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<div class="article"><TABLE cellSpacing=10
cellPadding=0 width=525 border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width="520"
valign="top"> <P align=center><b><IMG
pdate_history.jpg" hspace="5" border=0 align=middle></b></P> <p
align="center"><em><strong><font size="5">Star
Wars</font></strong></em><font size="5"><strong> Galaxies<br>
</strong></font><font size="4"><strong>Publish Archive
2005</strong></font></p> <HR> <p><strong>January 13, 2005 </strong><br>
<strong>Publish 12 </strong><br> <br> <strong>Avatar </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Improved avatar sitting in chair and after 5 minutes
sliding forward and being left floating in the air </p>
<p><strong>Bazaar/Vendor </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed problem
with item getting deleted after retrieving item from vendor </p>
<p><strong>Client Stability </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Chat saving
protocols have been optimized on the client. (For those that are
curious, we throttled excessive disk io in the UI saving code and
limited the amount of back scroll text that is saved to the uis. This
should help out with client lag and make larger uis files considerably
smaller.) </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed a Crash To Desktop when using the
/ttell command without having an active target. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Fixed a Crash-to-Desktop when using the &quot;Disconnect&quot; button
in-game. </p> <p><strong>Crafting </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Berserker Rifle Stabilization components now drop with serial numbers.
</p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Existing Berserker Rifle Stabilization components
should now have serial numbers as well. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Hide and
Organic symbols have been changed. </p> <p><strong>Events </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Wookiee Life Day has been disabled for US and European
servers </p> <p><strong>GCW </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Faction
backpacks are no longer auto-unequipped </p> <p><strong>Inventory
</strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Added checkboxes to force sorting the
player's datapad and inventory contents. When run the first time, these
values should default to &quot;on&quot;. The toggles are located under
the options/interface UI. Turning them off will give the behavior that
occurred before the auto-sorting feature was introduced. </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed problem with items looted from a corpse
disappearing after crossing server boundary </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed
a problem with items disappearing after picking items up from a house
and crossing server boundary </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Faction backpacks
should no longer disappear when traveling or logging out. Faction
backpacks will no longer be auto-unequipped. Note: other faction items
may auto-unequip and can sometimes overload your inventory. If this
happens, you will not be able to move. You will need to move items out
of your inventory into an equipped backpack, bank, house, get help from
a friend, etc., or delete items as needed until the inventory count is
within limits. </p> <p><strong>Loot </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
&quot;Recyclers&quot; have been added to the game. There are 5 types of
recyclers: Flora, Creature, Metal, Chemical and Ore. </p>
<p><strong>Space Missions </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Star Destroyer
now drops 10-20k credits in deep space </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Rebel space
station now drops 10-20k credits in deep space </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; The
prison ship in the rebel tier 4 recovery duty &quot;Rescue prisoners
from the Empire&quot; will no longer exit the Dathomir region early.
</p> <p><strong>Space UI </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Added light gray
directional indicators that display a gunner's target to the pilot of a
ship with turrets. In a multi-passenger ship when a player mans a
turret, when the gunner cycles through targets, the pilot should see a
light gray arrow that indicates the direction of the gunner's target.
Please note that this should only appear when the target is off screen
(similar to the standard target arrow) and that if the gunner and the
pilot have the same thing targeted, then the target will only be
indicated by the player's blue arrow. </p> <p><strong>Tutorial / New
User Experience </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; The tutorial voice over
will play once again. </p> <br> <HR> <p> <strong>January 25th, 2005
</strong><strong><br> </strong><strong>Publish 12.1 </strong></p> <p>On
behalf of the entire Dev team we would like to extend a big thank you
to everyone that helped out on Test Center this weekend and to our Test
Center community for being patient with the frogs and visiting guests.
</p> <p>Along with the following features and bug fixes players that
have not updated to DirectX 9.0c are required to please do so with this
publish. </p> <p><strong>Artisan </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Crafting
an All Purpose Ship Repair Kit will now use artisan experimentation
instead of shipwright experimentation. </p> <p><strong>Combat
</strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed a problem where warcry would stack
multiple times. </p> <p><strong>Crafting </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Allowed survey/sampling while on mounts </p> <p><strong>Dancers /
Musicians </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; We now allow a dancer/musician
buff simultaneously </p> <p><strong>Entertainer </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Entertainer mission payouts have been substantially
increased. </p> <p><strong>GCW </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Imperial
crackdown presence has had their firepower DRAMATICALLY increased </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed faction base vulnerability bug </p>
<p><strong>Jedi </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Force Meditate now clears
on all server transitions and login </p> <p><strong>Loot </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Exceptional quality weapons will no longer drop with
unlimited DOT charges. </p> <p><strong>Missions </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; The prison ship in the rebel tier 4 recovery duty
&quot;Rescue prisoners from the Empire&quot; will no longer exit the
Dathomir region early. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed a bug that prevented
space missions from failing if you left the mission zone prematurely.
</p> <p><strong>New Players </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Newly created
players who start in Kaadara, Naboo will no longer float 200m above the
ground for 20 seconds </p> <p><strong>Player Structures </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; All maintenance fees will automatically attempt to
deduct from Bank accounts after the maintenance pool has been depleted.
Once a structure reaches 0 hitpoints, it will flag itself as condemned
instead of deleting itself. Condemned houses are not enterable, and all
other structures are not usable. To uncondemn a house, simply enter it
with enough money in the bank to pay the repair cost. To uncondemn all
other structures, use them with enough money in the bank to pay the
costs. </p> <p><strong>Politician </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Politician skill boxes will no longer require skill points to train.
