Vendors (Skill Modifier)

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Skill Modifier - Vendors

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For each point of Manage Vendor, the player may place a vendor in a structure.

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Skill Modifier This document is relates to a Skill Modifier.

Artisan This document is related to the Artisan Profession.

Merchant This document is related to the Merchant Profession.

Skill Mod Details

Hiring I: Each level of hiring gives you new options for controlling the appearance of your vendors. Hiring I grants you the right to select a specific race from the available player races (Bothan, Human, Mon Cal, Rodian, Trandoshan, Twi'lek, Wookiee and Zabrek) as well as grant you the ability to place a new terminal called Small which looks like the banking terminal and a new droid the EG-6 Power Droid.View All Vendors

Hiring II: Gives you the droid WED Treadwell, plus the NPC races of Aqualish, Bith,Devaronian, Gran, Ishi Tib,Ithorian, Nikto,Quarren,Sullustan, and Weequay.

Hiring III: Give you the terminal called Fancy which looks like the ticket terminals.

Hiring IV: Gives you a terminal called slim which looks like the standard mission terminal and the droid 21-B Surgical Droid. In addition you can now give items and clothing to most of your NPC vendors (Ithorians can't wear any of the clothes in the game because of their shape). When you give the clothing to the vendor it will wear it, replacing the clothes it is wearing at the time. Once you give an item or clothing to the vendor you cannot retrieve it.

So Create your first vendor by going to a house terminal and selecting Create Vendor. You will have few choices at this point so select either Bulky or Robodroid and give the vendor a name. The vendor will be placed in your inventory. Next go to the precise place you want to put the vendor down (choose this wisely because you can't move the vendor after placing it. If you mess this up you will have to remove the vendor and create a new one). Click on the vendor in your inventory and select drop. If the vendor isn't facing the right way you can rotate it to fact the correct direction. Do this first before anything else. You can rotate the vendor in one of two ways. The rotate menu item on the radial menu will rotate the vendor 90 degrees each time. The /rotate command will allow you to rotate the vendor free form any amount you desire. Once you have it in the right place and facing the right direction select "Initialize Vendor" from the radial menu. This links the vendor into the vendor database system and sets it up for business. Put some maintenance in the vendor via the radial menu and you are ready to start your journey to Merchant.

The third method of generating Merchant XP is customers viewing your vendor. Each person who visits your vendor and views the contents will grant you 50 xp. The limitation to this is that an individual cannot generate Merchant XP for you more often than once every 10 minutes.

Using only the first method of generating XP the trip from Business IV to Novice Merchant will be approximately 17 hours (using both of the two vendors you received by Business IV). You can shorten this by having friends view your vendors or pay access fees to your structure to generate extra XP. If you choose to wait for the vendor to generate it alone it will do so constantly whether you are on line or not. After a while the vendor will disappear from the world if no one is near it and return when someone shows up. During these times it will not generate XP, however as soon as it is loaded again by someone coming into the room it will calculate the XP it has missed and grant that XP to you all at one time.

I'm a Novice Merchant. Now what? First of all Congratulations you have become a merchant. Now the real fun can begin. Novice merchant grants you two new vendor types and allows you to operate up to three vendors with item limits of up to 750. This is important because all of your skills in the Merchant skill tree are gained through Merchant XP and this is primarily generated by your vendors. The two new vendor types are Standard which looks surprisingly like a bazaar terminal, and Random NPC. The NPC vendor will look like any of the player creatable races. You are not given a choice at this level. The race, gender and appearance of the vendor will be random. To get a specific type you will have to create and destroy them until you find something you are happy with. Other than appearance the vendors all operate the same.

Ok, I have this vendor..what do I do now? Good question. There are a few things you should know about this vendor you've become entrusted with I will outline the various systems that make up the vendor interface below. The first thing you need is something to sell. Once you have that you are ready to explore the interface.

