PlanetaryMap (Sequence)

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Revision as of 01:48, 20 May 2007 by Snow (Talk | contribs) (Category Breakdown)

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void ZoneClient::Handlegetmap(char *pData) {

	ByteBuffer *packet = new ByteBuffer;
	//packet = new ByteBuffer;
	//packet->opcode(SOE_CHL_DATA_A);	// 09 00
	*packet << (uint16)0x0008;		//
	packet->opcode2(GetMapLocationsResponseMessage); //9f80464c,"GetMapLocationsResponseMessage"
	char *dir = "naboo";
	uint16	len = strlen(dir);	
	*packet << (uint16) len;
	for (int i=0;i<len;i++)
		*packet << (char)dir[i];	
	*packet << (uint32)2;		//Counter
	//*packet << (uint8)0;		//512 = 549
	//*packet << (uint8)0;		//
	//*packet << (uint8)0;		//
	*packet << (uint32)2;		//
	*packet << (uint32)0;		//

//pckt 1
	dir = "@naboo_region_names:keren";
	//dir = "";
	len = strlen(dir);	
	*packet << (uint32) len;
	for (int i=0;i<len;i++)
		*packet << (unicode)dir[i];	

	*packet << (uint32)0x00804503;	// float x

	*packet << (uint32)0x00711035;	// float y

	*packet << (uint8)0x03;		// Main Category \\ 03 = cantina
	*packet << (uint8)0x00;		//sub category 

	*packet << (uint8)0;		//Icon
	*packet << (uint8)0;		//

	*packet << (uint16)0;		
	*packet << (uint16)0;
	*packet << (uint16)0;
	*packet << (uint8)0;
//pckt 2
	dir = "Schmunzels Power Buff's";
	len = strlen(dir);	
	*packet << (uint32) len;
	for (int i=0;i<len;i++)
		*packet << (unicode)dir[i];	

	*packet << (uint32)0x00804503;	// float x

	*packet << (uint32)0x00711035;	// float y

	*packet << (uint8)0x1d;		// Main Cat
	*packet << (uint8)0x00;		//Sub Cat

	*packet << (uint8)0x0;		//Icon 00 = nothing 01= moon 02= sun
	*packet << (uint8)0x0;		//

	*packet << (uint16)0;		
	*packet << (uint16)0;
	*packet << (uint16)0;
	*packet << (uint8)0;

	*packet << (uint16)0;
	*packet << (uint16)0;
	*packet << (uint16)0;
	*packet << (uint16)0;
	*packet << (uint16)0;

	*packet << (uint16)0;
	*packet << (uint8)0;
	//SendSWG(packet->contents(), packet->size(), true, false, true);

	MultiBuffer *multiPacket;
	multiPacket = new MultiBuffer(server_sequence);
	multiPacket->appendPacket(packet, 0);
	//multiPacket->appendPacket(&sendCraftCount(count+32), 0);
	server_sequence = queue->Add (multiPacket,server_sequence);


Category Breakdown

## 00        \\ Can only be used as a Sub for other codes
01 ##        \\ Shows up as Uknown Can be used as Main or Sub
02 00        \\ Bank
03 00        \\ Cantina
04 00        \\ Capitol
05 00        \\ Cloning Facility
06 00        \\ Parking Garage
07 08        \\ Guild Hall (Combat)
07 09        \\ Guild Hall (Commerce)
07 0A        \\ Guild Hall (Theater)
07 0B        \\ Guild Hall (Univeristy)
0C 00        \\ Hotel
0D 00        \\ Medical Center
0E 00        \\ Shuttleport
0F 00        \\ Star Port

10 ##        \\ Theme Park Combined with any other code
11 00        \\ City
## 12        \\ When used as a Secondary code makes it a Sub cat Waypoint Will not work as Main
13 40        \\ Trainer - Privateer Pilot Trainer (RSF)
13 41        \\ Trainer - Rebel Pilot Trainer
13 42        \\ Trainer - Imperial Pilot Trainer
13 16        \\ Trainer - Scout
13 19        \\ Trainer - Medic
13 15        \\ Trainer - Artisan
13 14        \\ Trainer - Brawler
13 17        \\ Trainer - Marksman
13 18        \\ Trainer - Entertainer
13 3F        \\ Trainer - Shipwright
1A 00        \\ Watto Junk Shop
1B 00        \\ Tavern
1C ##        \\ Barrack Can be used as Main or Sub
1D 1E        \\ Vendor - Player Armor
1D 1F        \\ Vendor - Player Clothing
1D 20        \\ Vendor - Player Components
1D 21        \\ Vendor - Player Droids
1D 22        \\ Vendor - Player Equipment
1D 23        \\ Vendor - Player Food
1D 24        \\ Vendor - Player Housing
1D 25        \\ Vendor - Player Resources
1D 26        \\ Vendor - Player Tool
1D 27        \\ Vendor - Player Weapons
1D 28	     \\ Vendor - Junk Dealer
1D 34        \\ Vendor - Pet/PetSupplies
1D 35        \\ Vendor - Player Medical 
1D 43        \\ Vendor - Player Shipwright