</p> <p><strong>Quests </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Players will only
be allowed 350 quests in their quests list. </p> <p><strong>Saitek
Gaming Keyboard / Joystick </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed an issue
with Saitek gaming keyboard </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fix for Saitek X52
flight control system </p> <p><strong>Server Stability </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed some issues that were causing server crashes </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed a major crash to desktop that involved lightsaber
use </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Improved client stability </p>
<p><strong>Ships </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Complete revamp of
interior ship alarms. They should turn off now. You must redeed
existing ships to completely correct the issue </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; The
target status window updates properly for gunners. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Weapon capacitor overcharge should charge the space ship weapons beyond
100% and increase charge rate </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed engine
slow-down in first-person camera mode. </p> <p><strong>Space
</strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Star Destroyer now grants experience
equivalent to Rebel Spacestation in Deep Space </p> <p><strong>Space UI
</strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; In the ship component view ('v') the
following corrections where changed </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Capacitors
where not reflecting the correct state data in the components UI. </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; The shield recharge rate has now been corrected </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Max capacitor value now changes to reflect the new max
value. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Grey targeting arrow for POB ships will now
fade in and out instead of disappearing. </p> <p><strong>Spawns / POI
</strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Krayt Dragon Population boom! </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Decreased spawn times for some POI's </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Decreased spawn times for Dathomir Spider Cave </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Spawn System Refinements </p> <p><strong>Species
</strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Mon Calamari now able to spend faction
points to buy items from Imperial recruiter. </p> <p><strong>Travel
</strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Added X31 (not a typo) landspeeder to all
newbie starting equipment. This new speeder looks identical to the X34
but goes 10% slower. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Decreased starport wait time
to 60 seconds </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed an issue where spawns were not
being generated when in a speeder </p> <p><strong>UI </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Reticle optimization </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Tweaked space
controls backend </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed display of faction rank for
character with no rank affiliation </p> <p><strong>Vendors
</strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed an issue with vendors where you had
less then the maximum amount but you couldn't place a vendor </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Player and vendor must be in the same building for the
player to be allowed to initialize the vendor. </p> <HR> <p>
<strong>January 27, 2005 </strong><br> <strong>Live Publish
</strong><strong><br> </strong><strong>Version 0.110667 </strong><br>
<br> <strong>Draft Schematics </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed draft
schematic icons &amp; information. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; You should see
the ingredients required to create objects instead of the information
about the object, schematics should no longer appear with red/degraded
backgrounds, and icons will appear in detailed view. </p>
<p><strong>Japanese Client </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed a crash
when the chat box was clicked on using the Japanese Version of the game
</p> <p><strong>Rubberbanding </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; We are
aware of the issue with rubberbanding and are devoting serious
development resources to it. </p> <HR> <p><strong>
</strong><strong>January 28th, 2005 </strong><br> <strong>Live Publish
</strong><strong><br> </strong><strong>Version 110788 </strong><br>
This publish is a server side publish which means you will not see the
version number change on your client. Please do not be concerned about
this. <br> <br> <strong>Dancer </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed an
issue with the Dancer Mind buff not working properly </p> <HR> <br>
<strong>January 31, 2005 </strong> <p><strong>Live Publish
</strong><strong><br> </strong><strong>Version 0.111099 </strong><br>
<br> <strong>Server Stability </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Improved
server stability </p> <HR> <p><strong>February 1, 2005
</strong><strong><br> </strong><strong>Version 0.111212 </strong></p>
<p><strong>Server Stability </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed a
problem players were experiencing with a rubberbanding affect. </p>
<p><strong>February 10, 2005 </strong><br> <strong>Publish 13.0
</strong></p> <p><strong>Inventory </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Inventory has been increased to now hold 80 items </p>
<p><strong>Structures </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; All Housing item
limits have been changed. This will mean that small houses can now
store 100 items for a Naboo small house, and 200 for the the other
small and medium houses. Large houses and Guild Halls can now store 400
items each instead of being limited to 250 items each </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Large houses should now take up 5 lots instead of 6.
<strong>In order to get the lot limits redeemed please put maintenance
into the house and it will credit you the remaining lots. </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Guild halls should now take up 5 lots instead of 7.
<strong>In order to get the lot limits redeemed please put maintenance
into the house and it will credit you the remaining lots. </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Fix problem where a factory will stop producing items
for no apparent reason, even though the factory has sufficient
maintenance, power, ingredients, and the output hopper is not full.
</p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed a problem that can cause items dropped into
a structure to disappear after you leave the structure and re-enter the
structure later. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed when you are too far from a
structure to /name, /paymaint you get a message &quot;You are too far
from the terminal to purchase a ticket.&quot; </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Factory owners are now notified with an appropriate message via system
message and mail when the factory stops making items because the output
hopper is full. </p> <p><strong>Profession Smuggler </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Smugglers no longer have an artificial faction point
cap when buying faction points. The cap is their actual point cap.
