Experimentation Source 7 (Source)

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Reference Documentation - Experimentation

SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.

Just like EnigmaBSc mentioned, you can see the MA's influence by looking at the risk 'meter'. This meter is the chance of getting some kind of failure from your success rate. You can only see it with fairly low skill, so testing is best done at novice. (If none of the resources has MA, it is calculated as 0.)

400 MA equals 10 experimentation skill. And every 2 extra points spent also equals losing 10 in skill.

A 100 skill Master using resources without MA and spending 7 points will have the same success rate as a 50 skill crafter spending 1 point using 800 MA resources.
