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(New page: SECTION 13: NOTES General: Light Enclave: Yavin IV (-5575, 4905) Dark Enclave: Yavin IV (5079, 305) If you clone at a Force Shrine you will incurr 100 wounds to each primary bar (Healt...)
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Latest revision as of 17:10, 21 September 2007



Light Enclave: Yavin IV (-5575, 4905)

Dark Enclave: Yavin IV (5079, 305)

If you clone at a Force Shrine you will incurr 100 wounds to each primary bar (Health/Action/Mind) and 100 battle fatigue.

The Jedi TEF system is gone. You will no longer receive a TEF for using your lightsaber or force powers. However, if you choose to join the Rebellion or Empire you can still receive factional TEF's the same way other players can.

To start the Knight Trials you must kneel in front of your Force Shrine (on the planet you were told to go to), click on the urn, and select "Meditate" from the radial menu.

You can see the PvP Rank of yourself or another player by using "/showPvPRank". It seems that this value determines how much Rank XP you can receive from an individual for DB'ing them.

To see the current ranks of the FRS Jedi on your side (once becoming a Knight) you can use "/showCouncilRank".

On TC you could use /restartConversion to go back to the initial point when you converted and re-pick your skills (all progress since then will be lost tho). Unknown if this will be actived on Live.

Reportedly, the "Jedi Master" title is gained by reaching rank 8 (Arbiter/Oppressor) in the FRS.

Force Rank experience can only be gained by killing other opposing side Jedi. Normal players will yield 0 FR XP (but you still lose FR XP if killed by them). The only exception to this is Master Bounty Hunters, FR XP can be gained by killing them as well.

Jedi can now use Holocrons to completely refill their Force power! They can be used in or out of battle and Light or Sith Holocrons can both be used (despite allegiance). Once used, the Holocron will disappear from your inventory and you can’t use another one for 23 hours (the next day).

The list used to track Jedi and Bounty Hunters killed to gain Force Rank XP has now been improved and will no longer reset after logging out. If Force Rank XP was gained from killing a Jedi or Bounty Hunter, then that same individual will not grant more XP if killed again until they have been removed from the list. Individuals are removed from the list by either “bumping” them off it from killing a number of other Jedi/BH’s or the list will expire after 3 days of not killing any other Jedi/BH’s.

Re-rolling: The second slot (non-Jedi character) is tied to your slot with the Jedi character. As long as you have a slot with a Jedi character the other slot can be re-rolled (delete the character and create a new one) as many times as you want. However, you can never re-roll your Jedi character though, that is unless you make the character on your other slot also a Jedi as well, at which point your could re-roll your first Jedi character (but it would not be re-rolled as a Jedi). If you need further clarifications on this please feel free to PM me.


Force Regen Time = (max / (regen / 10 sec)) / 60 sec/min

Force Meditate Regen Time = regen x 3 (or force regen time / 3)

As your regen rating gets higher your ticks get faster. The amount regen'd per tick is always about 5-6 force. The formula to figure out the regen tick time is: regen tick time = (regen per tick x regen time span) / regen rate

Jedi Attack Modifier = 1.5

Base Attack Speed = ((100 - speed mod) / 100) x weapon speed

Special Attack Speed = base attack speed x special move speed

FRS Maintenance Cost = rank x 100

Force Armor 1 Force Cost = 0.5 x damage absorbed

Force Armor 2 Force Cost = 0.3 x damage absorbed

Jedi Abilities:

In order to get the +10 regen bonus from Jedi Robes you must have the robe equipped and a lightsaber equipped.

Jedi Toughness does not work against Lightsabers.

Reportedly (from the devs), Jedi Toughness effectiveness is reduced when combined with Lightsaber Toughness. However, effectiveness should be the following when combined:

     55 LS Tough + 0 Jedi Tough = 55.00% reduction
     55 LS Tough + 13 Jedi Tough = 60.85% reduction
     55 LS Tough + 21 Jedi Tough = 64.45% reduction
     55 LS Tough + 45 Jedi Tough = 75.25% reduction
     40 LS Tough + 21 Jedi Tough = 52.60% reduction
     40 LS Tough + 45 Jedi Tough = 67.00% reduction

Force Armor and Shield will drain force for every hit you take while they are activated based on how much damage they absorb.