Signing up with the faction will make a larger bribery option
available, and rising in ranks will increase the cap as per normal
factional progression. </p> <p><strong>Profession Combat Medic, Doctors
and Medics </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; The total amount of time delay
between Medic wound healing has been reduced to a third of the original
delay. </p> <p><strong>Profession Entertainer / Dancer / Musician
</strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; The minimum time required to watch an
Entertainer before having a mind buff applied has been reduced from 2
minutes to 1 minute. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Increased
Entertainer/Dancer/Musician wound healing </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; It now
takes half as long to apply an Entertainer mind buff. </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; It now takes a quarter of the time it used to take to
heal Mind/Focus/Willpower wounds. </p> <p><strong>All Professions
</strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Removed all apprentice XP requirements
from all professions </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Decreased Incapacitation Time
by 50% </p> <p><strong>UI </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; The radial menu
options to invite someone to your group has been increased from 32m to
a max distance of 90 meters. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; An option to display
faction rank has been added to the Community - Character UI page. When
enabled, the faction rank will be displayed above your character (just
below the character name). </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; An option was added to
turn off game object arrows on the radar </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; An option
was added to turn off friendly NPCs from the radar to make the radar
cleaner and allow you to more easily see your Avatar. </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; All skills with three line names now appear correctly
in skills window </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Radial Menus on installations
(factories and harvesters) will be accessible up to approximately 20m
from the outer edge of the installation. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
<strong>Sneak Peak: </strong> We have developed two new interfaces that
we think are easier to use. New Star Wars Galaxies TEST and New MMORPG
(EQ2 syle) TEST operate without using the Alt key. We have a sneak peak
of these interfaces that are still under construction in this release.
Remember these are marked TEST because they are still being refined and
subject to change. </p> <p><strong>Spawn </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Increased spawn for krayt dragons again </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; We have
added some new static spawns to Tatooine, Talus and Rori. Static means
the spawn is not spawned by players or missions and the spawn area will
respawn on it's own. Get that hunting gear on and head out to find the
new groups of NPCs that roam the galaxies. </p> <p><strong>Profession
Artisan </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed the over brightening of the
surveying effect </p> <p><strong>Space </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
The yacht, the yt1300, the Decimator, and the Nova Courier should no
longer take up a lot space. Added 20 new space missions in the Dathomir
and Rori space zones. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Dathomir Station </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; New destroy and escort missions for Imperial pilots
</p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; New destroy and escort missions for Privateer
pilots </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; New story-driven missions for Imperial
pilots </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; New story-driven missions for Privateer
pilots </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Rori Station </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; New
destroy and escort missions for Imperial pilots </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
New destroy and escort missions for RSF pilots </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; New
story-driven missions for Rebel pilots </p> <p><strong>Combat
</strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Wounded players can no longer migrate
stats that would result in a sum total of 0 or less due to wounds
causing permanent incapacitation </p> <p><strong>Server Stability
</strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Improved client stability </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed a problem players were experiencing with a
rubberbanding effect. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Streamlined the terrain
system to improve client performance </p> <p><strong>Chat </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Added a &quot;CNTRL + R&quot; command for replying to
&quot;/tells&quot;. Reply currently has the issue of replying to the
last person that sent you a message. So, if you /reply to someone and
you receive a message in the middle of the response, your private
message is sent to another player. This is now fixed by changing
CNTRL+R to send a &quot;tell&quot; the player who sent you the last
message at the time you hit CNTRL+R. </p> <p><strong>Japanese
Localizations </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; /log will now save Japanese
chat correctly </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Chat messages can be in Japanese in
macros! </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; IME candidate window now appears relative
to the text being typed </p> <p><strong>Veteran Rewards </strong></p>
<p>Veteran Rewards allow us to offer players rewards in recognition of
their investment in Star Wars Galaxies. The intent of the Veteran
Rewards program is to show our appreciation to players who have been a
part of the Star Wars Galaxies community over time by offering them a
selection of exclusive rewards. <a
?page=Veteran%20Rewards"><strong>Click here </strong></a> to read all
about the Vet Rewards Program! </p> <p><strong>To get the 360 day
reward, you need to collect the 90 and 180 rewards first.</strong></p>
<p align="center"><strong><img
licas_zoomedou.jpg"></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><a
?page=Veteran%20Rewards">We are proud to announce our Veteran Rewards
