Creature Harvesting 8 (Source)

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Revision as of 06:32, 3 September 2007 by Ready (Talk | contribs) (New page: First, I observed that a creature dropped at the same spot (done with the help of a waypoint) always gives the same amount during a shift. This leads to the theory that creature resources ...)

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First, I observed that a creature dropped at the same spot (done with the help of a waypoint) always gives the same amount during a shift. This leads to the theory that creature resources have their density settings just like the rest of the resources.

Hide Skill/10 * CL * density% * bone/hide/meat modifier = Harvest Enraged Bull Rancor with veghash: 130/10 * 89 * (deducted) 60% * 1.0 = 694 units (is what I pull of them in-game)

Meat Skill/10 * CL * density% * 0.8 = Harvest Enraged Bull Rancor with veghash: 130/10 * 89 * (deducted) 60% * 0.8 = 555 units

Bone Skill/10 * CL * density% * 0.7 = Harvest Enraged Bull Rancor with veghash: 130/10 * 89 * (deducted) 60% * 0.7 = 486 units

There are a couple of issues with this formula.

  • I'm getting too high numbers when I run this on Kaadu CL's
  • Possible explanation: Lowering the density to the levels comparable to ores creates the right amount
  • It doesn't fit the observation that a Master Ranger harvest 30% more then a Master scout. This formula lets us harvest the double amount.
  • Possible explanation: Collecting that data was not done carefull enough.

The dataset I'd like to get.

I'd prefer a Novice Scout, Master Scout and a Master Ranger to group together. They set a waypoint and lure creatures with different CL's and different resource types to that spot and deliver the killing blow while the creature is within the "beam". A certain shifting (due to lag, creature trying to escape, etc) will always occur but 10 kills of each CL will provide a nice average. Creatures with a higher CL are preferred to negate the effect of the 60% group harvest (rounding up/down errors).

Reports preferred in the following form:

Skill - CL - Type - Units 15 - 89 - Dath Carnivore - 80 50 - 89 - Dath Carnivore - 267 100 - 89 - Dath Carnivore - 534

With the units being the total amount harvested of that CL divided by the number of kills.

If we can verify this formula or modify it so it fits the observed data we can work from there to get the harvesting droids into the calculation and determine their benefit and if it indeed benefits a novice scout more then a master ranger.

If a novice and master Scout from eclipse read this and need a Ranger to complete my proposed group I am ofcourse more then willing to join. I sadly don't know anyone on eclipse well enough to ask them to spend half a day helping me to test this theory.

nemou wrote:

Might I recommend a small modification from my experiences. I went out hunting with a few different levels of scouts (novice and master scouts and me at Master Ranger). The harvesting rate seemed to be: (1.0 + Harvest_Mod/100)*Base_Harvest_Amount

This gave the relative harvesting amounts up to what I put off as rounding errors. This only took the skill into account as keeping track through the different areas is a bit difficult. It also works with harvesting bonuses and veghash. I didn't even bother to try working through the Base_Harvest_Amount as it is a bit complicated (and seems to have a random factor involved).

washell wrote:

Nemo, I think you're smack on the money. The reworked formula:

1.0+(((skill/100)+(droidskill/100)/2)+(veghash/100))*(CL*base amount)*(1.0+(density/100)= Units

On the data I have this works with bone at base 4, meat at 5 and hide at 6. It gives the 30% increases that have been observed and it confirms the diminishing return of the harvesting droid at higher levels while keeping veghash bonuses independant. But I harvested some purboles today and this and the previous formula predict the double amount of units then that I actually harvested. I think the base amount/CL need to be reworked in such a way they give a non-lineair progression. I'm pretty confident we can get this modified to fit all the observed data.

Once we have a correct working formula I'll make an extensive post with various examples to illustrate it workings.

I've tried hooking the CL to the skill of the player and (separately) to the estimated density. Both produce the non-lineal progress from CL 15 to CL89. But neither do around 50 units at CL15 though they do 500 at CL89. I need to tweak it a bit more.