Stats Mechanics Context 5 (Source)

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In preperation for the Summit, Sandbox testing and the Combat Revamp, I will be attempting to gather together an issues list as well as a 'Top 5' for the Devs.

Below is the list from our previous 'Top 5'.

If there are other issues, please list them in this format:



Remember to keep it to single items and make it as clear and concise as possible

Also, If there are issues you think should be removed from the listing(i.e. 14, 15, 17), simply state which one(s) and a short reason why.

This is NOT a voting thread, simply an information gathering thread.

Note: some of the items have either been fixed or changed, so I went ahead and rewrote them. The notes for what has changed is at the very bottom.

1) Issue: Inter-profession Crafting Interdependency - Others dependent upon us:

CMs currently are dependent on Doctor crafted components in order to make the Best Stims. CMs are also dependent upon Artisan and Scout skills to obtain certain resources. Many CMs would like to have other professions dependent upon us for items and/or components.

Fix: Implementation of any/all of the following:

Chef poison/disease resistance foods require a crafted component from a CM.

Armour resistance layers requiring a CM crafted component.

Weapon addition to add a DoT attack requiring a CM crafted component.

2) Issue: Resource Requirements

Many CMs feel the resource requirements are too rare/specific. Some also feel that the spawn rate is too low as well.

Fix: Increase the spawn rate to something that is, at the least, decent. A spawn rate of once every 2-3 months is not overpowering OR maintain the current spawn rate but make the stats better all around.

3) Issue: Increased Usefulness of Mindheal:

Mindheal, currently, has drawbacks which outweigh it's usefulness. It lacks any true range and the wounds/bf it causes are too high.

Fix: Increase the range of /mindheal and lessen the wounding. (note: this may become a non-issue with the HAM Revamp portion of the Combat Revamp, in which it is thought that mind healing will be as easy as Health and Action healing)

4) Issue: PvE Damage Output:

Combat Medic Damage in PvE is woefully inadequate. Poisons and Diseases offer little to PvE encounters and are sometimes outdone, damage-wise, by simple use of low level marksman weapons.

Fix: CM Damage increase for PvE situations. Anywhere from 2-3 times current.(note: this would automatically require a damage reduction be placed on CMs in PvP)

5) Issue: Faction Points:

Combat Medics would like to be able to obtain faction points for using their abilities. Whether it be via healing fellow factioned members during GCW related encounters, or by use of poison/disease during GCW Encounters.

Fix: Implementation of a code similar to 'kill credit' for healing, only substituting a drastically reduced ammount of Faction Points for Combat XP. Implementing some form of 'kill-credit' Faction Point gain for damage dealt on a Factional Target.

6) Issue: No Incap/+1 Change:

The implementation of the +1/No Incap was an attempt to end the 'incap dance', basically allowing poison to triple-incap a person to death or(at the time) being incapped continuously over an extended period of time due to immunity timer on getting up from an incap. Due to changes and fixes, some CMs would like to have this rule removed.

Fix: Allow Poison to Incap on it's own

7) Issue: Line of Sight/Z-Axis Issues:

Combat Medics have the ability to 'bounce' an AoE offensive Med off of a single valid LoS target and then effecting everything within range of that target, regardless of their current location. Combat Medics also have issues with knee-high logs/boulders/rocks/etc blocking their ability to throw ranged/area meds.

Fix: Make it so that things like walls and the ground actually interfere with throwing meds, but items such as Rocks and Logs do not.

Cool Issue: Usefulness of Disease:

Disease needs it's usefulness examined. In PvE encounters, it has little to no use due to low and slow damage dealt(see #6). In PvP, due to the Stat Cap(a buffed player not receiving more wounds then their unbuffed stat+1) diseases are also of little use.

Fix: Change diseases to:

  • Current effect PLUS Prolonged exposure causing different states(dizzy, stun, blind, etc).
  • Change diseases to debuffs in that it would act as a 'spice downer' and reduce a stat by a certain ammount(perhaps removing a doctor buff entirely) for a certain period of time.