program! </a> </p> <p> <HR> <br> <strong>February 11, 2005
</strong><br> Version 0.112612 (HotFix Update) <br> <br> Veteran
Rewards <p></p> <ul> <li>The Anti Decay Kit will now properly allow you
to place a lightsaber inside in order to apply anti decay to that
lightsaber. Putting a lightsaber inside the Anti Decay Kit will cause
the Anti Decay Kit to temporarily become a notrade/nodrop until the
lightsaber is taken out. The lightsaber and all crystals inside will no
longer decay once an Anti Decay Kit is used on the lightsaber. </li>
</ul> <p>Japanese Localization </p> <ul> <li>Updated text for the
Japanese language </li> </ul> <hr> <p> <strong>February 15, 2005
</strong><br> Version 0.113060 (Hotfix Publish) </p> <p>Force Sensitive
</p> <ul> <li>The Phase 4 version of Captain Sarguillo in the Village
of Aurilia will now grant his second quest to players who had already
worked for him in a previous instance of Phase 4. </li> </ul> <p>Server
Fixes </p> <ul> <li>Improved Server Stability <li>Fixes for Crashing to
desktop </li> </ul> <hr> <p><strong> Publish 13.1</strong> <br>
<strong>February 24, 2005 </strong></p> <p>In this publish we bring you
major changes to Star Wars Galaxies.&nbsp; These changes are listed
below: </p> <p><strong>Galactic Civil War (GCW) and Temporary Enemy
Flags (TEF) </strong></p> <p>The Galactic Civil War (GCW) will be
heating up as players fight for control of the planets. The system is
broken into two major components. The introduction of an improved
flagging system for factionally aligned players (redesign of "Temporary
Enemy Flags" - TEFs: they no longer make players vulnerable to PVP
without declaring faction) and the introduction of a GCW tracking
system that allows players to battle over planets and win control of
cities for their faction. </p> <p><strong>Group Friendly Looting
</strong></p> <p>Group Looting in Star Wars is a variety of methods for
how players in Star Wars Galaxies can distribute loot.&nbsp;&nbsp;
These systems will allow the group leader to determine what type of
looting system his group will use.</p> <p><strong>Player Event Perks
</strong></p> <p>Every week there are a many player-run events held
across the galaxy. These events can be anything from PvP tourneys and
role-playing events to murder mysteries or dance parties. To help
players more easily run these events, the Event Team has been working
on some special tools and perks.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Force Sensitive
</strong></p> <ul> <li>The Phase 4 version of Captain Sarguillo in the
Village of Aurilia will now grant his second quest to players who had
already worked for him in a previous instance of Phase 4 </li> </ul>
<p><strong>Server Fixes </strong></p> <ul> <li>Improved Server
Stability <li>Fixes for crashing to desktop <li>Optimizations to water
code to improve client performance.&nbsp; Water detail control
currently does nothing. </li> </ul> <p><strong>Veteran Rewards
</strong></p> <ul> <li>If you have triggered more than one veteran
reward at the same time, the announcement will remind you that you need
to claim the first reward before the second will be offered.&nbsp;
<li>The command /claimVeteranReward will now bring up the choices for
the new veteran rewards, in addition to the Sorosuub. This will also
fix an issue where players choose the option to be reminded in a week
for rewards and they change their mind but have to wait out the week,
now players can type /claimVeteranReward to reinitiate the process.
<li>Anti Decay Kits will now reset the item it is being used on to
maximum hitpoints.&nbsp; Items that have already had Anti Decay applied
will also be reset to maximum hitpoints. </li> </ul> <p><strong>Combat
</strong></p> <ul> <li>Fixed a bug where a dead or incapacitated person
could shutdown a factional base before it blew up. <li>Removed
insta-deathblows <li>Made incapacitation work if you are feigning death
</li> </ul> <p><strong>Space</strong> </p> <ul> <li>Changed escort ship
on Rori rebel story mission so that it highlights as an ally <li>Fixed
plasma conduit repair bug </li> </ul> <p><strong>UI </strong></p> <ul>
<li>New mouse button behavior in modeless test interfaces: <ul>
<li>Single left-click selects object when the button is released
<li>Double left-click now selects object and causes default action
<li>Single right-click selects object and brings up the context menu
when the button is released <li>Pressing a mouse button down in the
scene to move the camera no longer deselects the object; however, by
default, clicking quickly in the scene will deselect the current
target. </li> </ul> <li>Using commands targeted by name now works for
targets on vehicles and mounts.&nbsp; <li>The UI hud effectors will no
longer override opacity. UI elements will appear at 100% opacity
instead of 80%. <li>Fixed a issue players were experiencing when they
didn't have a target and typed an action <li>Ground radar
optimizations/fixes <li>"turn strafes" switch now works properly on
"New MMORPG (EQ2 style)" keymap <li>Hovering over a blip on the radar
will display tooltip info about the blip. <li>Removed extra popup
windows when clicking on friendly players </li> </ul>
<p><strong>Musician / Entertainer / Dancer </strong></p> <ul> <li>Fixed
/stopwatch/stoplisten canceling buffs out <li>Entertainer mind wound
healing has been toned down.&nbsp; There is still a twice as much gain
in experience for healing mind wounds than there was prior to Publish
13.0. </li> </ul> <p><strong>Harvesting / Resources </strong></p> <ul>
<li>There will no longer be a penalty to harvesting while in a
group.&nbsp; Instead, there will now be a 20% harvesting bonus if you
are in a group and at least one group member is within 64m of you when
you harvest.&nbsp; If there is a Ranger present in your group and is
within 64m of you, the group harvesting bonus will be 30% for you when
you harvest.&nbsp; If there is a Master Ranger present in your group
and is within 64m of you, the group harvesting bonus will be 40%.
<li>Creatures will now yield more milk after being successfully milked.
<li>Its been a bountiful season.&nbsp; The success chances of getting
mollusks and crustaceans while shellfish harvesting has been increased.
Expect to see higher yields from your shellfish harvesting!
<li>Searching a creature lair will have a higher chance of finding eggs
as well as a lower chance of finding nothing or finding a jar of
bugs.&nbsp; You might also want to try searching the lair again; there
might be a chance you missed something! <li>Increased the amount of
resources spawned, so that rare resources will be slightly more common.
