Taming Restrictions (Game Mechanics)

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Game Mechanics - Mechanics Category

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Mechanics This document is about game mechanics.

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Taming Skill Modifiers

There are four features that play a factor in determining what a player can tame:

  • Inherent aggressiveness of the creature
  • Max Level of Pets skill modifiers
  • Taming Vicious Creatures skill modifiers
  • Taming Wild Creatures skill modifiers

The Max level Of pets skill modifier controls the absolute maximum challenge level creature that a player can summon from their datapad as well as the maximum challenge level creature that they can tame. It works in conjunction with taming vicious and taming wild creature modifiers, and essentially trumps either of those skill modifiers since the player cannot control or tame any creature higher level than what this mod value is regardless of how high they have the other values. For example a player with +12 mod cannot call a creature that is CL 20. At novice creature handler the player has a total Max Level of Pets modifier of +12 meaning that they can tame and summon up to CL 12 creatures. Max level of pet modifier only checks against the creature's current level, not its adult form level, therefore a baby creature that is at or less than cl 12 could be used by the player but once it grows past this level, it will not be able to be called.

To actually begin to tame a creature, the player must also have taming wild creatures or taming vicious creatures skill modifiers. The taming wild creatures skill modifier adds to the base value of the creature's taming chance when the player attempts to tame or train a non aggressive creature.

Like non aggressive creatures, players start out with an ability to tame aggressive creatures as well. This is also tied Taming Vicious Creatures skill modifier. Novice creature handlers start off with being able to tame up to CL 10 aggressive creatures. Non creature handlers differ from creature handlers on this point because the ability to tame an aggressive creature (no matter what CL it is) is an inherent function of novice creature handler, even though there are no special mods for taming vicious creatures gained. The ability to train cl 10 creatures is a universal trait shared by all players, however the aggressive creature taming has an element linked to novice creature handler, thus preventing non creature handlers from taming certain pets from bio engineers. By master creature handler a player has a total ability to tame and control creatures up to Cl 60. The cl of the creature being tamed must be at or below the skill mod level of the player in order for the player to attempt to tame it. If either the Max level of pets or taming vicious creatures skill dont match or exceed the target's level then the player cannot receive the radial option to attempt taming.

Note: Taming Bio engineered creatures from deed is exempt from this process. These creatures are automatically added to the player's datapad when used. The only check made for BE pets is a check between the deed's CL vs the player's Max Level of Pets and Taming mod. If the player has high enough mod to control the creature then they are able to use the deed.

Note: Wookiees gain a "creature taming" bonus that adds +10 to taming wild and also aggressive creature bonus.

Additional Pets Skill Modifiers

Before the taming process can begin, the player must first have sufficient active pet skill to be able to control the targeted creature for taming if the creature handler has pets already summoned. The control of the amount of total active pets allowed at one time comes in the form of the Additional Pets skill modifier. The tamed creature will in essence count as an active pet during the taming process and therefore the creature handler must have sufficient skill to be able to maintain the current number of pets under their control. For example if a ch's limit is 2 active pets and they have 2 active pets already out before they begin taming attempts then they must store one of the pets before attempting a tame.

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