Lok (Planet)

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Planet - Lok

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Lok was a barren, dusty planet in the Mid Rim. Sulfur pools, lifeless rivers and volcanoes were commonly found on the planet. An anomaly on the planet Lok was the mysterious 'Great Maze of Lok'. It was a square maze with several entrances, with a small oasis in the middle. Settlers on the planet had no idea when it was built or why.

Nym lived on Lok as a child. He was a warlord during years leading up to the Clone Wars and founded a pirate group known as the Lok Revenants. They attacked ships coming and leaving the planet until Nym declared war against the Trade Federation, which later occupied the planet. After ten years, in 22 BBY, the Lok Revenants reclaimed the planet.

Around 137 ABY, Lok was home to a cantina called Brogar's which served as a safe-house for various fugitives. It was there that Cade Skywalker captured gambler Naxy Screeger and Jedi Hosk Trey'lis.

Lok was also the home of the Kimogila creature.

Planet Info

System: Lok
Sector: Karthakk Sector
Region: Karthakk System
Distance from Core: 1 Light Years
Suns: 2
Rotation Period:
Class: Terrestrial
Surface Water:

Related Tags

75% This document is nearing completion.

Planetary Map This document is related to the planetary map.

Lok This document relates to the Lok planet.


Planet Map

Planetary map of Lok

Points Of Interest

Planet POI Map

POI map of Lok

Lok Marathon

Nashal River Race Map

Nashal River Race

Mostly this track has been used for recreation and youth races; very few professional events have been staged here. The course primarily sticks to major waterways around Nashal and therefore is impractical for mount or foot racing. On a hover vehicle, it is considered a delightful afternoon outing.

Race Waypoints

Leg 0 Start / Finish 4199 5286
Leg 1 The Narrows 3787 4764
Leg 2 Krisa River 3485 4556
Leg 3 Xahn's Crossing 3042 4565
Leg 4 Virrago Bend 2248 5169
Leg 5 Garva's Turn 1839 4966
Leg 6 Quid Embankment 1583 5062
Leg 7 Snaykinn Pass 1499 4802
Leg 8 Jeassa River 1485 4366
Leg 9 Kyuu's Twist 2248 3905
Leg 10 The TH Causeway 1886 3211
Leg 11 Lake Thorn 2448 2457
Leg 12 Aximia River 2841 2923
Leg 13 The Overlook 3670 3475
Leg 14 Kima Way 4129 3652
Leg 15 Deep Run 4511 4054
Leg 16 Fed-Dub Stretch 4529 4831

Star Wars Lore

From the Wookiepedia.