</li> </ul> <p><strong>Structures </strong></p> <ul> <li>Fixed the lack
of an "hour" suffix in the residency renewal statement <li>Fixed
housing maintenance so it now works properly <li>Fixed an issue where
if you drop a bag in a house, leave the house, and come back later, and
open the bag, you don't see the contents of the bag until you pick it
up.&nbsp; </li> </ul> <p><strong>New Players </strong></p> <ul> <li>A
single-waypoint mode is active for new players.&nbsp; <ul> <li>This
mode is selectable via the waypoint tab in the datapad. </li> </ul>
<li>Single waypoint mode keeps only one player waypoint active. </li>
</ul> <p><strong>Spawn </strong></p> <ul> <li>Fixed problem with
mission lairs disappearing </li> </ul> <p><strong>Chat </strong></p>
<ul> <li>Numpad keys turned off for non-modal chat, except for NumLock
and Enter <ul> <li>If a non-numpad key is mapped to a function it will
still go to chat for non-modal <li>Modal chat will turn off
functionality while chatting </li> </ul> <li>CTRL+R reply functionality
works across game servers. </li> </ul> <p><strong>Inventory</strong>
</p> <ul> <li>Fixed inventory flicker when you add or remove objects
from the inventory. </li> </ul> <p><strong>Misc </strong></p> <ul>
<li>Fixed problem that can cause the stomach not to empty. <li>Reduce
the stomach empty time for a full stomach to 30 minutes. </li> </ul>
<hr> <p> <strong>Hotfix Publish </strong><br> Version 0.114556 <br>
<br> <strong>Profession Ranger </strong></p> <ul> <li>The Master Ranger
skill box will now grant a significantly higher skill mod to creature
harvesting </li> </ul> <p><strong>GCW </strong></p> <ul> <li>Upon
cloning all players will be set to on-leave status </li> </ul> <hr>
<p><strong> Hotfix Publish </strong><br> Version 0.114729 <br> <br>
<strong>GCW </strong></p> <ul> <li>Recruiters will be placed in all the
stronghold cities <li>The planetary map should display cities with
"show all cities" default box checked. <li>Removed /declare command
</li> </ul> <p><strong>Combat </strong></p> <ul> <li>When a player is
marked AFK they are now unable to initiate an attack. </li> </ul>
<p><strong>Droids/ Pets </strong></p> <ul> <li>Fixed an issue where
droids and pets could not be called from the hotbar. </li> </ul> <hr>
<p><strong>Hotfix Publish </strong><br> Version 0.114815 </p>
<p><strong>Crafting </strong></p> <ul> <li>There are no longer critical
fails on crafting (which would previously destroy componets involved)
</li> </ul> <p><strong>GCW </strong></p> <ul> <li>Fixed an issue where
players could /peace to get out of combat mode with a turret and stop
taking&nbsp; damage </li> </ul> <p><strong>Krayt Spawn </strong></p>
<ul> <li>Giant Canyon and Krayt Ancient Dragons will be the only
Krayt's that drop pearls. We are monitoring the drop rate from these
two types of Krayt and we will be tuning it as we see fit </li> </ul>
<p><strong>Server Stability Fixes </strong></p> <hr> <p><strong>Hotfix
Publish </strong><br> Version&nbsp;0.115085 </p> <p><strong>Structures
</strong></p> <ul> <li>You can no longer use /transferStructure to
transfer a factional base <li>Fixed an issue where players were
receiving extra lot refunds from faction bases </li> </ul>
<p><strong>Pets </strong></p> <ul> <li>Fixed an issue where pets could
be added to a group continuously to form up a full group </li> </ul>
<HR> <p><strong>Publish 14.0 </strong><strong><br>
</strong><strong>March 9, 2005 </strong></p> <p>In this publish we
bring to you tweaks and fixes&nbsp;for the GCW, some more UI loving and
a new story Arc! Read on for more details. </p> <p><strong>Quests
</strong></p> <p>Today begins the first part of a new epic quest series
called &quot;Secrets of the Syren&quot;! Who is the pilot that everyone
is searching for? What was the dangerous cargo he was carrying that
both Imperials and Rebels want so desperately? Rebels should report
immediately to the Tyrena Cantina, Imperials to the Bestine Cantina and
Neutrals to the Theed Cantina! </p> <p><strong>GCW </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Increased the difficulty of higher level faction base
spawns. (Now that the rebel and imperial faction bases spawned entity
difficulty and numbers have recently been brought into balance with
each other, the difficulty of the spawns at bases higher than the
forward operating bases are being increased) </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; PvE
(non SF) faction bases can no longer have control terminal menu options
for resetting their vulnerability timer (which shouldn't have been
there anyhow, since PvE bases are always supposed to be vulnerable),
nor can you shut them down to abort a self-destruct countdown, once
started (which better fits the non-PvP nature of these bases). </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Added hacked terminal and base destruction alarms to
factional bases </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Added exterior reinforcement
spawner to hacked factional bases </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Decreased point
cost of faction turrets </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Decreased point cost of
the factional forward operating bases </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Factional
base deeds should now indicate what faction they are for by their name.
</p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Increased GCW point value of factional bases for
all bases higher than Forward Operating Base </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Slightly increased cost of Tactical Center to bring it in line with the
increased toughness of its spawns </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed an issue
where Imperial guards were spawning and entering Moenian cantinas </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed rank display in recruiter conversations </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; News terminals will now always open the news headlines
when you double click on them </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed several bad
faction base objective-terminal spawn locations and orientations </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed terminals only working if you were special forces
</p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Added roving security personnel to hacked
factional bases </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed a bug where objects could
block players from entering factional bases </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Changed how GCW faction perk costs are changed based on GCW status.
