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70 FF  // Side Beard Type (Ithorian)
70 FF  // Side Beard Type (Ithorian)
=Xeno's TRAC Docs=
Customization features are stored in a data string following this format:
[DATATYPE:SIZE] - explaination
[SHORT:2] - size - this stores the size of the data string, in a host byte short integer (uint16)
[BYTE:1] - start counter - this byte is the start counter for recursing through, usually always a 0x01
[BYTE:1] - end counter - this byte is the end counter for recursing through
        - usually always the total number of elements
(repeated data)
[BYTE:l] - id - this is an id number that represents a customization feature for an item or character
              - the term ID and index are used interchangably for this
[VALUE] - value - value normally appears as a single unsigned byte after the id, except for the cause of 0xFF
        - if it is 0xFF, a byte following it appears to be an extended set of numbers
        - 0xFF, 0x01 = 0x00 as a numeric
        - 0xFF, 0x02 = 0xFF as a numeric
the footer appears at the end of the data segments normally as a 0xFF, 0X03
It is believed that use of 0xFF as an index triggers the extended set again, and 0x03 is the "end" type flag
EXAMPLE(all numbers are in hexadecimal):
0E 00 01 04 04 AB 10 FF 01 0D FF 02 09 FE FF 03
0E 00 - size, in the example 14 bytes
01 - beginning counter
04 - end counter, total elements are 4
04 AB - ID of 04, with a value of AB
10 FF 01 - ID of 10,with value of 0(extended set)
0D FF 02 - ID of 0D, with a value of FF(extended set)
09 FE - ID of 09, value FE
FF 03 - footer, assumed to be extended index number that is an "end" flag
0x01 index_color_2
0x02 index_color_1
0x03 blend_skinny
0x04 blend_muscle
0x05 blend_fat
0x06 blend_nosedepth_1
0x07 blend_eyesize_0
0x08 blend_nosedepth_0
0x09 blend_noselength_1
0x0A blend_eyesize_1
0x0B blend_cheeks_0
0x0C blend_eyedirection_0
0x0D blend_noselength_0
0x0E blend_eyedirection_1
0x0F blend_nosewidth_0
0x10 blend_nosewidth_1
0x11 blend_cheeks_1
0x12 blend_jaw_1
0x13 blend_jaw_0
0x14 index_color_skin
0x15 blend_lipwidth_0
0x16 blend_lipwidth_1
0x17 blend_lipfullness_0
0x18 blend_lipfullness_1
0x19 blend_ears_0
0x1A blend_ears_1
0x1B blend_chinsize_1
0x1C blend_chinsize_0
0x1D index_color_3
0x1E index_style_eyebrow
0x1F index_color_facial_hair
0x20 blend_eyeshape_1
0x21 blend_eyeshape_0
0x22 index_color_0
0x23 index_style_beard
0x24 index_age
0x25 index_style_freckles
0x26 index_texture_1
0x27 blend_sensor_0
0x28 blend_sensor_1
0x29 blend_asian_0
0x2A index_color_skin
0x2B blend_flat_chest
0x2C index_color_eyeshadow
0x2D index_style_eyeshadow
0x2E index_color_lips
0x2F index_texture_1
0x30 index_color_pattern
0x31 index_color_4
0x32 index_color_hair
0x33 blend_nosesize_1
0x34 blend_nosesize_0
0x35 index_style_tattoo
0x36 index_color_tattoo
0x37 index_color_tat
0x38 index_color_0
0x39 blend_headsize_0
0x3A blend_headsize_1
0x3B index_color_pattern
0x3C index_color_eye
0x3D muscle_fat
0x3E blend_ear_0
0x3F blend_ear_1
0x40 index_color_eyebrow
0x41 index_color_5
0x42 blend_brow_1
0x43 blend_brow_0
0x44 index_style_eyebrows
0x45 index_color_test
0x46 index_color_107
0x47 index_color_4
0x48 index_color_3
0x49 index_color_1
0x4A index_color_blade
0x4B index_color_fur
0x4C blend_robe_belt
0x4D blend_eyeslant_0
0x4E blend_chin_1
0x4F index_color_2
0x50 blend_chin_0
0x51 blend_robe_bandolier
0x52 blend_jacket_belt
0x53 blend_chest_backpack
0x54 blend_jacket_bandolier
0x55 index_glide
0x56 index_turn_rate_max
0x57 index_speed_max
0x58 index_banking
0x59 index_hover_height
0x5A index_accel_max
0x5B index_accel_min
0x5C index_decel
0x5D index_damp_height
0x5E index_turn_rate_min
0x5F index_slope_mod
0x60 index_damp_roll
0x61 index_auto_level
0x62 index_damp_pitch
0x63 index_color_patterns
0x64 index_style_hair
0x65 index_patterns
0x66 index_texture
0x67 index_style_beard_2
0x68 blend_lipfulness_0
0x69 blend_lipfulness_1
0x6A index_style_eyebrow
0x6B index_texture
0x6C index_style_hair
0x6D blend_robe
0x6E index_style_beard
0x6F blend_jacket
0x70 index_style_beard_2
0x71 blend_jacket_robe
0x72 blend_head_0
0x73 blend_head_1