2D ##        \\ Rebel Can be used and main or sub
2D 2F        \\ Rebel - Rebel Headquarters the 2F can only be used as secondary
2E ##        \\ Imperial can be used as main or sub
2E 30        \\ Imperial - Imperial Headquarters

29 ##        \\ Terminal Can be used as Main or Sub
29 2A        \\ Bank Terminal
29 2B        \\ Bazzar Terminal
29 2C        \\ Mission Terminal - Mission
29 4A        \\ Base Terminal - This one doesnt exist inside the Pre-cu code.  May have come later.
29 18        \\ Mission Terminal - Entertainer
29 15        \\ Mission Terminal - Artisan
29 16        \\ Mission Terminal - Scout
29 2D        \\ Mission Terminal - Rebel
29 2E        \\ Mission Terminal - Imperial

31 ##        \\ Camp can be used as main or Sub

32 ##        \\ City Hall can be used as main or sub

33 ##        \\ Theater can be used as main or sub
38 ##        \\ Museum 
39 ##        \\ Salon can be used as main or sub
3A 3B        \\ Space - Space Recruiter
3D ##        \\ Starship Chassis
## 3C        \\ Starship Chassis Broker
43 ##        \\ Ships can be used as Main or Sub
44 ##        \\ Barracks (Only as Main)

Most of the codes can be used as Main and Sub switching them around can create various
types that we can use to create new stuff with.
POIs are triggered with main opcode for map as they are stored on the client.

name index iscategory issubcategory canBeActive faction factionVisibleOnly
unknown 1 True False False False
bank 2 True False False False
cantina 3 True False True False
capitol 4 True False False False
cloningfacility 5 True False False False
garage 6 True False False False
guild 7 True False False False
guild_combat 8 False True False False
guild_commerce 9 False True False False
guild_theater 0A False True True False
guild_university 0B False True False False
hotel 0C True False False False
medicalcenter 0D True False True False
shuttleport 0E True False False False
starport 0F True False False False
themepark 10 True False False False
city 11 True False False False
waypoint 12 True False False False
trainer 13 True False False False
trainer_brawler 14 False True False False
trainer_artisan 15 False True False False
trainer_scout 16 False True False False
trainer_marksman 17 False True False False
trainer_entertainer 18 False True False False
trainer_medic 19 False True False False
junkshop 1A True False False False
tavern 1B True False True False
barracks 1C True False True False
vendor 1D True False False False
vendor_armor 1E False True False False
vendor_clothing 1F False True False False
vendor_components 20 False True False False
vendor_droids 21 False True False False
vendor_equipment 22 False True False False
vendor_food 23 False True False False
vendor_housing 24 False True False False
vendor_resources 25 False True False False
vendor_tools 26 False True False False
vendor_weapons 27 False True False False
vendor_junk 28 False True False False
terminal 29 True False False False
terminal_bank 2A False True False False
terminal_bazaar 2B False True False False
terminal_mission 2C False True False False
rebel 2D True False False rebel True
imperial 2E True False False imperial True
rebel_hq 2F* False True True rebel True
imperial_hq 30* False True True imperial True
sf_rebel_hq 2F* False True True rebel True
sf_imperial_hq 30* False True True imperial True
camp 31 False True True False
cityhall 32 False False True False
theater 33 False False True False
vendor_pets 34 False True False False
vendor_medical 35 False True False False
poi 36 True False False False
garage 37 True False False False
museum 38 True False False False
salon 39 True False False False
space 3A True False False False
space_recruiter 3B False True False False
space_chassis_broker 3C False True False False
space_chassis 3D True False False False
trainer_starfighter_engineer 3E False True False False
trainer_shipwright 3F False True False False
trainer_pilot_privateer 40 False True False False
trainer_pilot_rebel 41 False True False False
trainer_pilot_imperial 42 False True False False
vendor_ships 43 False True False False
sf_rebel_forward_base 44 False True True rebel True
sf_imperial_forward_base 45 False True True imperial True
sf_rebel_minor_base 46 False True True rebel True
sf_imperial_minor_base 47 False True True imperial True
sf_rebel_major_base 48 False True True rebel True
sf_imperial_major_base 49 False True True imperial True
  • *These 2 are only visable for your faction. Please note that there are 2 of each of these.

Icon Breakdown

Icon Codes
00      \\Nothing
01      \\Moon
02      \\Sun
No other icon codes

Icons mean different things according to what they are located next to.

GCW they mean:
Vulnerable SF bases will have a sun icon next to them, and base that 
is not vulnerable will have a crescent moon next to them. 
Note: This applies to SF bases only. PvE bases are always 
vulnerable and always have a crescent moon icon. 

Registering your location (/register) will appear on the planetary map.
If you expand the list of cantinas on the planet, all cantinas with 
a registered entertainer appear with a sun icon. All cantinas with a 
moon do not have any registered entertainers.

Medical Centers:
Registering your location (/register) will appear on the planetary map.
If you expand the list of Medical Centers and Hospitals on the planet, 
all Medical/Hospitals with a registered Doctor appear with a sun icon. 
All Medical/Hospitals with a moon do not have any registered Doctors.