bounty Hunter Carabineer Tree :
-underhand shot -> fire_5_single_medium_face
-fire knock down -> fire_3_single_medium
-confusion shot
-spray shot -> fire_7_single_medium
-body shot 1 -> fire_5_light_single_face
-body shot 2 -> fire_5_light_single_face
-body shot 3
-disarming shot 1
-disarming shot 2
-dive shot
-double tap
-fan shot
-health shot 1
-health shot 2
-kip up shot
-multi target pistol shot
-overcharge shot 1
-overcharge shot 2
-pistol melee defense 1 -> ranged_melee_light
-pistol melee defense 2 -> ranged_melee_light
-point blank area 1
-point blank area 2
-point blank single 1
-point blank single 2
-roll shot
-stopping shot
Pistoleer Bounty Hunter Tree :
-bleeding shot -> fire_3_single_light
-eye shot -> fire_3_special_single_light_face
-torso shot -> fire_3_special_single_light_face
-fast blast -> fire_5_single_medium_face
-conceal shot
-flurry shot 1
-flurry shot 2
-flushing shot 1
-flushing shot 2
-head shot 1 -> fire_1_special_single_face
-head shot 2 -> fire_1_special_single_face
-head shot 3
-mind shot 1 -> fire_3_special_single_face
-mind shot 2
-overcharge shot 1
-overcharge shot 2
-point blank single 1
-point blank area 1
-sniper shot
-startle shot 1
-startle shot 2
-strafe shot 1
-strafe shot 2
-surprise shot
-flame cone 2 -> fire_flame_thrower_cone_2_light - fire_flame_thrower_cone_2_medium
-flame cone 1 -> fire_flame_thrower_cone_1_medium
-acid single 2 -> fire_acid_rifle_single_2_medium
-(crc) lightning beam cannon -> fire_heavy_lightning_beam_medium
-(crc) heavy particle beam -> test_heavy_weapon
=='''Marksman Tree XXX4'''==
-threaten shot
-warning shot
-suppression fire 1 -> fire_5_single_medium_face
-saber block -> test_sword_richochet
-dervish -> saberthrow_light (?)

Latest revision as of 15:33, 26 September 2009


  INNER JOIN `draft_schematic_item_link` ON (`item_types`.id = `draft_schematic_item_link`.item_type),
WHERE `item_types`.object_string like '%wearable%' AND `item_types`.object_string not like '%armor%' AND `draft_schematic_item_link`.item_family = 0 ORDER BY `item_types`.object_string;

To-Do List for Preview


- add visual effects
- possibly add mind buffs
- add /registerlocation


- fix constant 'angry' mood upon login
- add burstrun
- add flybys to all cities
- add welcome / starting email
- add banks
- add mission population
- add survey missions
- add delivery missions
- fix /who /friend issues
- shuttle timer seems to be off by a few seconds, ie delay exists when the flap hits the ground to when you can actually use ticket
- implement backpacks
- make blue frog item selection a dynamic one (possibly tie to a table in the db where we can control what's on the frog, tying back to the item_type table)
- fix weather script to be more random
- fix schematics display in crafting tool / datapad after learning a new skill, seems to be tied to waypoints somehow.
- fix survey / sampling (wounds, proper yields, existing bugs)
- add badges for mastering professions
- region maps for bazaar search


- add group chat commands
- possibly implement remainder of chat packets


- add Artisan schematics
- add the feature where clicking a crafting station launches the crafting session


