Radial Menu Selection (Sequence)

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Revision as of 18:12, 29 December 2006 by Snow (Talk | contribs)

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If a radial menu option gets selected the client (not in all cases though, eg food-eat) sends a 0009 packet containing the opcode 26 87 a1 7c, the item ID and the id of the radial item selected. (In the following example 14, for "use")

{{Box Packet|Client --> Server|

  [UINT16] 00 09               SOE Opcode 1

  [UINT16]                     ServerSequence

  [UINT16] 03 00               SWG Opcode

  [UINT32] 26 87 a1 7c         Opcode 2

  [UINT64]                     ItemID
  [UINT16] 14 00               Radial choice - 14 = use  
