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Jedi Path Revamp Guide Version 1.3 December 2, 2004 By SonGouki


Preface Introduction Section 1: Intro Quest – Glowing and Visits Section 2: The Village of Aurilia Section 3: Force Sensitive Skills Section 4: XP Conversion Ratios Section 5: Force Sensitive Quests Section 6: Exit Quest – Defeat Mellichae Section 7: Padawan Trials


Before I get started, here's some links to guides on the official forums. A lot of the info in this guide has been derived from information in these posts. Much thanks goes to those that forged these works.

Guide to getting "glowy" every time:

Guide: From Non-FS to Jedi Initiate:

Guide to Aurilia:

Padawan Trails Answer Guide:


Jedi, whether viewed as religious fanatics, skilled negotiators, protectors of the weak, mystical knights, manipulative deceivers, terrifying destroyers, or whiney farm boys, many people desire to become one and unlock their own hidden potential from within. This guide is designed to cover the entire process, from having no connection to the Force to becoming a full-fledged Jedi Padawan.

If your goal isn't to become a Jedi, but you still have interests in the new unlock system, then this guide has plenty of information for you too.

Want to make your existing template more powerful? There's information on the various FS skills which can augment regular professions quite beneficially. Find out what they do, how beneficial they will be, how they can be unlocked, when they can be unlocked, and how they can be purchased.

Are you a treasure collector? How about some cool and unique rewards, such as a banner that blows in the wind, crystals that can buff you, or even a plant that you can care for and grows fruit that you can pick! You'll find all the information you need to get these rewards from the new Force Sensitive quests here as well.

Perhaps you're just looking for some new content? Well this new system has it in spades! Just read over this guide to see all the stuff that the new unlock system ensues. Best of all you pretty much get to choose the content you want to pursue with the multi-faceted Force Sensitive quest system!

Of course, you'll also find all the information you need to become a Jedi Padawan here as well. So read on and prepare yourself, the new path awaits you!


(Note that pre-publish 9 Jedi are automatically granted access to the village and do not need to do any of the following, they can simply go straight to the village and enter it. You'll need to visit Rohak first to get a Quest Journal Force Crystal before you can do any of the quests though.)


In order to gain access to the Village of Aurilia you must first be visited by the Old Man, and in order to be eligible for this visit you need to earn specific badges.

The combinations of badges you will need are:

  • 1 Profession badge
  • 5 Content badges
  • 3 Jedi POI badges
  • 2 Difficult POI badges
  • 5 Easy POI badges

Content Badge Options:

  • Jabba's Themepark
  • Nym's Themepark
  • Rebel Themepark
  • Imperial Themepark
  • 2 Warren badges (Compassion, Imperial Hero)
  • 9 Corvette badges (Rebel, Neutral, Imperial missions – 3 for each faction)

Jedi POI Badges:

  • Ben Kenobi's House (Tatooine)
  • Jedi Temple Ruins (Dantooine)
  • The Temple of Exar K'un (Yavin IV)

Difficult POI Badges:

  • Ancient Krayt Dragon Skeleton (Tatooine)
  • Great Pit of Corkoon (Tatooine)
  • Fort Tusken (Tatooine)
  • Krayt Graveyard (Tatooine)
  • Dathomir Sarlacc (Dathomir)

All other POI explore badges are "easy"

For example, here are some easy steps to becoming Force Sensitive:

The Rebel Path – 20 Steps: Starting 1) Master a profession (does not need to be an elite one) 2) Join the Rebellion Tatooine 3) Ben Kenobi's House (Jedi POI 1/3) 4) Great Pit of Carkoon (Difficult POI 1/2) 5) Ancient Krayt Dragon Skeleton (Difficult POI 2/2) 6) Escape Pod (Easy POI 1/5) 7) Lars' Homestead (Easy POI 2/5) Cool Jabba's Themepark (Content 1/5) Corellia 9) Crystal Fountain of Bela Vistal (Easy POI 3/5) 10) Rebel Hideout (Easy POI 4/5) 11) Rebel Themepark – Part 1 Lok 12) Rebel Themepark – Part 2 13) Nym's Themepark (Content 2/5) Dantooine 14) Jedi Temple Ruins (Jedi POI 2/3) 15) Abandoned Rebel Base (Easy POI 5/5) 16) Rebel Themepark – Part 3 17) The Warren – Compassion (Content 3/5) 1Cool The Warren – Imperial Hero (Content 4/5) Yavin IV 19) The Temple of Exar K'un (Jedi POI 3/3) 20) Rebel Themepark – Part 4 (Content 5/5)

The Imperial Path – 17 Steps: Starting 1) Master a profession (does not need to be an elite one) 2) Join the Empire Tatooine 3) Ben Kenobi's House (Jedi POI 1/3) 4) Great Pit of Carkoon (Difficult POI 1/2) 5) Ancient Krayt Dragon Skeleton (Difficult POI 2/2) 6) Escape Pod (Easy POI 1/5) 7) Lars' Homestead (Easy POI 2/5) Cool Jabba's Themepark (Content 1/5) Naboo 9) Theed Waterfall (Easy POI 3/5) 10) Amidala's Beach (Easy POI 4/5) 11) Dee'ja Peak Waterfall (Easy POI 5/5) 12) Imperial Themepark (Content 2/5) Lok 13) Nym's Themepark (Content 3/5) Dantooine 14) Jedi Temple Ruins (Jedi POI 2/3) 15) The Warren – Compassion (Content 4/5) 16) The Warren – Imperial Hero (Content 5/5) Yavin IV 17) The Temple of Exar K'un (Jedi POI 3/3)

I can't guarantee the Imperial method, but I did the Rebel method with my 3-week-old Master Artisan/Master Smuggler (his only two badges) and was able to gain Force Sensitivity using it. The results should be the same with the Imperial path. [Update: The Imperial path has been confirmed to work.]

FYI, he started out with "You feel no connection with the force", got "You barely notice something different about yourself" at step 9, "You feel a faint sense of the force" at step 15, "You feel the Force surge within you" at step 19, and then finally "You feel an inner glow. The Force is with you" at step 20. It skipped "You have a strong sense of the Force within you" for some reason, but you can't argue with the results.

BTW, you could do the Corvette instead of the themeparks for content badges credit, but for the time it takes to get the tickets, buff everyone, and attempt to complete the Corvette it may almost be faster to just do the themeparks. However, if you have a few people trying to gain Force Sensitivity then the Corvette is probably faster (if you can all handle it or you have a good group that can).

Force Sensitivity

You can determine how close you are to becoming eligible for a visit from the Old Man by using the /checkForceStatus command.

This will give you one of six possible messages:

  • 1/6: "You feel no connection with the force."
  • 2/6: "You barely notice something different about yourself."
  • 3/6: "You feel a faint sense of the force."
  • 4/6: "You feel the Force surge within you."
  • 5/6: "You have a strong sense of the Force within you."
  • 6/6: "You feel an inner glow. The Force is with you."