Creating Placing Your Vendor: From your housing structure control terminal select create vendor, choose from the options presented there to create your vendor and give it a name. The vendor will be placed in your inventory (make sure you have room for it). Select a location carefully as you won't be able to move the vendor once it is placed. If you drop it in the wrong spot you will have to delete it and start over. Once you have the perfect spot you cand select the vendor in your inventory and drop it into the house. Once that is done you can rotate the vendor around to face the direction you like and then click on it and select Initialze. This funtion locks the vendor into place and makes it ready to accept sales from you. Once this is done you can place some maintenance into the vendor ( the costs of the vendor will depend on your skill level but the base cost is 15 credits per hour). The next thing to do is click on the "Use Vendor" which will bring up the vendor interface below:

For Sale: The default screen is the For Sale screen. This will list all the items you have for sale on your vendor. The first thing you will notice is that there is nothing listed (even if You have previously listed things for sale) don't panic. The vendor interface doesn't load the items by default to increase speed. Hit refresh or change the category and it will come right up. The second thing you will probably notice is that at the top left are four zones (Galaxy,Planet, Region, Vendor ) selecting one of these allows you to see items not only on the vendor you are currently accessing but any of your vendors in the galaxy depending on the zone you pick. This defaults to the regional view and all vendors in the immediate area that belong to you will be shown. This can be very confusing when stocking or retrieving items or handling offers. Be careful that you have the vendor on the right zone before performing. Do not fear, your customers only see the items on the vendor they are looking at. You are the only one who has access to the other zones. At the bottom right is a button named "Sell an Item" click it and it will bring up a dialog with your inventory shown on the right side. You may pick something from your inventory. Put in a price and optionally a description and click the "Sell Item" button. The item will go up for sale on your vendor. Congratulations now all you need is a buyer. Items placed for sale are on sale for 30 days. After 30 days they are removed from the for sale section and placed in your stock room. You must retrieve them or put them back up for sale within 30 days or they will be deleted by the vendor.

The other button there beside the "Sell an Item" button is for withdrawing sales. Click on any sales item listed and click withdraw. The item will be placed in your stockroom. (more about that later) The Details button will show you all the particulars about the current item you have highlighted.

Offers: The offers tab will show you any items that have been offered for sale by visitors to your vendor. You can double click on the item to see details about it. Click "Buy" to purchase the item and have it put into your stockroom or "Reject" to send an email telling the buyer that you are not interested in purchasing the item. The seller should have 7 days to retrieve the item before it is deleted. No email is generated on an offer. You must check your offers manually to see if you have any. If you are online when the offer is made you will see a system message. No other notification is sent. Items purchased from this tab should go to the stockroom where they can be retrieved or put up for sale.

Stockroom: The stockroom holds items purchased through the offers screen, and items withdrawn from sale (either by your manually or expired by the 30 day timer) The stockroom has a 30 day timer. Anything in the stockroom beyond 30 days is subject to deletion. Be very careful about storing items in your stockroom.

Caution: Be careful when deleting a vendor. You canot withdraw items into the stockroom and delete the vendor and still retain those items. Any item for sale, in the stockroom, or waiting to be purchased (offers) or picked up will be deleted when you remove the vendor.

Anything in the stockroom on any of your vendors can be put up for sale on the vendor it is on. You cannot use the stockroom to transfer items from one vendor to another or to retrieve items from vendors other than the one you are using. Sometimes you are allowed to withdraw items from a vendor that is physically close to the vendor you are operating from, but this does not work all of the time. The best rule is that you must go to the vendor where the item is actually held in order to retrieve it.

Ok, here's the official word on how things SHOULD be happening:

Important Facts when managing your Vendor

  • Vendors who go too long without being used will get deleted from the game. The only events that constitute use are placing a new item for sale on the vendor, or a customer buying an item from the vendor.
  • If a vendor is “un-used” for a period of time, it becomes in danger of getting deleted. When this happens, the player will be sent an email warning. If the vendor continues to be unused after this warning, the vendor gets deleted. The only events that constitute use are placing a new item for sale or a customer purchasing an item.

o If a vendor WITH ITEMS FOR SALE goes un-accessed for 100 days it will become endangered. If the vendor WITH ITEMS goes another 100 days, it will be removed. o If a vendor WITHOUT ITEMS FOR SALE goes un-accessed for 14 days it will become endangered. If the vendor WITHOUT ITEMS goes another 14 days, it will be removed.

  • Stockroom: The stockroom holds items purchased through the offers screen, and items withdrawn from sale (either by your manually or expired by the 30 day timer) The stockroom has a 30 day timer. Anything in the stockroom beyond 30 days is subject to deletion. Be very careful about storing items in your stockroom.
  • Caution: Be careful when deleting a vendor. You cannot withdraw items into the stockroom and delete the vendor and still retain those items. Any item for sale, in the stockroom, or waiting to be purchased (offers) or picked up will be deleted when you remove the vendor.


== Sources ==