Revision as of 20:55, 8 January 2007

Character Appearance - Base Packets

on character creation the appearance of the character (minus the height) is send to the server in the following binary form : Please note that the settings here are those that we are able to do on character creation. From what I know we will be able to heve more options through image design

[BASE Character - All options set to 255, first colour option, no hair, name = Base]

01 23 

17 FF 01 

18 FF 02 

1C FF 01 

1B FF 02 

05 FF 02 

1A FF 02 19 FF 01 0D FF 01 09 FF 02 12 FF 02    
13 FF 01 20 FF 02 10 FF 02 21 FF 01 0F FF 01 14    
FF 01 11 FF 02 0E FF 02 03 FF 01 0B FF 01 0C FF    
01 06 FF 02 08 FF 01 15 FF 01 16 FF 02 04 FF 02    
07 FF 01 0A FF 02 23 11 25 04 24 03 01 FF 01 1D    
FF 01 1F FF 01 1E 06 FF 03                         

basically the different appearance options are represented through a short value, which is followed by a short or (!!) word value. 
Max and min values are either represented through the word value FF 01 or FF 02. The values in between are represented through a short value.
Descriptors yet recognized are : 


4  : Muscle Mass
5  : weight
8  : Nose protrusion
9  : Noselength
10 : eyesize
12 : eye angle
15 : Nosewidth
20 : skin color
24 : age
32 : eyeshape

01 FF  // Eye Colour
02 FF
03 FF
04 FF  // Muscle / Torso
05 FF  // Weight
06 FF
07 FF  // Eye Size
08 FF  // Nose Protrusion
09 FF
0B FF  // Cheek Size
0C FF  // Eye Angle
0D FF  // Trunk Height (Ithorian)
0F FF  // Nose Width
10 FF
11 FF
12 FF
13 FF  // Jaw Size
14 FF  // Skin Colour
15 FF  // Mouth Size
16 FF
17 FF  // Lip Size
18 FF
19 FF  // Ear Size
1C FF  // Chin Size (Gullet in MonCal)
1D FF  // Nose Colour (Rodian)
1E FF  // Eyebrow Type
1F FF  // Facial Hair Colour
20 FF
21 FF  // Eye Shape
22 FF
23 FF  // Facial Hair Type (Human Only)
24 FF  // Age
25 FF  // Freckles
26 FF  // Marking Pattern Type
27 FF  // Sensor Size (Rodian) / Jowl (Sullasian)
28 FF
29 FF
2C FF  // Eyeshadow Colour
2D FF  // Eyeshadow
2E FF  // Lip Colour
30 FF
31 FF
32 FF  // Center Beard Colour (Ithorian)
33 FF
34 FF
35 FF
36 FF
37 FF
38 FF
39 FF  // Head Size (Sullastian)
3B FF  // Marking Pattern Colour (MonCal)
3E FF // Ear Shape (Sullastian)
40 FF
41 FF
42 FF
43 FF  // Brow (Wookiee)
44 FF
45 FF
46 FF
47 FF
48 FF  // Marking Colour (Wookiee)
49 FF  // Fur Colour (Wookiee)
4E FF  // Chin Length (Sullastian)
50 FF
51 FF
52 FF
53 FF
54 FF
55 FF
56 FF
57 FF
58 FF
59 FF
60 FF
61 FF
62 FF
63 FF  // Markings Colour (Sullastian)
64 FF
65 FF  // Markings Pattern (Sullastian)
66 FF
67 FF
68 FF
69 FF
6E FF  // Center Beard Type (Ithorian)
70 FF  // Side Beard Type (Ithorian)

Xeno's TRAC Docs

Customization features are stored in a data string following this format:
[DATATYPE:SIZE] - explaination

[SHORT:2] - size - this stores the size of the data string, in a host byte short integer (uint16)
[BYTE:1] - start counter - this byte is the start counter for recursing through, usually always a 0x01
[BYTE:1] - end counter - this byte is the end counter for recursing through
         - usually always the total number of elements

(repeated data)
[BYTE:l] - id - this is an id number that represents a customization feature for an item or character
              - the term ID and index are used interchangably for this