Once you gain the "You feel an inner glow. The Force is with you." status you will be eligible for a visit from the Old Man.

Note: There is a rumour that dying before you receive the visit can lower your level of Force Sensitivity, meaning you'll have to raise it back up in order to be eligible for a visit again. This has yet to be confirmed or proven wrong though.

The Old Man (Intro Quest)

After getting your "inner glow" you will eventually receive a visit** from a mysterious Old Man. Appearing as a white dot on the map, converse with him and he will give you a Force Crystal and ask you to protect it.

You will now have access to a Quest Journal from the Force Crystal that allows you to keep track of what your current task is. You can view your Quest Journal either by selecting it from the crystal's radial menu, double-clicking the crystal, or by using the command /ui action questJournal.

Eventually some NPC's called "Sith Shadows" will attack you** (supposed to be only two of them, but it's sometimes four). They appear as red dots on the map. You must defeat them in order to protect the crystal. If they happen to kill you then you will lose the crystal and have to wait for another visit from the Old Man to get a new one. However, if you do manage to defeat them (they're very easy) you can loot "a Waypoint Datapad" with a waypoint to an encampment from (at least) one of them. Note that if you don't loot it or they weren't carrying one, you will then have to wait for another attack from some more Sith Shadows and try to loot one again.

Now you must activate and go to the given waypoint. It will lead you to a Sith Shadow encampment with 3-4 Sith Shadows outlaws. Defeat them and loot another datapad, "a mysterious Datapad", this one with a waypoint to a mysterious village on Dathomir.

Your Quest Journal will be updated, telling you to go to the Science Outpost on Dathomir, along with giving you a waypoint to a village southeast of the outpost. When you get to Dathomir, head towards the village. You will have to pass through a "wall" of mist when you get near the village (cannot be in combat). Once you arrive at the village talk to the village Elder, Rohak. He will reveal that this is the village of Aurilia and that they are currently being besieged by the Sith Shadows and are in great need of help...

    • Note: You must be outside of a static city area in order to get a visit from the Old Man or Sith Shadows. Player cities don't seem to matter though. Also, it helps to not be zooming around on a vehicle either and supposedly they won't visit if you're in combat. Some methods that have worked for others is to shuttle around to various player cities, logging in and out repeatedly, and running towards the (0,0) center point on the map. Note that usually when you're out in the field they won't spawn right on top of you, instead they will come running towards your general direction from off the screen, so keep your eyes open for that kind of odd behaviour on the overhead map (such as a white dot bolting across the map for no apparent reason).


The Village of Aurilia (5306,-4145) is located about 6000 meters southeast of the Science Outpost on Dathomir. It is situated in a barren and desolate valley, and is surrounded by a thick "wall" of mist that only those with permission from the Old Man can enter (apparently he must like talking to the Sith Shadows too, j/k). The village itself is a rustic community of huts and simple (looking) villagers, with a stone wall surrounding its perimeter.

In actuality this seemingly plain village is populated with Force Sensitive "misfits". Every villager has some level of Force Sensitivity, which unfortunately brought undue attention to them in their lives prior to the village and, for some reason or another, forced them to seek a place where their gifts could be nurtured and expanded. Eventually these people found one another and decided to form a community where others in their situation could turn to, thus the Village of Aurilia was created.

Unfortunately, a wayward Dark Jedi named Mellichae has decided that destroying this village would be a good way to earn the Emperor's trust again and perhaps earn him a place at the Emperor's side. Therefore his soldiers, the Sith Shadows, are currently attacking the village through any means in order to try to destroy the village and everyone in it.

This is the point where you come into the village's story. The Sith Shadows will be attacking the village throughout four phases, during which time you can offer your service to various members of the village in order to try to help them out. Each phase is three weeks long (real-time) and you can take one quest from one of four villagers each phase. It takes a full 12 weeks for the all the phases to cycle.

The phases are:

  • Phase I:

The village has recently repealed a vicious attack by the enemy. Much of the village defenses have been eliminated, buildings are destroyed, and many people have been hurt or killed. At this stage, the village is preoccupied with picking up the pieces, healing the wounded, and determining the remaining strength of their enemy.

  • Phase II:

The village continues to build defenses. It is discovered that the enemy is regrouping. Another attack seems inevitable, and initiates who help can turn the tide.

  • Phase III:

In an effort to repeal another invasion, the village begins construction of a shield generator. Search and destroy operations are conducted to help keep the enemy at bay. The village continues to grow in size. It is now walled from the defense building of Phase II.

  • Phase IV:

The shield generator is complete. The village is at its maximum size. Despite this, the Sith Shadows will not give up. Throughout this phase, waves of the enemy appear in coordinated groups. This phase culminates with a final onslaught. Although the enemy is repealed, the village is all but destroyed. Return back to Phase I.

Main villagers:

  • Rohak

Phase: All The village elder. Rohak was with the original group who founded Aurilia, and has been its spiritual guide ever since. He's very old and very wise...for a human. He will direct you to the various villagers giving quests during the phases. Also, if you somehow lose your Force Crystal he will give you a replacement.

  • Paemos

Phase: All Paemos is a Rodian, and an expert with ranged weapons of all types. He is friendly to everyone, a trait that made him few friends on Rodia. He is much happier in the village and will give his life to defend it if need be. Paemos knows a thing or two about Force Sensitive skills and can show initiates the ropes of experience. He's the person you go to for transferring experience to Force Sensitive experience. Also, he will grant Hologrinders their free FS Branches and the experience necessary to purchase them (word of warning for hologrinders: only unlock and purchase one branch at a time, otherwise you will reach your cap and lose some of your free FS XP).

  • Noldan

Phase: All Noldan is a Trandoshan and a master of melee combat. He is in love with Marite, believing his heart's secret is his own, but she is aware of his feelings and she reciprocates them. She won't act on her feelings though until she believes the village is safe from harm (how tragic that the village will never be safe). Noldan has been known to train outsiders who are working for the benefit of the village. He will teach you in the FS skill boxes that you have unlocked and have enough FS experience to purchase.

  • Marite

Phase: (removed from game?) Marite is a female Trandoshan, outgoing and outspoken. She championed the idea of bringing in new people to train, hoping that it would start down the path of understanding for those who are force sensitive. On her homeworld, her own tribe disowned and cast her out because of her bizarre Force sensitive gifts. She is the village's ambassador to the outside world and has an amazing ability to heal.

  • Quharek

Phase: I, II, III Quharek is a Mon Cal who has forsaken his own name for one given to him by the village. The villagers couldn't pronounce his given name. He's a craftsman and an expert on building, resource gathering. He is also adept at overseeing large construction projects.

  • Whip

Phase: I, II Whip is a young human male whose reflexes are a sight to behold. He is definitely the best pilot in the village. He hates the Empire more than any of the others. He feels that if they hadn't outlawed pod-racing he would be a rich and famous racer, the best in the galaxy, and he resents the Empire because of this.