ID Label Handler Unpack Pack Class System Status
ObjController071 DataTransform 00B4B000 00AD4860 00AD4810 NetworkController Movement
ObjController0CC CombatAction 006E5210 0119C330 0119C230 ClientController Combat
ObjController0DD StartNpcConversation 0062AA10 00B12F20 00B12E70 PlayerCreatureController NPCConverse
ObjController0DE StopNpcConversation 0062AA10 00B12BD0 00B12BB0 PlayerCreatureController NPCConverse
ObjController0DF NpcConversationMessage 0062AA10 00B14FF0 00B14FD0 PlayerCreatureController NPCConverse
ObjController0E0 NpcStringList 0062AA10 00B123A0 00B12300 PlayerCreatureController NPCConverse
ObjController0E3 OpponentInfo 006E5210 00B14C60 00B14BF0 ClientController Combat
ObjController0EA HarvesterResourceData 0062AA10 00B17F00 00B17DD0 PlayerCreatureController Harvester
ObjController0EE EmptyHarvesterResponse 006E5210 00B191F0 00B191D0 ClientController Harvester
ObjController0F1 DataTransformWithParent 00B4B000 00AD43B0 00AD4360 NetworkController Movement
ObjController0F2 String 006392E0 00B12880 00B12810 CreatureController Animation
ObjController0F4 SpatialChat 0062AA10 00AEF2C0 00AEF2A0 PlayerCreatureController Spatial Chat
ObjController0F8 MissionDetailsResponse 0062AA10 00B17160 00B17120 PlayerCreatureController Missions
ObjController0FA AcceptMissionResponse 0062AA10 00B165D0 00B165B0 PlayerCreatureController Missions
ObjController0FC RemoveMissionResponse 0062AA10 00B165D0 00B165B0 PlayerCreatureController Missions
ObjController102 DraftSchematics 006E5210 00AF6D00 00AF6C70 ClientController Crafting
ObjController103 DraftSlots 006E5210 00AF7280 00AF7190 ClientController Crafting
ObjController10C CraftingIntResponse 006E5210 00B193B0 00B19390 ClientController Crafting
ObjController113 ExperimentationResponse 006E5210 00B193B0 00B19390 ClientController Crafting
ObjController115 SecureTrade 0062AA10 00AE3060 00AE3010 PlayerCreatureController Trade
ObjController117 CommandQueueRemove 0062AA10 00AE3850 00AE37E0 PlayerCreatureController Commands
ObjController12E Social 0062AA10 00AF3E70 00AF3E50 PlayerCreatureController Player Emote
ObjController131 Posture 006392E0 00B11F50 00B12090 CreatureController Posture
ObjController134 CombatSpam 0062AA10 00AEED70 00AEED50 PlayerCreatureController Combat
ObjController13B SitOnObject 006392E0 00ACE300 00ACE2E0 CreatureController Sit On Object
ObjController140 WeaponRanges 006E5210 00B11BB0 00B11B30 ClientController Combat
ObjController142 AbortMission 0062AA10 00ADE520 00ADE500 PlayerCreatureController Missions
ObjController147 ObjectMenuResponse 0062AA10 00AF35F0 00AF3510 PlayerCreatureController Radial Menu
ObjController166 SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 006392E0 01194F20 01194EE0 CreatureController Entertainer
ObjController167 SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 0062AA10 01195040 01194FF0 PlayerCreatureController Commands
ObjController1BD ShowFlyText 006E5210 00B13280 00B13260 ClientController Combat
ObjController1BE NextStageResponse 006E5210 00B193B0 00B19390 ClientController Crafting
ObjController1BF DraftSlotsQueryResponse 0062AA10 00B19CB0 00B19BF0 PlayerCreatureController Crafting
ObjController1C2 EndCraftingSession 006E5210 011951C0 01195180 ClientController Crafting
ObjController1DB BiographyUpdateMessage 0062AA10 01196180 01196130 PlayerCreatureController Biography
ObjController1E7 PlayerSearchResponse 0062AA10 01196340 011962B0 PlayerCreatureController Player Search
ObjController1FC StartingLocationsList 0062AA10 011967B0 01196720 PlayerCreatureController Starting Location
ObjController1FD SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 0062AA10 011965B0 01196530 PlayerCreatureController Starting Location
ObjController207 ResourceWeights 0062AA10 00B13C30 00B13A90 PlayerCreatureController Crafting
ObjController229 AddPlayerBuffMessage 006392E0 00AC81C0 00AC8190 CreatureController Buffs
ObjController22A RemovePlayerBuffMessage 006392E0 00AC80C0 00AC80A0 CreatureController Buffs
ObjController22B SetupSharedNetworkMessages 006E5210 00AC8310 00AC8300 ClientController Radial
ObjController22C SetupSharedNetworkMessages 006E5210 00AC8310 00AC8300 ClientController Radial
ObjController238 ImageDesignChangeMessage 0062AA10 00B0B990 00B0B620 PlayerCreatureController Image Design
ObjController239 ImageDesignEndMessage 0062AA10 00B0B990 00B0B620 PlayerCreatureController Image Design
ObjController23A ImageDesignStartMessage 0062AA10 00B11260 00B111C0 PlayerCreatureController Image Design
ObjController3E8 SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 0062AA10 01196180 01196130 PlayerCreatureController ??
ObjController3F5 SetupSharedNetworkMessages 0061C740 00AC8340 00AC8320 PlayerShipController JTL
ObjController3F6 SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 0062AA10 01196CD0 01196C20 PlayerCreatureController ??
ObjController3F8 ShipHit 00618850 00AC8420 00AC8400 ShipController JTL
ObjController3F9 EnvironmentalHit 00618850 00AC84C0 00AC84A0 ShipController JTL
ObjController3FE SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 0062AA10 01195B30 01195A70 PlayerCreatureController ??
ObjController401 SetupSharedNetworkMessages 0062AA10 00AC85C0 00AC8540 PlayerCreatureController Mediator UI
ObjController412 SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 0061C740 01195890 01195850 PlayerShipController JTL
ObjController413 SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 0061C740 01195890 01195850 PlayerShipController JTL
ObjController41D PlayerShipsList 0062AA10 01196A60 01196980 PlayerCreatureController JTL
ObjController42D JumpToSpace 0062AA10 01195B30 01195A70 PlayerCreatureController JTL
ObjController42E SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 0062AA10 01197240 01197230 PlayerCreatureController JTL
ObjController42F SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 0062AA10 01197240 01197230 PlayerCreatureController JTL
ObjController432 NebulaLightningHit 00618850 00B107A0 00B10730 ShipController JTL
ObjController437 SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 0062AA10 01195890 01195850 PlayerCreatureController ??
ObjController439 SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 0062AA10 01196EE0 01196EB0 PlayerCreatureController ??
ObjController43C SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 0062AA10 01195890 01195850 PlayerCreatureController Group Lottery
ObjController43D SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 0062AA10 01195890 01195850 PlayerCreatureController Group Lotter
ObjController440 QuestTaskCounterMessage 0062AA10 00B0F6F0 00B0F630 PlayerCreatureController Quests
ObjController441 QuestTaskTimerMessage 0062AA10 00B0F0D0 00B0F020 PlayerCreatureController Quests