There was a bug that caused items to get cheaper as you started to
lose. This was incorrect and backwards. If you are losing, items get
more expensive on that planet. </p> <p><strong>AI </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed a bug where AI would warp when moving towards a
destination (such as fleeing, etc.) </p> <p><strong>UI </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; There are 4 new key bindings that are not mapped to any
key-binding at this time.&nbsp; When bound, they should filter out
friends and enemies in a previous next manner&nbsp; </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Player movement should now feel &quot;snappier&quot;
(run, walk and turn rates have been accelerated) </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Hovering over a blip on the radar will display tooltip information
about the blip. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed an issue where the buff
window would reset when a player logged out or relogged. </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Planetmap should honor the show all cities flag. </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed an issue where players could not run through
streetlamps </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; If the quest journal is open when a
task or quest completes, it will now update correctly. </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Duplicate journal entries will only be displayed once.
(e.g. Darn Droid listed a speak task 3 times before). </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Destroy, loot, and timer tasks will have a progress
counter in the journal. (e.g.. &quot;Killed: 2/10&quot; will show in
the journal description for a kill 10 worrts task). </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Tooltips on the radar will now display instantly <br>
The waypoint window in the datapad window will no longer overlap the
checkboxes in the detail view </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Radar opacity should
ignore UI opacity setting </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Improved double click
options: </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Double-clicking on NPCs will display the
appropriate messages and perform the proper actions. </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Double-clicking an incapacitated player will death-blow
them.&nbsp; </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Double-clicking on your mount will
mount or dismount you. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Double-clicking on a
crafting station will start a crafting session with a compatible
crafting tool in your inventory </p> <p><strong>Loot </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Giant Canyon and Krayt Ancient Dragons should drop
pearls at their normal drop rate </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Nightsisters
should drop crystals at their normal drop rate </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Fixed a problem with all high-end loot drop rates </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Fixed an issue that no longer allows dead players to loot factional
pets and dead players </p> <p><strong>Player Cities </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed a problem where some Mayors cannot send ingame
emails to citizens </p> <p><strong>Player Event Perks </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Changed faction perk gating to fix coverts not being
able to wear armor </p> <p><strong>Vet Rewards </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Anti Decay Kits that were placed inside house
containers such as a bookcase or armoire will now have a
&quot;Pickup&quot; radial menu option. </p> <p><strong>Misc.
</strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed an issue where players would
experience a crash to desktop in /alarmsnooze if no alarms were
previously set </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Japanese Localization Fixes </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed some issues that would cause players to crash to
desktop </p> <p>If you are experiencing a bug in game please use the
/bug reporting feature and provide as much details as possible to help
us fix this problem. </p> <HR> <p><strong>Live - March 10, 2005
</strong><strong><br> </strong><strong>Publish 0.116070
</strong><strong><br> <br> </strong><strong>GCW </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Player placed gardens should no longer register
themselves on the planetary map </p> <p><strong>Loot </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Giant Canyon and Krayt Ancient Dragons should drop
pearls at their normal drop rate </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Nightsisters
should drop crystals at their normal drop rate </p> <hr>
<p><strong>Live - March 15, 2005 </strong><strong><br>
</strong><strong>Publish 0.116546 </strong></p> <p><strong>UI
</strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Based upon community feedback we have
tuned down the &quot;snappy&quot; movement. Please provide all feedback
on the snappy movement in the focus thread that will be started after
the publish is live. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Changed default user
interface keymap to &quot;Star Wars Galaxies&quot; </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Fixed a bug where a player could loot a corpse when dead when using the
radial menu </p> <hr> <p><strong>March 16, 2005 </strong><strong><br>
</strong><strong>Publish 0.116655 </strong><strong><br> <br>
</strong><strong>Server Stability Enhancements </strong></p> <hr>
<p><strong>Publish 14.1 </strong><strong><br> </strong><strong>March
24, 2005 </strong></p> <p><strong>Galaxy-wide Vendor Search is here!
</strong></p> <p>Have you ever wanted to search for an item to buy
without having to travel across the entire planet randomly checking
vendors? Well now you can!&nbsp; We have enhanced the functionality of
our bazaar terminals to include the ability to search all player
vendors for items you may be looking for. This new feature will greatly
improve how vendors are handled in the game. Read on for more
information. </p> <p><strong>Overview </strong><br> The purpose of
vendor search function is to allow vendor owned items to be searched
from anywhere in the galaxy.&nbsp; This will include the following
functions: </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Each vendor owner can decide whether to
allow his or her vendors to be searchable in the market.&nbsp; There is
an option for vendor owners to turn on/off the search option on his or
her vendor.&nbsp; The vendor owner will be able to find current search
option settings for each of his or her vendor(s) </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
When a vendor owner turns on the search option, a player should be able
to go to any bazaar and list all items owned by this vendor </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; When a vendor owner turns off the search option, the
vendor is no longer listed in the galaxy-wide network search. With this