You must use "Peace" after using Animal Calm for it to work.

Animal Attack is an awesome ability. You can use it to turn any creature against your current combat target (the one you're actively engaged with), even if that creature is currently attacking you! Also, it can be used on as many creatures at a time as you want. For example, I was able to use this to get an entire herd of Brackasets to attack their own lair, it was hillarious! The possibilities for this ability are only limited by your own deviousness...

Jedi Mind Trick does not remove a PCD (Pet Control Device) from the owner's inventory, it just causes the targeted 'pet' to turn back into its 'wild version', attacking anybody nearby if it's aggressive. Note that it doesn't have any affect on droids or an AT-ST.

Avoid Incapacitation lasts for 30 seconds from use and makes it so that you can not be incapped while it lasts. It can be stacked and can also be used while KD/Dizzied.

Regain Consciousness allows you to self-rez after being DB’d. However, you suffer from one minute of grogginess afterwards (no actions can be taken) and your force regen will be halved for 30 minutes. You lose 50K Jedi XP when using this move (plus the appropriate FR XP loss), but it still beats -200K XP. Unknown how long after death that it can be effectively used, I've waited 6 full minutes and still have been able to use it.

Force Intimidate and Force Knockdown are considered Force Power attacks and not as state-inducing attacks. Their accuracy modifiers are only compared against the target’s Force Defenses. Defense Versus and Jedi State Defenses are not factored in, if the attack hits then the state is automatically applied.

Damage output is greatly reduced for Jedi when using Force Run 2 and 3 (but not from Force Run 1).

Crystal/Pearl Stats:

Quality Types: Poor, Fair, Good, Quality, Select, Premium, Flawless

Condition can range from 700-1400

Top-end Min/Max Damage is +50

Top-end Speed is -0.6

Top-end Force Cost is -9

Top-end HAM Cost is -9

Crystal Colors: Red, Dark Red, Light Green, Dark Green, Blue, Dark Blue, Yellow, Dark Yellow, Light Purple, Dark Purple, Orange, Brown

Qualifying for Jedi Knight:

You must have at least two level 4 boxes in Jedi skills (so 2/2/2/2 across the Jedi skills won't allow you to "quickly" enter the FRS).

You must spend a certain amount of skill points on Jedi skills. Current reports from those that have qualified indicates that you must have at least 230 points spent on Jedi skills (includes FS skills). Note that as long as you meet this requirement you can spend the remaining 20 skill points on whatever other skills you want, even regular skills (such as Novice Brawler).

The purpose of the having these 20 skill points open is to allow you to modify your template after entering the FRS, if you so desire.

You cannot fall below Rank 0 or get "kicked out" of the FRS.

If you want to switch sides after joining the FRS or while doing the Knight Trials you must drop out of the FRS and start the Knight Trials again.

If you decide to leave the FRS you will retain the Knight title, but obviously lose the additional skill mods and the ability to wear the Knight robes. Note that if you decide you want to enter the FRS again you must redo the entire Knight Trials.

To leave the FRS you must drop all of your Force Ranking boxes in the skill sheet.


Padawan are considered Civilian by default now. However, they can choose to join either faction and function exactly the same as a regular player factional member (including the use of faction pets).

Jedi that complete the Knight Trials will be permanently PvP Enabled - Special Forces, Light Jedi Knights will be Rebels and Dark Jedi Knights will be Imperials. This choice is made while doing the trials.

Planetary Occupation and Contraband Scans:

Several static cities have NPC’s in them that can perform contraband scans. If you are found with contraband there will be actions taken against you...

Contraband items are things such as sliced weapons and armor, spices, and Lightsabers.