  • Captain Sarguillo

Phase: I, III, IV Sarguillo is a Zabrak and is in charge of defending the village. His primary concern is keeping the village safe from harm in whatever way possible...

  • Sivarra Mecheaux

Phase: I, IV She is a Human and the village's medic and is always looking for help curing the wounded or keeping the village's defenders healed.

  • Dageerin

Phase: II, III An Aqualish male, he wants to delay the Sith Shadows from attacking the village so that they have time to repair the village's defenses.

  • Eozlin

Phase: II, III An Ithorian, his main responsibility is to find the resources necessary to rebuild the village's defenses.

  • Chief Engineer of Aurilia

Phase: IV The replacement for Aurilia's Chief Engineer, this individual is under enormous pressure to repair the village's Computers during the final big assault by the Sith Shadows. Unfortunately luck is not on the Chief's side, as there seems to be a new one every day during the final phase...


Unlocking and Purchasing As you complete quests for the villagers during the various phases you will unlock Force Sensitive branches. You can then convert most normal types of experience that you have accumulated to Force Sensitive experience types. There are three types of Force Sensitive experience: Combat, Senses, and Crafting. Please refer to Section 4: XP Conversion Ratios to see what experience can be converted to which Force Sensitive experience type and what the conversion ratio is.

There are four Force Sensitive trees in all, each with four branches. As you earn Force Sensitive experience you can purchase boxes in these trees. The cost for the boxes is as follows:

  • Novice box = 50K FS XP
  • Level 1 box = 175k FS XP
  • Level 2 box = 250k FS XP
  • Level 3 box = 350k FS XP
  • Level 4 box = 450k FS XP
  • Master box = 620 Apprenticeship XP

The master level boxes currently do not grant anything (not even a title), and they just seem to be there for structure.

Also, be aware that in order to qualify for the exit quest and the Padawan Trials you must purchase six full lines of FS skills (that's six level 4 boxes).

When deciding to do the villagers' quests, you should also know that Force Sensitive branches are associated with specific types of quests:

  • Combat Quests = Combat Prowess skills
  • Reflex Quests = Enhanced Reflexes skills
  • Medic/Survey Quests = Heightened Senses skills
  • Crafting Quests = Crafting Master skills

The Force Sensitive Skills

Combat Prowess:

  • Ranged Accuracy

enhanced ranged accuracy +12 - Increases accuracy with any ranged weapon.

  • Ranged Speed

enhanced ranged speed +12 - Increases speed with any ranged weapon.

  • Melee Accuracy

enhanced melee accuracy +12 - Increases accuracy with any melee weapon.

  • Melee Speed

enhanced melee speed +12 - Increases speed with any melee weapon.

Enhanced Reflexes:

  • Ranged Defense

ranged defense +20 Increases ranged defense.

  • Melee Defense

melee defense +20 Increases melee defense.

  • Vehicle Control

force vehicular control +20, force vehicular speed +3 Vehicle start, stop, & turning.

  • Survival

camping +5, foraging +5, trapping +5, mask scent +5, terrain negotiation +5, creature knowledge +5, creature harvesting +5 Only camps and terrain negotiation are useable if you're not a Scout or Ranger.

Heightened Senses:

  • Healing

injury treatment +10, injury treatment speed +10, wound healing (dancing) +20, wound healing (music) +20 Increases healing and enhancement abilities.

  • Surveying

surveying +20 Increases surveying range: (64x64) if no surveying, (384x384) if you have Artisan: Surveying IV.

  • Persuasion

persuasion +20 Lowers cost of skill training and appear aligned to any faction (better chance to pass contraband scans).

  • Luck

jedi's luck +4 Increases your luck while looting, including credits. Unknown if this affects looting item chances.

Crafting Mastery:

  • Experimentation

force experimentation +20 Increases your chances of getting Amazing Successes while crafting. Does not grant extra points!

  • Assembly

force assembly +20 Increases your ability to succeed while assembling an item.

  • Repair

force repair bonus +20 Increases your chances to repair a damaged or broken item.

  • Technique

crafting technique +4 Decreases you chances of failing (lowering experimental risk) while crafting.

Phases and FS Skill Availability

Since you can only choose to unlock one FS branch per phase through the quests it is very important to plan ahead so you don't ‘waste' your phases. The following is a list of skills that can be unlocked per phase and vice versa, to help you make these decisions now.

FS Skills per Phase

  • Phase I:

o Combat Prowess: Ranged Accuracy o Enhanced Reflexes: Survival o Heightened Senses: Persuasion o Crafting Mastery: Assembly

  • Phase II:

o Combat Prowess: Melee Speed o Enhanced Reflexes: Vehicle Control o Heightened Senses: Surveying o Crafting Mastery: Technique

  • Phase III:

o Combat Prowess: Melee Accuracy o Enhanced Reflexes: Ranged Defense o Heightened Senses: Luck o Crafting Mastery: Experimentation

  • Phase IV:

o Combat Prowess: Ranged Speed o Enhanced Reflexes: Melee Defense o Heightened Senses: Healing o Crafting Mastery: Repair

Phases for FS Skills

  • Combat Prowess:

o Phase I: Ranged Accuracy o Phase II: Melee Speed o Phase III: Melee Accuracy o Phase IV: Ranged Speed

  • Enhanced Reflexes:

o Phase I: Survival o Phase II: Vehicle Control o Phase III: Ranged Defense o Phase IV: Melee Defense

  • Heightened Senses:

o Phase I: Persuasion o Phase II: Surveying o Phase III: Luck o Phase IV: Healing

  • Crafting Mastery:

o Phase I: Assembly o Phase II: Technique o Phase III: Experimentation o Phase IV: Repair

Benefits The last thing I would like to discuss is the Force Sensitive skills themselves and their usefulness to Jedi and normal professions.

All new Jedi will now have to progress through the village of Aurilia to be allowed to start the Padawan Trials and become a full-fledged Jedi. However, since there are only four possible FS lines per three-week-phase to unlock and you can only unlock one per phase, it is extremely important to know beforehand which ones you want! Not to mention the huge Force Sensitive experience requirements to buy the actual skills once you've unlocked them...

Okay, first of all I'd like to discuss which FS skills are actually beneficial to Jedi... actually, that's somewhat of a contradictive term. The majority of the FS skills are not worth much to Jedi and only serve to limit their available skill points. However, they are required so you should at least pick ones that will serve somewhat of a purpose for your Jedi...

Combat Prowess: Ranged Accuracy and Ranged Speed are obviously useless for a Jedi, since they only fight with melee weapons.

Melee Speed, as can be seen from above, is only marginally useful. However, if you plan on Mastering Lightsaber then it will be completely useless to you, since you'll be speed capped for all Lightsaber types. Speed formulas are slated to change in the upcoming Combat Revamp, but we'll see if it'll serve a purpose after that...

Melee Accuracy is probably the most worthwhile FS skill for Jedi out of all of them, since Jedi have such low accuracy (even at Master Lightsaber).