ID Label Handler Unpack Pack Class System Status
ObjController071? DataTransform 00B3D250 00AD4860 00AD4810 Movement 14,2B
ObjController0ED? ResourceEmptyHopper 0099DB90 00AF6340 00AF6320 Harvesters 83
ObjController0F1? DataTransformWithParent 00B3D250 00AD43B0 00AD4360 Movement 14
ObjController0F5 MissionListRequest 00979340 00AF4980 00AF4930 Mission 83
ObjController0F9? MissionAcceptRequest 009797A0 00AF51B0 00AF5190 Mission 83
ObjController106? CraftExperiment 0098CF20 00AF5E60 00AF5DF0 Crafting 83
ObjController107? CraftFillSlot 00701AC0 00AEC2A0 00AEC240 Crafting 83
ObjController108? CraftEmptySlot 0098C190 00AF5480 00AF5430 Crafting 83
ObjController115? SecureTrade 005E13F0 00AE3060 00AE3010 Trade 23
ObjController116? CommandQueueEnqueue 0062CB50 00AE3EF0 00AE3E80 Commands 23
ObjController117? CommandQueueRemove 0062CBD0 00AE3850 00AE37E0 Commands 23
ObjController126 UseObject 00618930 00ADE520 00ADE500 Radial 83
ObjController13F? TeleportAck 0061C310 00AE3500 00AE34E0 JTL 23
ObjController142? AbortMission 00979960 00ADE520 00ADE500 Missions 83
ObjController146? ObjectMenuRequest 009698C0 00AF35F0 00AF3510 Radial 23
ObjController15A? CraftCustomization 0098C570 00AF5860 00AF57B0 Crafting 83
ObjController238? ImageDesignChangeMessage 00D9E780 00B0B990 00B0B620 Image Design 23
ObjController239? ImageDesignEndMessage 00D9D360 00B0B990 00B0B620 Image Design 23
ObjController3FA? SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 006189A0 01194F20 01194EE0 JTL 83
ObjController41C? RequestPlayerShips 00E29EE0 01195890 01195850 JTL 83
ObjController435? DroidCommandProgrammingMessage 00DFCED0 00B10020 00B0FEF0 JTL 23
ObjController436? SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 00E00570 01195890 01195850 User Interface 23
ObjController438? SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 00652630 01196EE0 01196EB0 JTL 23
ObjController43C? SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 00E35280 01195890 01195850 Group Lottery 0B
ObjController43F? SetupSwgSharedNetworkMessages 00F121F0 01197040 01196FE0 Group Lottery 23