The penalties for being caught with contraband depend mainly on your factional alignment and which faction currently controls the planet and city (you can tell by looking at the banners around cities). If you are aligned or a Civilian then you will simply be fined for being caught with contraband. However, if you belong to the opposing faction then the scanner will attack you and call in NPC support as well. There are slightly different rules though if you are discovered to be a Jedi...

Imperial aligned scanners will call in support against all Jedi, while Rebel aligned scanners will only call in support against Imperial Jedi (not Rebels or Civilians). These NPC’s will be much tougher than the usual support.

However, there are certain factors that can allow you to avoid contraband being discovered. First of all, if you are aligned to the faction, then your faction rank can help you to pass scans. Smuggler’s skills in the underworld let them conceal contraband on themselves and group members close to them. Force Sensitives with Heightened Senses in Persuasion can sometimes fool scanners into passing over their contraband. Finally, all Jedi have an innate ability (automatic event) where they may try to use a “mind trick” to convince a scanner that they are not carrying any contraband. FRS Jedi have a slightly higher chance of this event occuring.


You gain visibility by equipping a lightsaber, initiating combat with a lightsaber, and using any Jedi-related skills that consume Force power within range of other players or NPC's. You will gain a little at a time for using it in front of a few people. Do it in front of a lot of people (like in a starport) and you will almost immediately appear on the BH Terminals.

The range for visibility is 32 meters. Performing any of the above acts in front of PC/NPC’s within that range will increase your visibility.

It is unknown if you gain visibility for just having a lightsaber or robe equipped.

It is also unknown if you gain visibility only upon using a force power or if having a latent Force power active in front of others (such as Force Run or Force Armor) will gain you visibility as well.

It is rumoured that only NPC's that you can loot credits off of will count towards gaining visibility (but they all seem to drop credits now after publish 10.2).

The increase to a Jedi's Visibility Value (JVV) is determined as follows:

     An opposing faction member who views this action will add the full value of the action to the Jedi Visibility Value.
     A Civilian PC or non-animal NPC will increase the JVV by 50 percent of the action's Jedi Visibility Modifier.
     A same-faction PC or non-animal NPC will increase the JVV by 25 percent of the action's Jedi Visibility Modifier.

Being grouped with a PC or non-animal NPC who is viewing this action has no influence on how Jedi Visibility is obtained. In other words, group members will still increase your visibility regardless.

Note that for Civilian Jedi everyone else is considered Civilian when calculating the increase to visibility. No one is considered to be of an allied or opposing faction and will always increase the JVV by 50 percent of the action’s Jedi Visibility Modifier.

Visibility decays over time, taking three weeks to decay fully.

Jedi Bounty Missions:

Once you have gained enough visibility you will appear on the Bounty Hunter Terminals, where up to five BH's can pick up the mission and try to hunt you down to kill you.

Bounty Hunters with a mission will gain a BH TEF that allows them to freely attack the Jedi that they have a mission for.

Once the BH attacks the Jedi the BH TEF will be shared, allowing the Jedi to attack the BH back.

At this point both players will be put in a healing “lock down” situation, where outside parties (including group members) cannot perform healing or beneficial actions on either player. You can still be attacked though if you are PvP Enabled - Special Forces.

The healing “lock down” is supposed to be removed once the battle ends.

If the BH kills you he will complete the mission and receive the reward. Your Visibility should be reset after this and all other BH’s with your mission should fail it.

If you kill the BH, then only that BH will fail the mission and lose the BH TEF on you. All other BH’s with your mission will maintain it and your Visibility will still remain the same.

Jedi must deathblow BH’s in order to make them fail their mission.

FRS Jedi will gain Force Ranking experience from killing Master Bounty Hunters.

There are currently many problems with BH Jedi Missions, such as triple incapping a Jedi to avoid losing the BH TEF, the BH TEF not clearing after killing the Jedi, healing being allowed through the “lock down”, entering private structures during combat, and so on...

Death Penalty:

Upon death Jedi now suffer Jedi XP loss.