Enhanced Reflexes: Ranged Defense is always good to have, but considering how well a Jedi's Saber Block currently works it almost not necessary... still better than most FS skills though.

Melee Defense is another good one to grab. It won't help much in PvP, but it'll be useful while grinding... especially since Jedi can't wear armor.

Vehicle Control does work very well but doesn't really benefit a Jedi that much. Your choice whether you want it or not, more of a "luxury" FS skill... it is nice to have though, as you do notice a difference.

Survival is debatable. You'll get +5 Terrain Negotiation, which is okay for Jedi seeing as they get none from their Disciplines. Other than that you'll be able to place basic camps...

Heightened Senses: Healing is completely useless for Jedi, it does not affect the Force Healing discipline at all.

Surveying is only marginally useful for Jedi (64x64 range), since you could just grab Novice Artisan and have the same skills.

Persuasion, hard to tell exactly what it does... it sounds like a very Jedi-like line, but no one really knows exactly what it does. We do know that it allows you to receive a lower cost for training, which is absolutely useless for Jedi since their "training" costs nothing anyway. Other than that it may have an influence on faction recruiters, junk dealers, and contraband scans... but no one really knows. Your choice if you want to pick it up, but it seems sort of like a waste at the moment.

Luck is supposed to make you, well, more lucky at looting. The description talks about increasing your chance to loot more credits, but no one's sure if it increases your chances at looting items as well. It's your call if you want this skill, not bad considering the other options though...

Crafting Mastery: Experimentation will increase your chances of getting Amazing Successes while experimenting (not give you more experimentation points). Okay to have, but considering Lightsabers do not decay, a Jedi won't be using this very often.

Assembly increases your chances of succeeding while crafting. Again, this is not going to be used often by Jedi.

Repair does work and would be nice to have, but considering that a Jedi's main items (Lightsaber and Robe) do not decay it's not too useful for Jedi. However, if you wanted to repair things for other people then it might be worth having...

Technique decreases your chances of failing while crafting. Like most of the other Crafting Mastery FS skills, this one is not going to be used very often by a Jedi.

Okay, so you read all that and still don't know what to pick? Well, to summarize, Melee Accuracy, Melee Defense, and Ranged Defense are all good picks for a Jedi. After that, Melee Speed, Vehicle Control, Survival, Luck, Persuasion, Experimentation, and Repair are all decent to choose from as well.

As for normal professions, well obviously the FS skills are more geared towards enhancing their skill sets rather than those of Jedi, however, there are some things to be aware of. Survival is useless to a Master Ranger, since they're already capped for most of the skills this adds to. It's unknown if Assembly and Technique are of any use to a master crafter, as there is always supposed to be a 5% chance of failure anyway. If you're already capped at +125 for them, then Melee Defense and Ranged Defense would be useless too. Also, the Melee and Ranged Speed lines won't be beneficial if you're already speed capped.


Force-sensitive Combat Experience (Combat Prowess and Enhanced Reflexes): Bounty Hunter 1:1 Combat 3:1 Weapon (all types) 30:1 Squad Leader 90:1

Force-sensitive Senses Experience (Heightened Senses): DNA Sampling 3:1 Political 3:1 Slicing 3:1 Merchant 4:1 Wilderness Survival 5:1 Image Design 7:1 Scouting 8:1 Creature Handling 9:1 Dancer 10:1 Musician 10:1 Entertainment Healing 10:1 Surveying 10:1 Medical 10:1 Trapping 25:1

Force-sensitive Crafting Experience (Crafting Mastery): Bio-Engineer Crafting 4:1 All Other Crafting 5:1 General Crafting 8:1 Structure Crafting 35:1


Note: Rewards from the Aurilia quests can be traded.

Note: You do not need your Quest Journal Force Crystal on you to accept quests (but it helps you get through some of them).

Note: Make sure you have space in your Datapad. A lot of the quests require that you have room there for waypoints, and occasionally some other stuff. If you don't have room it can cause problems, including potentially bugging the quest.

Note: To complete the Aurilian Sculpture, collect all four of the pieces from the various quests, and then stand in a spot in your house and drop them one after another. They will automatically align into a double-pronged sculpture of the Aurilian symbol (like on the banner).

--- PHASE 1 ---

Combat: Village Patrols

Villager: Captain Sarguillo (5313,-4161)

FS Branch Unlocked: Combat Prowess: Ranged Accuracy

Description: You must undertake 10 patrols. When you approach one of the given waypoints you will receive a system message that reveals whether there are any Sith Shadows at that patrol point. If there are 1-3 enemies there you must kill them, if there are more than 3 then do not kill any and just move on to the next point. If you don't follow those rules you will fail the patrol and have to grab another.

After completing 10 patrols you will successfully unlock the FS branch, at which point you can choose to do 10 extra patrols for a reward. Be warned that each successive patrol will get larger and larger, near the end of the 20 patrols the waypoints will be almost 2,000 meters apart! It's quite time consuming...

Reward: If you do the patrols twice (20 total) you will be awarded an Aurilian Banner, a nice banner that blows in the wind like those at the starports.

Reflexes: Rescue Missing Villagers

Villager: Whip (5383,-4226)

FS Branch Unlocked: Enhanced Reflexes: Survival

Description: During recent raids on the village several inhabitants have gone missing. Whip asks you to aid the village by tracking down these missing villagers. You are asked to rescue 5 in all.

Whip will give you a waypoint. When you reach the waypoint you will be alerted that you are close to a Sith Shadow encampment with a prisoner. The encampment will show up on the overhead map as a small bar (perhaps with a square next to it). It will spawn somewhere within about 250m of the initial waypoint.

The camp will contain three Sith Shadow pirates and a thug. Dispatch these and converse with the captured villager. He will then follow you and you must take him back to the base (you must go the whole way with them). Be aware that Sith Shadows may attack you and the villager on the way back. You need to protect the villager and make sure you both make it back alive.

Reward: An Aurilian Sculpture Section (3/4)

Senses: Cure the Sick

Villager: Sivarra Mecheaux (5391,-4075)

FS Branch Unlocked: Heightened Senses: Persuasion

Description: You are asked to create medicines with which to treat injured and sick villagers.

You will need a Doctor with Master Doctor's Medicine Crafting (Doc:0004) in order to craft the cures. You'll also need a droid with a private food & chemical crafting station built in to allow experimentation.

To create the required cures you will need to control the medicine through experimentation and use various qualities of resources. Each cure requires 10 Metal and 5 Flora, with Overall Quality (OQ) weighing 66% and Potential Energy (PE) weighing 33% for experimentation. It's best to bring both high and low quality resources so you can hit all the various experimental ranges.

Through multiple applications of the different medications you'll be able to cure the symptoms of the sick. The medical droids will help you administer the cures to the patients.