[VALUE] - value - value normally appears as a single unsigned byte after the id, except for the cause of 0xFF
        - if it is 0xFF, a byte following it appears to be an extended set of numbers
        - 0xFF, 0x01 = 0x00 as a numeric
        - 0xFF, 0x02 = 0xFF as a numeric

the footer appears at the end of the data segments normally as a 0xFF, 0X03
It is believed that use of 0xFF as an index triggers the extended set again, and 0x03 is the "end" type flag

EXAMPLE(all numbers are in hexadecimal):

0E 00 01 04 04 AB 10 FF 01 0D FF 02 09 FE FF 03

0E 00 - size, in the example 14 bytes
01 - beginning counter
04 - end counter, total elements are 4

04 AB - ID of 04, with a value of AB
10 FF 01 - ID of 10,with value of 0(extended set)
0D FF 02 - ID of 0D, with a value of FF(extended set)
09 FE - ID of 09, value FE

FF 03 - footer, assumed to be extended index number that is an "end" flag
0x01	index_color_2
0x02	index_color_1
0x03	blend_skinny
0x04	blend_muscle
0x05	blend_fat
0x06	blend_nosedepth_1
0x07	blend_eyesize_0
0x08	blend_nosedepth_0
0x09	blend_noselength_1
0x0A	blend_eyesize_1
0x0B	blend_cheeks_0
0x0C	blend_eyedirection_0
0x0D	blend_noselength_0
0x0E	blend_eyedirection_1
0x0F	blend_nosewidth_0
0x10	blend_nosewidth_1
0x11	blend_cheeks_1
0x12	blend_jaw_1
0x13	blend_jaw_0
0x14	index_color_skin
0x15	blend_lipwidth_0
0x16	blend_lipwidth_1
0x17	blend_lipfullness_0
0x18	blend_lipfullness_1
0x19	blend_ears_0
0x1A	blend_ears_1
0x1B	blend_chinsize_1
0x1C	blend_chinsize_0
0x1D	index_color_3
0x1E	index_style_eyebrow
0x1F	index_color_facial_hair
0x20	blend_eyeshape_1
0x21	blend_eyeshape_0
0x22	index_color_0
0x23	index_style_beard
0x24	index_age
0x25	index_style_freckles
0x26	index_texture_1
0x27	blend_sensor_0
0x28	blend_sensor_1
0x29	blend_asian_0
0x2A	index_color_skin
0x2B	blend_flat_chest
0x2C	index_color_eyeshadow
0x2D	index_style_eyeshadow
0x2E	index_color_lips
0x2F	index_texture_1
0x30	index_color_pattern
0x31	index_color_4
0x32	index_color_hair
0x33	blend_nosesize_1
0x34	blend_nosesize_0
0x35	index_style_tattoo
0x36	index_color_tattoo
0x37	index_color_tat
0x38	index_color_0
0x39	blend_headsize_0
0x3A	blend_headsize_1
0x3B	index_color_pattern
0x3C	index_color_eye
0x3D	muscle_fat
0x3E	blend_ear_0
0x3F	blend_ear_1
0x40	index_color_eyebrow
0x41	index_color_5
0x42	blend_brow_1
0x43	blend_brow_0
0x44	index_style_eyebrows
0x45	index_color_test
0x46	index_color_107
0x47	index_color_4
0x48	index_color_3
0x49	index_color_1
0x4A	index_color_blade
0x4B	index_color_fur
0x4C	blend_robe_belt
0x4D	blend_eyeslant_0
0x4E	blend_chin_1
0x4F	index_color_2
0x50	blend_chin_0
0x51	blend_robe_bandolier
0x52	blend_jacket_belt
0x53	blend_chest_backpack
0x54	blend_jacket_bandolier
0x55	index_glide
0x56	index_turn_rate_max
0x57	index_speed_max
0x58	index_banking
0x59	index_hover_height
0x5A	index_accel_max
0x5B	index_accel_min
0x5C	index_decel
0x5D	index_damp_height
0x5E	index_turn_rate_min
0x5F	index_slope_mod
0x60	index_damp_roll
0x61	index_auto_level
0x62	index_damp_pitch
0x63	index_color_patterns
0x64	index_style_hair
0x65	index_patterns
0x66	index_texture
0x67	index_style_beard_2
0x68	blend_lipfulness_0
0x69	blend_lipfulness_1
0x6A	index_style_eyebrow
0x6B	index_texture
0x6C	index_style_hair
0x6D	blend_robe
0x6E	index_style_beard
0x6F	blend_jacket
0x70	index_style_beard_2
0x71	blend_jacket_robe
0x72	blend_head_0
0x73	blend_head_1