Image Design Timers (Game Mechanics)

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Revision as of 19:57, 4 September 2009 by Ready (Talk | contribs) (Game Mechanics)

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Game Mechanics - Mechanics Category

SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.


Template (Game Messages)

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0% This document has not been started.

Mechanics This document is about game mechanics.

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  • 0% - No substantive information available on game feature
  • 25% - page has been started but not completed
  • 50% - page is as complete as possible with the currently available information but probably needs more research done on the subject matter
  • 75% - page is probably complete but needs to be reviewed for accuracy of the page content and to make sure that no information is missing about the game feature
  • 100% - page has been reviewed and compared against enough sources to the extent that there is reasonable confidence that the game feature is completely documented.

Game Mechanics

Image Design sessions are accompanied by a timer that must finish its countdown before a change can go through. The time delay will be listed in the Time Until Commitable section of the Customer UI as well as the Image Design Feature Customization Window Master image designers have additional timer reductions available.

Non Master ID's:

  • For cosmetic changes, the timer is 1 minute (or 30 seconds in an ID salon)
  • for body changes, the timer is 2 minutes (1 minute in an ID Tent)
  • for stat migrations the timer is 4 minutes

Master ID's:

  • For cosmetic changes, the timer is 30 seconds (or no timer in an ID salon)
  • for body changes, the timer is 1 minute (no timer in an ID Tent)
  • for stat migrations the timer is 4 minutes
  • There are no timer for self-cosmetic/body changes done outside of the image designer salon
  • Timers do not stack, but instead the highest timer is applied, so if you are getting a stat migration and lip color, the timer will be set at 4 minutes.

Source References

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