Symptoms and the required experimentation for cures (overlap is due to decimals):

  • fever = 0-8% experimentation
  • vomiting = 8-16% experimentation
  • open sores = 16-25% experimentation
  • puss filled lesions = 25-33% experimentation
  • erratic heart rate = 33-41% experimentation
  • respiratory failure = 41-50% experimentation
  • lost vision = 50-58% experimentation
  • partial paralysis = 58-66% experimentation
  • violent spasms = 66-75% experimentation
  • bloody cough = 75-83% experimentation
  • swelling = 83-91% experimentation
  • internal bleeding = 91-100% experimentation

After curing the initial 5 villagers you will unlock the FS branch. You can then cure an additional 5 villagers (extended) for a reward, and even another 5 villagers after that (extra cures) for a very unique reward!

Note: It's important that you talk to Sivarra every time you cure 5 villagers! There's no indication when you have completed each set so you must request the reward yourself from her (and ask to help with more so you can get the further rewards).

Reward: Cure 5 villagers to unlock the FS branch, cure 5 more villagers (10 in total) to unlock an Ice Pendant necklace with Combat Medicine Experimentation +5, and finally cure 5 more villagers (15 in total) to unlock an Aurilian Plant for your house that needs Watering and Nutrients. If properly taken care of the plant can grow large and bear special vitalizing fruit (a Force Melon) that you can pick and use (heals Health/Action/Mind +1000, 10 food filling, single use)! However, if you neglect the plant there is a chance that it could die...

Crafting: Repair the Sensor Array

Villager: Quharek (5373,-4181)

FS Branch Unlocked: Crafting Mastery: Assembly

Description: The Village's Sensor Array was damaged in the attack and their Chief Engineer was killed. Quharek asks you to repair it, directing you to the damaged Sensor Array (5419,-4119). It has four broken components which you must retrieve and bring to the Chief Engineer's hut nearby (5379,-4116). This hut has 2 workstations in it: a Recursive Analyzer that takes the broken components and makes schematics for new ones, and a Multi-phase Calibrator that balances them to work properly.

IMPORTANT: You need to bring these resources with you (quality doesn't matter):

  • Steel
  • Copper
  • Aluminum
  • Polymer
  • Lubricating Oil
  • Carbonate Ore
  • Extrusive Ore
  • Rori Fiberplast
  • Talusian Fiberplast
  • Nabooian Water Vapor
  • Yavinian Wind Energy

The schematics you get from the Recursive Analyzer are single use only, however, if you need another then you can just request one from the Analyzer's memory (only if you have used up your current one). Once you have the schemas you can craft the replacement components using a Generic Crafting Tool (no crafting skills required). If you critical fail while crafting you will not lose the usage on the schematic or even any of the resources.

After the components are crafted they will need to be balanced using the Multi-phase Calibrator. Each component will have its own unique graphical logic puzzle, which you must complete in order to successfully calibrate the component. Be aware that as you attempt a puzzle the component will lose integrity (displayed in the puzzle's text area), once the component's integrity reaches 0% it will break (don't worry, like I said above, you can craft another with a new schema).

Once all four are calibrated, replace them into the Sensor Array and it will come back online.

Component Calibrations:

  • Configuration Processor (50 Rori Fiberplast, 30 Copper, 40 Aluminum, 15 Copper)

Press the small triangular buttons to adjust the configuration setting so that the component configuration (top pattern) matches the expected configuration (bottom pattern). Pressing a button will toggle its illumination state, as well as the state of two other buttons.

  • Gyroscopic Receiver (50 Yavinian Wind Energy, 20 Lubricating Oil, 45 Steel, 20 Copper)

Use the sliders on the right to adjust the geographical resolution so that the component parameters (top shades) matches the expected parameters (bottom shades). Changes made to the sliders will not be reflected in real-time. You must press the "OK" button in order to view your changes. Sliders: Longitude Resolution, Latitude Resolution, and Vertical Resolution.

  • Signal Amplifier (70 Copper, 20 Carbonate Ore, 25 Talusian Fiberplast, 20 Aluminum)

Use the sliders on the right to adjust the frequency amplification so that the component output (top graph) matches the expected output (bottom graph). Changes made to the sliders will not be reflected in real-time. You must press the "OK" button in order to view your changes. Sliders: Pre-amp Boost, Amplification, and Post-amp Tuning.

  • Solid State Array (100 Extrusive Ore, 10 Nabooian Water Vapor, 20 Polymer, 10 Copper)

Use the sliders on the right to adjust the solid state devices (represented by the horizontal bars) so that they are aligned around the transmission bus (vertical line). Changes made to the sliders will not be reflected in real-time. You must press the "OK" button in order to view your changes. Sliders: Element One Alignment, Element Two Alignment, Element Three Alignment, Element Four Alignment, and Element Five Alignment.

Reward: An Aurilian Sculpture Section (4/4)

--- PHASE 2 ---

Combat: Search And Destroy

Villager: Dageerin (5238,-4189)

FS Branch Unlocked: Combat Prowess: Melee Speed

Description: You will be asked to strike 8 Sith Shadow camps to delay them from attacking Aurilia before the defenses have been rebuilt.

In order to find the camps you will either be given a waypoint or a tracking device to be used with a Radiation Sensor that Dageerin gives you. The waypoints are obviously straight forward and lead you right to the camp, but the Radiation Sensor works by evaluating "threat level".

To use the Radiation Sensor, you access and "use" it from your Datapad, which will open up a small window. The window will update every few seconds while you're moving (and only when you're moving) to display the current "threat level". Once you reach a constant speed and direction the window will either show a positive (green) or negative (red) number. The larger the positive number is, the closer you are to the direction that the camp is in (and vice versa for negative numbers). Once you get within 64 meters of the camp it will spawn and the Sensor window will let you know that you're within range of the camp.

At the camp you simply need to kill all the Sith Shadows there to pass that search and destroy mission. The camps are usually filled with Sith Shadow outlaws and pirates, however, the last two missions will have Sith Shadow task masters. These guys have 13K HAM and Light Armor with 70% resists to all (except Lightsaber), and they hit hard... so be prepared! Mission 7 will have one task master and mission 8 will have two of them.

After you complete each mission you will need to return to Dageerin to complete the mission and get the next one. Sometimes he will tell you that they can't locate any more camps and you will need to check back with him tomorrow for more missions. When he tells you this you'll have to wait 24 hours (real-time) before you can get more missions from him. This usually seems to happen after the 3rd and 6th missions, so plan on this quest taking you at least 3 days to complete (there is a rumor that Jedi doing this quest do not need to wait [Update: this rumor is false, it takes 3 days for Jedi as well]).

Reward: Durable Lathe, a +30 speed Melee Powerup with 500 uses.

Reflexes: Retrieve Supply Crates

Villager: Whip (5283,-4226)

FS Branch Unlocked: Enhanced Reflexes: Vehicle Control

Description: Similar to Whip's Phase 1 quest, however this time you must retrieve 6 crates of Supplies from crashed transport ships on Endor that were attacked by Sith Shadows. Just like before, Whip will give you a waypoint.

