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==Related Tags==
||{{Planet|Planet Name}}

Revision as of 21:08, 13 October 2010

SWG NPCs - a fringer

SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.


A fringer or fringe dweller was a citizen of the galaxy who came from less settled, frontier regions, or the "fringe" of the galaxy. They typically had little or no high-tech equipment and luxuries and were forced to make do with what technology they could acquire, possibly used or cobbled together on their own. Fringers were often farmers, but due to the necessities of life found themselves adaptable to many situations, learning a wide variety of skills.

Examples of a fringer included Luke Skywalker and Biggs Darklighter before they became pilots for the Rebel Alliance. The term is usually applied as one would the word settler. [1]


A fringer

Related Tags

0% This document has not been started.

Planet Name This document relates to the Planet Name planet.

Creature Name

NPC Basics
Name NPCName
Planet NPCPlanet
Type Npcs
Stype Humanoid
Social Group SGroup
Faction Faction

Armor Rating Type Value
Acid Type Value
Blast Type Value
Cold Type Value
Electricity Type Value
Energy Type Value
Heat Type Value
Kinetic Type Value
Lightsaber Type Value
Stun Type Value

NPC Offensive Stats
Level LVL
To hit TOHIT%
Damage DMG
Speed SPD
Special 1 SPCL1
Special 2 SPCL2
Ferocity FEROC

Aggro 0
Can't Be Harmed 0
Healer 0
Herd 0
Killer 0
Offers Missions 0
Pack 0
Stalker 0
Loot 0

Source References

Source Source in Context