search option turned off, vendor owners have the ability to conduct
private auctions. Players will need to physically go to the vendor and
click &quot;Use Vendor&quot; to list items from this vendor. </p>
<p><strong>Vendor Status </strong><br> For all the existing vendors,
the default option is set to no.&nbsp; Players have to go to their
vendors and enable this search option.&nbsp; For all future vendors,
this option is set to yes by default. For vendor owners to check if the
search option is on or off do the following: </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Select the Vendor you wish to turn search on/off for </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; From the radial menu choose &quot;Vendor Control&quot;
<br> Once you have selected &quot;Vendor Control&quot; then choose
&quot;Status&quot; </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; A pop-up window will show if
the search option is on or off </p> <p><strong>PA Hall Leadership
Succession </strong></p> <p><strong>Overview </strong><br> In the
current live environment, a PA does not automatically handle the case
where a PA leader has retired from the game. This condition results in
leaderless PAs, often with active members who wish to continue to run
the guild. In order to resolve this system, we will implement an
automated PA succession system. <br> &nbsp; <br> <strong>Allegiance
</strong><br> The existing &quot;Allegiance&quot; system interface will
be removed. Instead, guild leaders will be able to turn on voting at
any time. Every two weeks, the votes will be tallied and a new guild
leader selected. This is to allow guilds the option of a democratic
process. Not all guilds will want to enable this option. Guild leader
voting will default to off. </p> <p><strong>PA Hall Leadership
Succession </strong><br> There are now two methods for PA Hall
Leadership Succession: direct leadership transfer and leader elections
as explained below. </p> <p><strong>Direct Transfer </strong><br>
Direct leadership transfer is executed by the current PA leader at the
PA management terminal. The leader would select the &quot;Transfer PA
Leadership&quot; option at the terminal. They are then prompted to
enter the name of the person who will receive leadership. This person
must be online and be standing near the terminal. The person who will
receive leadership must also have enough lots free to take ownership of
the PA hall. If they satisfy the requirements, the PA leadership and
the PA hall ownership will be transferred to them. If they do not
satisfy the requirements, the existing leader will receive a message as
to why the change could not be made. Trial accounts are not eligible
for leadership or PA hall ownership. </p> <p><strong>Elections
</strong><br> During the regular weekly PA maintenance, the system will
examine the last login time of the PA leader. If they have not logged
in for one month, the system will send an email warning to the PA
members. The warning will explain that the leader has not been active
and that a voting process for a new leader has been opened. </p> <p>The
voting process will use the same interface as player city voting. Three
options will become available on the guild management terminal during
voting: </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Register / Unregister - Any full PA member
may run for election. They would select this option to add themselves
to the ballot. Only members on the ballot are eligible for election.
Any guild member in normal standing can register to run. Sponsored
applicants will not be eligible to run.&nbsp; </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Cast
Vote - This option allows a member to select who they wish to vote for.
They may also choose to abstain. A member may change their vote at any
time&nbsp; </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; View Standings - allows the player to
look at who is currently registered and how many votes they have
received. </p> <p>Exactly two weeks after the election is started, the
votes will be tallied. The individual with the most votes will become
leader of the PA. </p> <p>In many cases, the owner of a PA hall and the
PA leader will be different characters. In order to prevent a PA from
losing a PA hall due to the absence of the hall owner, PA leaders now
have a limited ability to claim PA halls they do not own. A new guild
terminal option &quot;Accept PA Hall&quot; will appear (for guild
leader) if the hall owner has not logged in for 28 days. Once the guild
leader owns the hall, the structure may be transferred to another
player using the /transferStructure command. </p> <p><strong>Profession
Dancer </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Added new dance (Tumble) to
Dancing Knowledge I </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Added new dance (Tumble2) to
Dancing Knowledge II </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Added new dance (Breakdance)
to Dancing Knowledge III </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Added new dance
(Breakdance2) to Dancing Knowledge IV </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Removed the
15sec delay between stopping one song or dance and starting a new song
or dance. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Removed chance of making a mistake while
dancing. </p> <p><strong>Profession Musician </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Added new song (Starwars4) to Novice Musician skill
box. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Added new song (Funk) to Music Knowledge II
</p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Removed the 15sec delay between stopping one song
or dance and starting a new song or dance. </p> <p><strong>Profession -
Image Designer </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Reduced Image Designer
skill point costs by 16 by reducing each skill box between Novice Image
Designer and Master Image Designer by one point. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Removed Image Designer action timers for Body and Cosmetic changes </p>
<p><strong>Quests </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Quests with timers now
display the timer in the quest journal.&nbsp; </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Quest News, our quest reporters have been digging around and were able
to bring you the following quest news stories: </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
<strong>Story Arc: </strong><strong>Secrets of the Syren, Chapter two;
More Than You Bargained For </strong>&nbsp; </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Breaking News: Information has been received regarding the missing
freighter pilot from Naboo. While this information has not been made
public, a Rebel Officer in Tyrena as well as an Imperial Officer in
Bestine and a private citizen in Theed have all been seen in talks with
the various parties involved in the search. This raises the question of
the seriousness of this situation. Parties involved in the initial
search for this pilot are encouraged to talk to their initial contact.