The waypoints will always be on Endor so you will have to travel all the way there every time. Once you arrive on Endor the waypoint will update to the approximate location of the crash site (usually 3-4 Km from the Outpost). When you reach the waypoint you will be alerted that you are close to the crashed ship. The ship will spawn somewhere within about 250m of the initial waypoint and will appear as a large rectangle-like object on the overhead map.

When you find the ship you simply need to approach it to salvage the crate of Supplies from it. Sith Shadow pirates and thugs will sometimes spawn around the ship, you can either defeat them or escape. However, be warned that if the Sith Shadows defeat you they will steal the Supplies and you will fail that mission.

To complete the mission you must return to Whip and converse with him to deliver the Supplies, you will also be given a new waypoint for the next mission as you get near him (but don't forget to drop off the Supplies). Given all the travel time this is a relatively long (and boring) quest, usually taking a few hours, so be prepared.

Reward: Focused Crystal that buffs your Health +2000 for 2 hours (unlimited uses, can be used once every 3 days and cannot be used at the same time as Doc buffs).

Senses: Find Village Wall Resources

Villager: Eozlin (5200,-4141)

FS Branch Unlocked: Heightened Senses: Surveying

Description: You're asked to help find 50% concentrations for 8 different resource types to help rebuild the village's wall.

You must have at least Novice Artisan to be eligible for this quest (though it will go much faster if you have some Surveying as well). You'll also need Mineral, Gas, and either Wind or Solar Surveying Tools in order to be able to find everything required.

To pass you simply need to Survey for the required resource type at a specific spot where the concentration is greater than or equal to the mission requirements. When you successfully do this your Quest Journal will update and you can simply look there for the next required resource type and concentration (without needing to return to Eozlin).

You will also be given a random single unit of an Aurilian resource container each time you complete a task (except the last one). When you finish the entire quest your reward will also appear directly in your inventory as well.

Note that you can find these concentrations on any planet, you're not restricted to just Dathomir.

Resource Types and required concentrations:

  • 1: 50% density of Aluminum
  • 2: 50% density of Gemstone
  • 3: 50% density of Energy (wind/solar)
  • 4: 50% density of Ore
  • 5: 50% density of Copper
  • 6: 50% density of Steel
  • 7: 50% density of Iron
  • 8: 50% density of Gas

Reward: An Inorganic Survey Device (allows you to survey all inorganics), as well as the 8 units of Aurilian resource containers from the survey points.

Crafting: Help Build Village Defenses

Villager: Quharek (5247,-4032)

FS Branch Unlocked: Crafting Mastery: Technique

Description: Quharek needs help rebuilding the village's defenses. To do this he is asking many crafters to aid with this community project. If you have at least Novice Artisan you can help him by donating a total of 10 Ingredients to contribute to rebuilding the defenses.

(Note: The number of people that can participate in the quest is limited for a phase.)

Once you accept the quest, Quharek will send you to go see QT-QC (5193,-4196), a binary load lifter responsible for handling the defensive Ingredients as you complete and contribute them. You can talk to it to get the schematics for the required Ingredients. You can also find out the current status of the project by talking to QT-QC or Quharek.

You need to contribute at least 10 of any combination of the following Ingredients to pass this quest:

  • Refined Endrine
  • Refined Rudic
  • Refined Ardanium II
  • Reinforced Wall Module
  • Small Turret

The raw materials required by the Ingredients are those special Aurilian Resource Containers that can be looted off Sith Shadows, specifically Ardanium II Energy, Rudic Ore, and Endrine Ore. Also, the Ingredients can (and should) be experimented on, meaning you will need access to a weapon, droid, and general item crafting station.

The schematic requirements and experimental properties are as follows:

Refined Endrine

  • raw materials:

o 20 Endrine Ore

  • experimentation:

o Malleability = 100% MA o Quality = 100% OQ o Toughness = 100% UT

Refined Rudic

  • raw materials:

o 20 Rudic Ore

  • experimentation:

o Conductivity = 100% CD o Decay Resistance = 100% DR o Quality = 100% OQ o Shock Resistance = 100% SR

Refined Ardanium II

  • raw materials:

o 20 Ardanium II Energy

  • experimentation:

o Potential Energy = 100% PE o Quality = 100% OQ

Reinforced Wall Module

  • raw materials:

o 10 Endrine Ore o 10 Rudic Ore o 1 Reinforced Wall Module (optional)

  • experimentation:

o Kinetic Effectiveness = 100% MA

Small Turret

  • raw materials:

o 1 Turret Hardware o 1 Turret Electronics

  • experimentation:

o none

Turret Hardware (Small Turret component, cannot be contributed)

  • raw materials:

o 5 Endrine Ore

  • experimentation:

o Accuracy = 50% MA, 50% UT

Turret Electronics (Small Turret component, cannot be contributed)

  • raw materials:

o 5 Rudic Ore o 10 Ardanium II Energy o 1 Turret Electronics (optional)

  • experimentation:

o Accuracy = 100% CD o Speed = 100% OQ

Village Defenses (cannot be crafted, for reference only)

  • raw materials:

o 1 Refined Endrine o 1 Refined Rudic o 1 Refined Ardanium II o 1 Reinforced Wall Module o 1 Small Turret

  • experimentation:

o Armor Effectiveness = 50% OQ, 50% SR o Armor Integrity = 50% OQ, 50% UT o Power = 100% PE

In order to contribute the required 10 Ingredients you will need a total of 200 (specific) Aurilian Resource Containers. Unfortunately, during this phase there is no indefinite supply of these resources. Players doing Eozlin's quest will get 7 random units as rewards and combatants doing either Dageerin's or Whip's quests will also have limited opportunities to gather these resources. However, there are no random spawns of Sith Shadows this Phase. So your only options are to either loot them in another Phase or request them from the players doing the other quests this phase (usually for a price).

Note: You may have noticed that some of the Ingredient schemas have the option for generational crafting, meaning you can put a previous Ingredient into a second Ingredient of the same type, increasing the new Ingredient's quality. If you have the resources to do this several times, it's a good way to increase the quality of an Ingredient dramatically.

At the end of the Phase, the project will be evaluated. Those that donated the most or highest quality of each of the Ingredients and of the overall project will receive rewards. That's a total of 12 rewards given out this phase.

Reward: A Lightsaber Crafting Toolkit with a "guaranteed critical assembly" (Amazing Success on assembly). The top 2 crafters (quantity and quality) for the overall project get 20 charges on the tool. The top 2 crafters (quantity and quality) for each Ingredient get 5 charges on the tool.

--- PHASE 3 ---

Combat: Capture Enemy Leadership

Villager: Captain Sarguillos (5313,-4161)

FS Branch Unlocked: Combat Prowess: Melee Accuracy

Description: For this quest you are asked to raid an enemy base and capture its Commander, bringing him back to Aurilia for interrogation. There are 25 bases in total, spread out all over Dathomir. Each base is defended by an impassable shield, turrets, and a lot of Sith Shadows.