9) Issue: Money:

Medic is the only starting profession to not have a dedicated mission terminal from which to earn credits utilizing their skills and as this is our Novice Profession Requirement, it hinders our ability to earn credits as well.

Fix: Implement a Medic Mission Terminal.

Our skills are also not taken into account when attempting to obtain a Destroy mission other then novice. A Master Combat Medic and a Novice Combat Medic receive the same Destroy Mission difficulty level, a problem no other Combat Profession has.

Fix: Allow CM skill level to dictate mission difficulty.

Combat Medics also don't have a viable sale item. All other crafting profession have items or services they can sell to earn credits, Combat Medics do not. Our customer base consists solely of others within our same profession.

Fix: Implementation of ideas from Issue #1

10) Issue: Damage Mitigation/Resists:

Combat Medics do not have any Damage Mitigation or Resistances within the profession except what is granted in the Ranged Support line of Marksman(Ranged Defense +6/Melee Defense+2).

Fix: Grant one or more of the following:

  • Ranged/Melee Mitigation Level 1(or higher)
  • Increased defense mods
  • Resistances to Poison/Diseases within the Combat Medic Skillset.
  • 11) Issue: Poison/Disease Range Progression:

Combat Medics are now within the 64m cap of all combat professions. However, the difference in range from Novice to Master on offensive meds is far too low.

Fix: Change the formula to provide a more level progression from Novice to Master.

  • 12) Issue: Stim Range:

Combat Medic ranged and area stims have abysmal ranges. This is due to the fact that the necessary subcomponents lack a ranged category.

Fix: Increase the base crafted range rating on Area/Ranged stims to something akin to our Poison/Disease base crafted ranges(with experimentation used to further that range)

13) Issue: DoT Tick Intervals:

Currently Poisons tick every 10 seconds, Disease every 40. This will cause a large amount of damage to be done at one time each tick. This has the effect of perhaps panicking certain players and causing them to feel an immediacy in seeking medical attention quickly or not at all.

Fix: Shorten the intervals between 'ticks' while maintaining the same damage output. This would make seeking medical attention within the first tick not so critical.

14) Issue: Healing While Mounted:

Combat Medics would like the ability to heal while mounted.


  • Allow ONLY stims to be used while mounted(ranged, area, and regular)
  • Allow self-healing only.

15) Issue: DragRange:

Combat Medics feel that the range on /drag should be increased. Currently we are limited to the same range as a Master Medic. Being the 'Range' and 'AoE' specialists, we should have at least an increased range for /drag.

Fix: Increase the range for /drag.

16) Issue: Experimentation on Stim Components:

Combat Medics would like to be able to fully experiment on their Stim Components as opposed to relying on a Doctor to make the components/schematic for us.(note: this is linked to Issue #1 in that some feel if Doctors are made to rely on us, then there is no need to remove our reliance on them)

Fix: Allow full experimentation for the Stim Components.

17)Issue: Flamethrower/On Fire Cure:

Combat Medics would like to have the ability to cure the On-Fire state.


  • Addition of the Fire Blanket to the Combat Medic Profession(either simply copying it over to a skill, or lowering the current Fire Blanket ability from Doctor to Master Medic)
  • Addition of a seperate item for Combat Medics to use to cure the on-fire status(preferably with a range and/or AoE effect)


1Cool Issue: Poison/Disease Range:

Combat Medics are having a hard time reaching anywhere near 64m with their offensive meds. Even with high quality resources that range is still out of reach.

Fix: Tweak the range forumla to allow reaching 64m to be more common than it currently is.


19) Issue: 4 Second Rooting Animation

Combat Medics are rooted for the entirety of the throw animation, regardless of what we're throwing(stim/poison/disease) and if we were already in motion. This puts Combat Medics at a distinct disadvantage compared to other combat professions.