Throw Trap 6 (Source)

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Wire Mesh: Makes a creature more succeptible to melee attacks

Quote: Does the wire mesh trap work properly? I use this trap very frequently, however I have never seen it actually increase my melee damage. The on-screen effect is "melee defense down", so I assume my damage should go up. Is this the case?

They make it more likely that you're going to hit the target with your weapon. They don't increase the damage.

Stacks with Glow wire traps Lecepanine Dart

Lecepanine dart. Causes dizzy state and damages action.

Glow Juice

Glow Juice Trap: makes weaker to ranged.

Can be stacked with Glow Wire

Sharp Bone Spur

Quote: the bone spur makes the creature blind, decreasing his chances to hit me. Not being hit is a good thing.

Damages mind pool

Sharp bone spurs do inflict damage on creatures. In spite of being nerfed way back when, they still so some damage to the Mind bar. I recall that at one point, you could about kill some creatures - paralopes and durnis - with the sharp bone spur. Granted it ain't much, but damage it is.

Noise maker

Causes Stun state and damages mind pool

Stink Bomb

Stink Bomb traps: makes vulnarable to status effects (like stun, dizzy and so on

The stinkbomb is stackable, meaning you can throw as many as you want at a creature and they all have a chance to stick.

Glow wire

Glow-Wire: makes weaker to melee and ranged.

Stacks with wire mesh and glow juice

Phecnacine Dart

Slows creature in snare



I use Adhesive Mesh's against Tortons and they work great, usualy only roots them for about 3 attacks but that's long enough to get out of stampede range, get a few head shots in and then throw the second trap to get the final shots in. Just make sure you have burst run ready incase the trap fails

Then I have another guestion about traps ... basicly about Adhesive Mesh and it's root effect. Is it normal that the length of the root effect varies from instantly breaking to 10 - 15 sec lasting effect? Quote:

Adhesive mesh has varying effectiveness based on your trapping skill and the creature level of the creature. The variation that you are seeing is normal.

Thanks for the anwsers again!

So I'm about combat level 5 (if I remember right).

My trapping skill is at the moment scouts trapping 4 and the variation I get is from same creature type.

For example I throw Adhesive Mesh at rill and is success. Rill is rooted to be freed 1 sec later. After I've killed the rill I target another rill and throw Adhesive Mesh. Success again (yes ... I'm on a row ) and rill is rooted. I keep shooting at it for 15 secs. I hit it's health and mind pools and miss couple times. After 15 sec the root breakes and rill is free, but I get lucky shot and hit it's action pool ... rill dies.

So in this case the variation comes from my trapping skill since the creature type is same and they both are same combat level 5. I think that stinks ... and I have little hope of keeping higher level creatures rooted since CL 5 can break root in 1 sec. Quote:

Depending on the CL of the creature the adheasive mesh traps do somewhat work

I'm currently working on Dantooine against longhorn pickets, solo, toss a WM trap at them and they slow waaaayyyyy down, not stop completly. where as if I toss a WM trap at a gnort that poor little sucker is froze there till the trap wears off.

So it all depends on what your fighting, netting won't stop a whale it just slows it down some