If you clone you will lose an amount of Jedi XP based on your skill level:

     -4,500 XP if you are only a Jedi Initiate or below (haven’t completed Padawan Trials yet).
     -5,000 XP if you have no novice boxes in any of the Jedi Disciplines (new Padawan).
     -15,000 XP if you have any novice boxes in any Jedi Discipline.
     -30,000 XP if you have any level 1 boxes in any Jedi Discipline.
     -50,000 XP if you have any level 2 boxes in any Jedi Discipline.
     -100,000 XP if you have any level 3 boxes in any Jedi Discipline.
     -200,000 XP if you have any level 4 boxes (a full branch) in any Jedi Discipline.

If you use Regain Consciousness you will lose -50,000 Jedi XP (but not the -200K).

If you get rez'd by a doc you do not lose any Jedi XP (unless DB'd by a BH of course).

The cap for negative XP is -10 million and it will not 'decay', so be careful!

The death penalty from Bounty Hunter missions changed in Publish 10.3, it is now calculated as follows:

     Payout for Jedi Missions is now 1000 times the number of skill points the Jedi has devoted to Jedi and Force Sensitive skills. The minimum payout is 25,000 and the maximum (for a Padawan) is 250,000.
     If a Jedi is defeated by a BH their payout will default to the minimum (25K) for a few days (3?).
     Jedi experience loss for dying from a BH with a mission is twice the payout of the mission, or rather 2000 times the number of skill points the Jedi has spent on Jedi and FS skills (unless they've been killed by a BH recently, then it's the minimum loss). The minimum XP loss is -50,000 and the maximum is -500,000.
     This penalty is incurred at the moment the BH deathblows the Jedi, so Cloning and Regain Consciousness penalties still apply as well. (I feel this is a little harsh...)

Jedi do not suffer a death penalty from dying in space (except in the case of Multiplayer Ships as passengers).

FRS Jedi remain PvP Enabled - Special Forces on cloning, unlike regular players.

Alternatives to Jedi Robes:

Aakuan Loot: Rings (+5 ranged defense, can wear two), Belt (+10 disease resistance), Robe (+10 posion reistance), and Shirt (+10 bleed resistance).

BE-enhanced Tailor Clothing: There are two types of BE-enhances that are useful for Jedi, +bleeding defense and +stun/melee defense. You can get these built into various Tailor-made clothing, just remember that the maximum cumulative bonus you can get from each bonus type is +25.

In addition to Robes, Jedi can also wear Belts, Gloves, and some types of Headwear.

Skill Enhancing Attachments (SEA's): Of course Jedi Robes don't have slots, but you can get gloves, headwear, and belts with them so you can add SEA's that would be useful to Jedi in these (see next sub-section).

Skill Enhancing Attachments:

SEA's that are useable by Jedi:

     Terrain Negotiation
     Melee Defense
     Ranged Defense
     Bleeding Resistance
     Combat Bleeding Defense
     Poison Resistance
     Disease Resistance
     Fire Resistance
     Defense vs. Dizzy
     Defense vs. Blind
     Defense vs. Knockdown
     Defense vs. Posture Change (Up)
     Defense vs. Posture Change (Down)
     Defense vs. Intimidate
     Defense vs. Stun

Remember that the maximum bonus allowable from SEA's and BE clothing is +25, any combined amount over that will be ignored.

Also note that Resistances SEA's (eg. Posion Resistance) do not stack on top of other resistances, such as the Force Resists or the Doctor Resistance buffs. Same thing for Defense versus SEA's (eg. Defense vs. Dizzy), they are separate checks from Jedi State Defenses and Force Resist States.

In my opinion, Terrain Negotiation is the most valuable SEA for Jedi, since we have none innately. Melee Defense and then Ranged Defense are useful as well.

Lightsaber Sample Stats:

Lightsaber 4th gen stats (damage fully experimented, 10pts.):

     One-hand: 153-257, 4.3
     Two-Hand: 191-292, 4.6
     Lance: 231-319, 4.9

Lightsaber 3rd gen stats (damage fully experimented, 7pts.):

     One-hand: ?
     Two-Hand: 181-284, 4.6, 39fc
     Lance: 207-297, 4.9, 39fc