In order to enter a base you must disable its shields. To do this you need to get a "remote frequency codes" disk. These can be looted off the Sith Shadow patrols within a 250 meter radius around the bases. These patrols are easy to spot, there is usually a large group of them and they are yellow dots on the radar (unlike most Sith Shadows, which are usually red dots). However, be aware that they will be aggressive towards you if you've already accepted the Captain's mission.

You will find Sith Shadow outlaws, pirates, and thugs in these patrols, but they're not the same ones you've been fighting in the other phases, these Sith Shadows are a lot tougher. They all have light armor and fairly high resists to everything (besides Lightsabers). Outlaws have ~13K HAM, pirates have ~15K HAM, and thugs have ~50K HAM. Thugs hit hard and are tough, about equal to some of the lower Corvette mobs, so be careful and be prepared.

Anyway, once you finally loot a frequency code bring it back to the Captain and he will make you a "shield generator remote" to disable a specific base's shields (found in the remote's name).

So how do you find where the base is that you have the remote for? Well, you can try searching around all of Dathomir until you stumble across the one you're looking for (obviously not recommended), or you can try looting "a waypoint datapad" off the Sith Shadow base patrols (turn it into the Captain to get a waypoint to a base, which you can then check out to see if it's the one), or you can simply check the forums for the base locations on your server.

That's right, "on your server". The locations of the bases are different on each server and each time the phase comes around, that's the tricky part about them. All servers have all 25 of the bases, but in different locations. The good news is that there seems to be set locations where the bases can potentially be located, so you at least have an idea where to look. The bad news is that there are more than 25 set locations, so there will be some "trial and error", but at least it's better than wandering around aimlessly.

The 25 base names are: alpha, beta, chi, delta, epsilon, eta, gamma, iota, kappa, lamda, mu, omega, omikron, phy, pi, psi, rho, sigma, tau, theta, xi, ypsylon, zed, zeta, nu

The known set locations so far are: .---------------------------------------------------------------. |__NW QUADRANT__|__SW QUADRANT__|__NE QUADRANT__|__SE QUADRANT__| |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| |__(-392,6004)__|___(-53,-165)__|___(700,750)___|__(3456,-1258)_| |__(-410,2506)__|__(-362,-1914)_|__(1073,1860)__|__(4027,-1402)_| |_(-1000,2300)__|__(-390,-1966)_|__(1311,1219)__|__(5313,-1145)_| |_(-1092,2343)__|__(-614,-5290)_|__(1369,1217)__|__(5939,-2030)_| |_(-1680,1703)__|__(-737,-5158)_|__(2960,45)____|_______________| |_(-1977,2234)__|_(-1000,-2800)_|__(3076,2174)__|_______________| |_(-2850,2366)__|_(-1017,-2873)_|__(3041,787)___|_______________| |_(-2932,738)___|_(-1721,-4684)_|_______________|_______________| |_(-3100,1170)__|_(-3824,-3011)_|_______________|_______________| '---------------------------------------------------------------'

Note: To determine the name of a base just look for the little MSE "surveillance droids" near the base, they will have its name in theirs. For example, "a kappa surveillance droid" would indicate that it's the "kappa" base.

Note: The closest set locations to Aurilia are (5939,-2030), then (5315,-1145), and then (3456,-1258). I would recommend checking out those locations first to see if there are bases there on your server. If there are then make a note of their name(s) and try to get frequency codes for them.

Okay, so you found the base that you have the remote for, now you have to bring down the shields by activating it. As soon as you do a horde of Sith Shadow thugs will begin spawning right in front of the base. Run away and regroup! You need to kill 5 of these thugs, but I highly recommend that you pull one or two out at a time to do it, the whole group of them will likely kill you within a few seconds.

Note: If you die at any time after deactivating the shields (without a partner) you will fail the mission and need to start over.

Once you kill the 5 you will get a message that the Commander has spawned in the base. To get to him in the base you'll have to destroy a couple of gates (and it wouldn't be a bad idea to destroy those three turrets now either). You best chance at getting into the base is to have somebody draw away the Sith Shadows guards and then go in. You can also wait for them to de-spawn and sneak in then, but they re-spawn fairly quickly and it can get messy.

After you make it to the Commander you need to select "Capture" from his radial menu, once you do he will begin following you. Get clear of the base and then begin heading back to Aurilia.

On the way back small groups of Sith Shadow pirates (2-3) will constantly try to rescue the Commander. If they get close enough to him he will escape. You will need to then catch up to him and select "Recapture" from his radial menu.

Be aware that he will also take some biotoxins and eventually die from poisoning. It's unknown exactly how long you have before this happens, but it seems to be accelerated every time he escapes. It could also be that he doesn't take the biotoxins until the first time he escapes. More info is needed on this one.

Anyway, once you lead the Commander safely back to the Captain you will complete the task, unlocking the FS branch and receiving your reward(s).

Note that there is also the option to do this quest with a partner for an extra reward. If you decide you want to do it with a partner one of you must pick the option to bring down the shields and the other one must pick the option to capture the Commander. If you do not then you won't both get credit. The person with the shields mission must bring down the base shields with the remote and then help kill five of the Sith Shadow thugs, all without dying until the Commander is captured. The other person must help kill the five thugs as well, and then capture the Commander and lead him back to the village without dying.

Reward: If you do this quest all by yourself you will receive a special Color Crystal, named Sunrider's Destiny (aquamarine color). If you do it with a partner you will receive the same special Color Crystal and a Focused Crystal. The latter gives a +900 mind buff that lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes (cannot be used with other Mind buffs). It appears to be infinitely reusable and can be used once every 4 days.

Reflexes: Search And Destroy II

Villager: Dageerin (5238,-4189)

FS Branch Unlocked: Enhanced Reflexes: Ranged Defense

Description: You will be asked to strike 8 Sith Shadow camps to delay them from attacking Aurilia before the defenses have been rebuilt.

In order to find the camps you will either be given a waypoint or a tracking device to be used with a Radiation Sensor that Dageerin gives you. The waypoints are obviously straight forward and lead you right to the camp, but the Radiation Sensor works by evaluating "threat level".

To use the Radiation Sensor, you access and "use" it from your Datapad, which will open up a small window. The window will update every few seconds while you're moving (and only when you're moving) to display the current "threat level". Once you reach a constant speed and direction the window will either show a positive (green) or negative (red) number. The larger the positive number is, the closer you are to the direction that the camp is in (and vice versa for negative numbers). Once you get within 64 meters of the camp it will spawn and the Sensor window will let you know that you're within range of the camp.

At the camp you simply need to kill all the Sith Shadows there to pass that search and destroy mission. The camps are usually filled with Sith Shadow outlaws and pirates, however, the last two missions will have Sith Shadow task masters. These guys have 13K HAM and Light Armor with 70% resists to all (except Lightsaber), and they hit hard... so be prepared! Mission 7 will have one task master and mission 8 will have two of them.

