Force Absorb 2 (Ability)

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Ability - Force Absorb 2

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/forceAbsorb2: This ability allows a Jedi to absorb some of the Force power from an incoming Force attack and feeds a portion into your Force pool. This ability will absorb more Force power than Force Absorb 1.

Command: /forceAbsorb2
CommandQueue Entry: forceabsorb2 (1FB64779)

Related Tags

0% This document has not been started.

Ability This document relates to Player Abilities.

Force Enhancement This document is related to the Force Enhancement Profession.

Ability Breakdown & Details

This ability will absorb 25% of the force cost use in the force attack and give that amount to the player.

This ability lasts 60 seconds.

Ability Flow

<graphviz> digraph G {

       rankdir = LR;
       node [shape=record, width=.2, height=.2];
       node [width=1];
       node1 [color="#929292", label = "Step 01", style="bold", fontname="arial", 

fontcolor="#929292", URL="Test101"];

       node2 [color="orange", label = "Step 02", style="bold", fontname="arial", 

fontcolor="#458CAF", URL="Test102"];

       node3 [color="orange", label = "Step 03", style="bold", fontname="arial", 

fontcolor="#458CAF", URL="Test101"];

       node1 -> node2:w [color="#929292"];
       node2:w -> node3:e [color="#515FCA", constraint=false];

} </graphviz>

System Messages

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Notes Examples
apply_forceabsorb2 /string/en/ jedi_spam.stf internal_command_string You make yourself more sensitive to the use of Force power around you. Example
remove_forceabsorb2 /string/en/ jedi_spam.stf internal_command_string Your sensitivity to Force power fades. Example
force_absorb_hit /string/en/ jedi_spam.stf internal_command_string You gain %DI Force power from your enemies attack. Example

SUI Prompt

Combat Chat Spam

Fly Text


  • 1 + 1 = 3
  • 2 - 2 + 2 = 3

Source References

Source Source in Context
Prima Guide somelink1 Source1

Ability HAM Costs

Modifier Value
Health Cost 0
Action Cost 0
Mind Cost 0
Force Cost 100

Ability Multipliers

Modifier Value
Health cost 0
Action cost 0
Mind cost 0
Force cost 0
Damage 0
Delay Time 60