Image Designer (Game Messages)

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Game Messages - Image Designer (Game Messages)

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100% This document is complete.

Game Messages This document refers to internal SWG Messages.

System Messages

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Prompt Notes
imagedesigner_bald_not_valid /string/en/ shared.stf internal_command_string This player cannot be bald. Prompt Number
imagedesigner_canceled_by_recip /string/en/ shared.stf internal_command_string The recipient cancelled the image design session. Prompt Number
imagedesigner_designer_success /string/en/ shared.stf internal_command_string You successfully make the image design changes. Prompt Number
imagedesigner_designer_was_paid /string/en/ shared.stf internal_command_string You were paid %DI credits for the Image Design session. Prompt Number
imagedesigner_failed_to_send_money /string/en/ shared.stf internal_command_string Unable to transfer money, changes aborted. Prompt Number
imagedesigner_hair_not_valid /string/en/ shared.stf internal_command_string This hair is not allowed on the character. Prompt Number
imagedesigner_not_enough_time_passed /string/en/ shared.stf internal_command_string Not enough time has passed to make the requested changes, changes aborted. Prompt Number
imagedesigner_not_paying_enough /string/en/ shared.stf internal_command_string The recipient could not pay the required amount. Prompt Number
imagedesigner_recip_paid /string/en/ shared.stf internal_command_string You pay %DI credits for the Image Design session. Prompt Number
imagedesigner_recipient_success /string/en/ shared.stf internal_command_string The image design changes have been successfully made to you. Prompt Number
imagedesigner_session_not_valid /string/en/ shared.stf internal_command_string The image design session data is not valid, aborting the change. Prompt Number
imagedesigner_wounded_can_not_migrate_stats /string/en/ shared.stf internal_command_string Wounded players can not have their stats migrated, changes aborted. Prompt Number