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Wylie Kai'Odi's Mini-Guide to Bounty Hunter Investigation
Wylie Kai'Odi's Mini-Guide to Bounty Hunter Investigation

Revision as of 09:08, 4 June 2008

Reference Documentation - Bounty Hunter

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Wylie Kai'Odi's Mini-Guide to Bounty Hunter Investigation

This is NOT the only way to do the BH Investigation Tree. I just thought I'd share what I learned in the 'Investigation Grind.'

General Tips: - The website swgbounties.com is an excellent resource...use it! - A pet makes missions much easier. I suggest having a tanking mount (I used a BE bol). - Master all 4 skill boxes of LLC before starting the Investigation Tree. (Your weapon and skills are the only determining factor for mission payout. LLC gets the highest missions) - Mission XP is 1/50th of Mission Payout. (22k missions = 440 xp) - Have a lot of patience and something to do while waiting for shuttles.

Novice BH Investigation: - Tyrena, Corellia - BH Mission Terminal (-5125 -2359) - Novice BH Investigation Informant (-5096 -2345) - 8k max payout - 10 min/mission average

Tyrena is the city of choice as the Terminal and Informant are located very near each other allowing you to keep the mission box open while conversing with the informant. This allows you to 'accept-converse-abort' very quickly. Do not accept any mission over 1000m. It is faster to keep looking. Arrange the mission window, informant, on-screen waypoint monitor, data pad and mission description windows so you can quickly 'accept-converse-abort'. Do NOT train in Investigation 1 until you have hit the 10k XP cap. Novice BH Missions in Tyrena are the easiest XP. At 10k XP you will skip Investigation 1 and 2 and have 4k XP into Investigation 3. I would have done all my XP grinding on Novice BH Missions if I had the choice.

The Mission - Marks will be standing right at the waypoint you're given by the informant. They are not aggro until you attack. Send your pet in and blast 'em. Easy. Burstrun or gallop back to the mission terminal.

BH Investigation 3 & 4: - Kaadara, Naboo - BH Mission Terminal (5191 6676) - Investigation 3 Informant (5258 6794) - Investigation 4 Informant (5275 6561) - 17k max payout @ Invest 3 - 23k max payout @ Invest 4 - 30 min/mission average - Need: Seeker Droids and Arakyd Probe Droids

Kaadara is the city of choice as it has both Informants 3 & 4 and is close to Theed. Theed's 'no wait' Starport is the key to saving time and frustration. I suggest buying multiple tickets for frequently traveled routes ( i.e. Kaadara>Theed, Kor Vella>Kaadara). 10 seconds can be the difference between a quick 15 min mission and an 1 hour fiasco. There is almost no difference between Investigation 3 & Investigation 4 missions.

The Mission - Get a mission from the Terminal. Talk to the Informant. You will recieve a Bio Signature from the Informant. Travel to Theed.

Head South from the Theed Starport until you arrive near the bridge across the river. ***Everything after this is VERY time dependant*** Call down an Arakyd Probe Droid. Upload the Bio Signature into the Imperial Probot that lands. Head to the Theed Starport ticket terminal. You will receive a message in about 5-10min giving you the planet your mark is on. Travel to that planet.

Upon arrival to the planet, release a Seeker Droid and open your planetary map. Your mark will be on the move and they move fast. About 5 min after you launch your Seeker Droid you will recieve an update to the marks location. Watch what direction they are traveling. They are almost always heading towards another city. Do NOT try to 'run down' a mark. Even on a fast mount they are almost as quick as you. Instead, take a shuttle to the city they are heading to and intercept them from the opposite direction. Release a new Seeker Droid every time your droid looses track of the mark. Once you get within 1000m of your mark, check every yellow target on your map (Helps to know the name of your mark). The mark will usually be with in 100m of an updated waypoint. Once you find 'em, from there it's easy.

Shuttle tips: All shuttles operate on a very similar schedule. There may be a 1 minute difference at most. So if you are at the shuttle port when the shuttle arrives, you have 5 minutes from that time to get where you want to go. This is crucial when grinding missions back to back.

Let's say you just got done with a mission on Dathomir and after 8 minutes of waiting for a shuttle it finally gets there. Dathomir to Kor Vella shuttle. Open Inventory and click on you pre-bought ticket from Kor Vella to Kaadara. Kor Vella to Kaadara shuttle. Run to the BH Mission Terminal and get a mission. Run to the Informant for the Bio Signature. Run to the Kaadara Shuttleport (the Starport takes longer) and click on your pre-bought ticket from Kaadara to Theed. Once you arrive in Theed you can relax. If you do miss the Kor Vella to Kaadara or Kaadara to Theed shuttle, go buy some more tickets while you wait.

If you miss the Kaadra to Theed shuttle, you can run outside of town a ways and call down your Arakyd Droid, upload the Bio Signature and then go wait for the planet location while you wait for the shuttle. Learn to use your time wisely or it will truely be a long grind.

Investigation 4 Seeker Droid Bug/Tip: If you use the 'track' command on your Seeker Droid they do not deplete. I was releasing 3 droids at a time. When just one of the 3 you released loses track, you can release 3 more. Just release a ton of 'em. There were some mission where I was recieving constant updates every 5 seconds because of all the droids I had out there. I figured this was payback for all the bugged missions I spent an hour on with nothing to show for. Just make sure you tip your Droid Supplier. DE's have it hard enough as is. Some might say it's an exploit, but I'd invite them to grind BH investigation before they pass judgement.

Bugged Mission Tips: Mark stuck in a tree and can't be attacked - make a camp near them and the tree disappears. Mark stuck in a building ( plan a ) - Attack with a pet with area attack (i.e. mynock's disease) and they will come out. Mark stuck in a building ( plan b ) - Lure a creature over to the mark and use an area attack (i.e. LightningCone). At an updated waypoint and there's no mark - abort mission and cry on your mount's shoulder. 'White' Mark - see above.

Mission by Planet: Naboo - Mark will be traveling from one city to the next. Sometimes hard to determine which city. They do not always travel to the closest one. Corellia - Same as Naboo. I had more bugged missions on this planet than any. I suggest aborting unless you feel like torture. Tatooine - Same as Naboo. Dantooine - Mark will be traveling to one of the 3 outposts. Very easy to determine. Dathomir - Marks will be heading to one of the two outposts. Very easy to determine. I had at least 5 missions where my mark was waiting in the outpost when I arrived. Endor - Marks will often be heading out to the middle of nowhere. Long missions and dangerous planet. Endors is fun though. Lok - Marks will alway be heading away from Nym's. Longest missions and dangerous planet. Yavin 4 - Marks will be heading toward one of the outposts. Medium difficulty. Talus - Marks will be heading toward one of the cities/outpost. Easy. Rori - Same as Talus.

Well, that's pretty much it. I'll edit this as needed. Hope this info helps. Let me know what you think.