</p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; <strong>Quest: Enough! </strong></p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; From the journal of a holonews reporter: Looks like the
fighting was rather rough in Corellia space today.&nbsp; I had the
opportunity to actually see some of the fighting.&nbsp; I could kick
myself for not bringing my holo-recorder! It appeared to end in a draw,
but of course I can't actually report that!&nbsp; Interestingly, two
ships crashed: one on Talus and the other on Corellia.&nbsp; Sources
tell me that an Imperial officer named Ceth Laike at the Imperial
Outpost in Talus is looking for the pilot of one of these ships. A
Rebel named Acun Solari in Tyrena is looking for the other.&nbsp; I
hope they didn't land in bad spots.&nbsp; Sometimes the local gangs
salvage parts off of downed ships </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; <strong>Quest:
Imperial Defector </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; ### $!&nbsp;&nbsp;
Encrypted transmission from Jom Irimore, Rebel Alliance cell member in
Tyrena to Teslo Ten'doora at the base.&nbsp; Sir, I have a new
contact.&nbsp; Another member of the Imperial Military (a high-ranking
one, I might add) is going to supply us with information.&nbsp; I'll
send someone to bring him to you as soon as possible.&nbsp; I trust in
this officer's defection.&nbsp; Apparently, his entire family was on
Alderaan. End transmission ^#)%)()(@!#^### </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
<strong>Quest: Rebel Informant </strong><br> <strong>Memo </strong><br>
To: Lt. Allard Lissara <br> From:&nbsp; Jaek Vercet, Imperial
Representative to Moenia <br> <br> You were correct, sir.&nbsp; Those
rebels are starting to cave.&nbsp; One of them came to me, telling me
about a rift in the Alliance's leadership.&nbsp; He's willing to give
us information if we offer him immunity for his treason.&nbsp; I leave
that decision to you.&nbsp; I'm laying low in one of the buildings in
town and will need to send someone to bring the Rebel to you. </p>
<p><strong>Jedi </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed an issue where Jedi
are able to heal other Jedi in incorrect cases </p> <p><strong>Player
Event Perks </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; A number of new venues and
decorations have been added to the player event promoter NPC </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Player event decorations can now be rotated. You can
now use a radial menu on Rental Deeds for Player Event Perks to check
how much time they have before they expire. Many Player Event Perks can
now be redeeded. By using the radial menu, the owner of a Player Event
Perk may check how long the perk has before it expires. </p>
<p><strong>UI </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Text changes made to the
Popup help </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed a problem with the camera
rotation spin </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Changed UI options text from
&quot;Default (Modeless)&quot; to &quot;MMORPG Modeless&quot; </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Changed default user interface keymap to &quot;Star
Wars Galaxies </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; It is no longer possible to
configure the UI to use modal chat while in one of the new modeless
user interfaces. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; You can now turn with the
keyboard while holding down left mouse button while using the default
keymap </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Several optimizations to client terrain and
flora rendering which should show increased frame-rate, especially
during movement. Some players may find they can increase terrain detail
and/or flora distances and still get good frame rate </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Optimizations to water code to improve client
performance.&nbsp; Water detail control currently does nothing. </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed an issues where water fountains were not showing
the &quot;water&quot; </p> <p><strong>GCW </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Removed donate resource option from faction HQ terminals </p>
<p><strong>Group Loot Options </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; The group
leadership and master looter will no longer transfer to another member
when crossing a server boundary, traveling, etc. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Droids and pets can no longer be made leaders or master looters </p>
<p><strong>Space </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed a bug where the
s-foils on the b-wing were not opening and closing upon command </p>
<p><strong>Structures </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; We have expanded
the viewing range on all player structures. This means they will now be
visible sooner upon approaching them. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Owners of
houses with access fees will no longer receive a message when someone
tries to enter the house but can't pay the fee. This message will go to
the person attempting to enter the house instead. </p> <hr>
<strong><br> </strong><strong>Version 0.117554 </strong><strong><br>
</strong><strong>March 25, 2005 </strong><br> <br> <strong>Group Loot
</strong> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed a loot bug where no player feedback
would be given if the corpse was empty when using /loot </p>
<p><strong>Quests: </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed an issue that
was causing timers to not always show up in the quest journal </p> <hr>
<p><strong>Publish 0.117734 </strong><strong><br>
</strong><strong>March 29, 2005 </strong></p> <p><strong>Crafting
</strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed a bug where a crafting tool can
hang while loading schematic. </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed recyclers, the
tumble blender, and the agitator motor. </p> <p><strong>Guilds
</strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed bug where guilds could no longer be
placed on the Entry or Ban lists using &quot;guild:abbreviation&quot;
</p> <hr> <p><strong> </strong><strong>Publish 0.118054
</strong><strong><br> </strong><strong>March 31, 2005 </strong><br>
<br> <strong>Player Event Perks </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed an
issue preventing the jukebox from playing. </p> <p><strong>GCW
</strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Eased the faction base placement
restrictions </p> <p><strong>Misc. </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp;
Improve server stability </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fixed issue where objects
could not be moved up or down in one of the rooms of the Corellian
small style 2 house </p> <hr> <p><strong>Live - April 1, 2005
</strong><strong><br> </strong><strong>Version 0.11825 </strong><br>
&nbsp; <br> <strong>Group Loot </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Jedi can
no longer tune force crystals or krayt pearls in the lottery loot
window. </p> <hr> <strong><br> </strong><strong>Live
</strong><strong><br> </strong><strong>Version 0.118868
</strong><strong><br> </strong><strong>April 8th, 2005 </strong>
<p><strong>Vendor Search </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Added min and
max price filter UI to the vendor search </p> <p><strong>Player
Associations </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; PA election information will
no longer be forgotten by guild terminals. Any elections in progress
will be recovered and accessible from the guild terminal once more.
</p> <hr> <p><strong> </strong><strong>Version 0.119880
</strong><strong><br> </strong><strong>April 18th, 2005 </strong></p>
<p><strong>Vendor Search </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Fix text
clipping in the commodities min/max price filter window </p>
<p>&#149;&nbsp; Improved commodities category search to include
individual item type.&nbsp; </p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Improved commodities
category search for factory crates to include the actual item inside
the crate. </p> <p><strong>GCW </strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Faction
bases now can be placed in clusters of 3. There can be no more than 3
bases within 600 meters of one another. </p> <p><strong>Misc
</strong></p> <p>&#149;&nbsp; Modify containment system to prevent CS
from accidentally putting players in their inventory (stop laughing =P
)</p> </TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE></div>

Revision as of 08:24, 17 February 2008