Gyroscopic Receiver (Schematic)

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Revision as of 00:14, 8 July 2008 by Ready (Talk | contribs) (Related Tags)

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Schematic - Gyroscopic Receiver

SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.


Name: Gyroscopic Receiver

Data: Schematic Description

Complexity: 10

Required Tool: Generic Crafting Tool

Schematic Data Size: 1

Granted XP: 0

Practice XP: 40

XP Type: General Crafting

Crafting Tool Tab: Mission
Item Category: {{{10}}}
Skill Required: {{{11}}}


Res energy.png
Gyro Power Core
Yavinian Wind Energy 50
Res petrochem inert.png
Bearing Lubrication
Lubricating Oil 20
Res steel.png
Receiver Unit
Steel 45
Res copper.png
Socket Connection
Copper 20

Related Tags

25% This document has been partially completed.

Artisan This document is related to the Artisan Profession.

Crafting Mastery This document is related to the Crafting Mastery Profession.

Schematic This document relates to a schematic.

Completion Key

Mark the completion status based upon the following criteria:

1. 0% if text only or nothing at all.

2. 25% if there is text plus: schematic pic, or 2nd source, or item pic only

3. 50% if any 2 of these are present: Schematic pic, 2nd Source, Item Pic, text.

4. 75% if 1 schematic pic, 1 item pic and text

5. 100% if 1 schematic pic , 2nd Source, Item Pic, and Text.

Experimental Properties

Schematic Image 1 (Ingredients)


Schematic Image 2 (Attributes 1)


Schematic Image 3 (Attributes 2)


Item Image 1


Item Image 2


Source References

Source Source in Context
Gyroscopic Receiver Source 1 '