Buffing (Game Messages)

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Game Messages - Buffing

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Game Messages - Buffing

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25% This document has been partially completed.

Game Messages This document refers to internal SWG Messages.

System Messages

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Prompt
enhancement /string/en/ healing_response.stf internal_command_string enhancement.
enhances_your /string/en/ healing_response.stf internal_command_string enhances your
healing_response_75 /string/en/ healing_response.stf internal_command_string You must specify a valid attribute.
healing_response_77 /string/en/ healing_response.stf internal_command_string Target must be a player or a creature pet in order to apply enhancements.
reapplies_your /string/en/ healing_response.stf internal_command_string re-applies your
you_enhance /string/en/ healing_response.stf internal_command_string You enhance
you_enhance_your /string/en/ healing_response.stf internal_command_string You enhance your
you_reapply /string/en/ healing_response.stf internal_command_string You re-apply
you_reapply_your /string/en/ healing_response.stf internal_command_string You re-apply your
by /string/en/ healing_response.stf internal_command_string by
posessive /string/en/ healing_response.stf internal_command_string 's