After you complete each mission you will need to return to Dageerin to complete the mission and get the next one. Sometimes he will tell you that they can't locate any more camps and you will need to check back with him tomorrow for more missions. When he tells you this you'll have to wait 24 hours (real-time) before you can get more missions from him. This usually seems to happen after the 3rd and 6th missions, so plan on this quest taking you at least 3 days to complete (there is a rumor that Jedi doing this quest do not need to wait [Update: this rumor is false, it takes 3 days for Jedi as well]).

Reward: Synthesized Muscle Stimulant, a buff item with 5 charges that boosts Ranged Defense by +10 for 5 minutes.

Senses: Find Shield Generator Resources

Villager: Eozlin (5200,-4141)

FS Branch Unlocked: Heightened Senses: Luck

Description: You're asked to help find 50% concentrations for 8 different resource types to help rebuild the village's defenses.

You must have at least Novice Artisan to be eligible for this quest (though it will go much faster if you have some Surveying as well). You'll also need Mineral, Gas, and either Wind or Solar Surveying Tools in order to be able to find everything required.

To pass you simply need to Survey for the required resource type at a specific spot where the concentration is greater than or equal to the mission requirements. When you successfully do this your Quest Journal will update and you can simply look there for the next required resource type and concentration (without needing to return to Eozlin).

You will also be given a random single unit of an Aurilian resource container each time you complete a task (except the last one). When you finish the entire quest your reward will also appear directly in your inventory as well.

Note that you can find these concentrations on any planet, you're not restricted to just Dathomir.

Resource Types and required concentrations:

  • 1: 50% density of Iron
  • 2: 50% density of Gas
  • 3: 50% density of Energy
  • 4: 50% density of Aluminum
  • 5: 50% density of Ore
  • 6: 50% density of Gemstone
  • 7: 50% density of Steel
  • 8: 50% density of Copper

Reward: An Inorganic Survey Device (allows you to survey all inorganics), as well as the 8 units of Aurilian resource containers from the survey points.

Crafting: Help Build Village Shields

Villager: Quharek (5291,-4107)

FS Branch Unlocked: Crafting Mastery: Experimentation

Description: Quharek needs help rebuilding the village's shields, similar to the defenses in Phase 2. To do this he is asking many crafters to aid with this community project. If you have at least Novice Artisan you can help him by donating a total of 20 Ingredients to contribute to rebuilding the shields.

(Note: The number of people that can participate in the quest is limited for a phase.)

Once you accept the quest, Quharek will send you to go see QT-QC (5193,-4196), a binary load lifter responsible for handling the shield Ingredients as you complete and contribute them. You can talk to it to get the schematics for the required Ingredients. You can also find out the current status of the project by talking to QT-QC or Quharek.

You need to contribute at least 20 of any combination of the following Ingredients to pass this quest:

  • Endrost Alloy
  • Shield Housing
  • Power Supply
  • Unit Computer
  • Regulator
  • Shield Connections
  • Primary Computer

The raw materials required by the Ingredients are those special Aurilian Resource Containers that can be looted off Sith Shadows, specifically Wind Crystal Energy, Ardanium II Energy, Rudic Ore, Ostrine Ore, and Endrine Ore. Also, the Ingredients can (and should) be experimented on, meaning you will need access to a weapon, droid, and general item crafting station.

The schematic requirements and experimental properties are as follows:

Endrost Alloy

  • raw materials:

o 8 Endrine Ore o 1 Ostrine Ore o 1 Wind Crystal Energy

  • experimentation:

o Quality = 50% OQ, 50% PE o Toughness = 33% MA, 66% UT

Shield Housing

  • raw materials:

o 6 Endrine Ore o 4 Rudic Ore

  • experimentation:

o System Redundancy = 50% DR, 50% UT

Power Supply

  • raw materials:

o 2 Ostrine Ore o 3 Endrine Ore o 5 Wind Crystal Energy o 1 Power Supply (optional)

  • experimentation:

o Energy Resistance = 33% MA, 33% OQ, 33% PE

Unit Computer

  • raw materials:

o 4 Rudic Ore o 6 Ardanium II Energy o 1 Unit Computer (optional)

  • experimentation:

o Armor Effectiveness = 50% CD, 50% PE


  • raw materials:

o 5 Ostrine Ore o 5 Rudic Ore o 1 Regulator (optional)

  • experimentation:

o Power Efficiency = 50% CD, 50% OQ

Shield Connections

  • raw materials:

o 10 Ostrine Ore

  • experimentation:

o Grid Stability = 50% MA, 50% OQ

Primary Computer

  • raw materials:

o 4 Rudic Ore o 3 Ardanium II Energy o 3 Wind Crystal Energy o 1 Primary Computer (optional)

  • experimentation:

o System Response = 33% CD, 33% OQ, 33% PE

Village Shields (cannot be crafted, for reference only)

  • raw materials:

o 1 Endrost Alloy o 1 Shield Housing o 1 Power Supply o 1 Unit Computer o 1 Regulator o 1 Shield Connections o 1 Primary Computer

  • experimentation:

o Misc: Armor Integrity = 50% OQ, 50% UT

In order to contribute the required 20 Ingredients you will need a total of approximately 200 (specific) Aurilian Resource Containers. To get these you can either look to your fellow players or attempt to collect them yourself. Players doing Eozlin's quest will get 7 random units as rewards and combatants doing either Captain Sarguillos' or Dageerin's quests will also have opportunities to gather these resources. However, if you wish to gather them yourself you can go to perimeter of the various Sith Shadow Bases (from Captain Sarguillos' quest) and look for Sith Shadow patrols to beat up and loot from (warning: they can be tough).

Note: You may have noticed that some of the Ingredient schemas have the option for generational crafting, meaning you can put a previous Ingredient into a second Ingredient of the same type, increasing the new Ingredient's quality. If you have the resources to do this several times, it's a good way to increase the quality of an Ingredient dramatically.

At the end of the Phase, the project will be evaluated. Those that donated the most or highest quality of each of the Ingredients and of the overall project will receive rewards. That's a total of 16 rewards given out this phase.

Reward: A Lightsaber Crafting Toolkit with a "guaranteed critical assembly" (Amazing Success on assembly). The top 2 crafters (quantity and quality) for the overall project get 20 charges on the tool. The top 2 crafters (quantity and quality) for each Ingredient get 5 charges on the tool.

--- PHASE 4 ---

Combat/Reflexes: Village Assault!

Villager: Captain Sarguillos (5313,-4161)

FS Branch Unlocked: Combat Prowess: Ranged Speed OR Enhanced Reflexes: Melee Defense

Description: You must defend the village from waves of attacking Sith Shadows. Every 90 minutes Aurilia will be raided by a horde of Sith Shadow outlaws, pirates, and thugs. In order to complete this quest you must kill (or help kill) 50 outlaws and 25 pirates (note that thugs do not give any credit for being killed).