Update Notes: 24 February 04
From SWGANH Wiki
- Imperial Intelligence has indicated a massive seismological reading from Yavin IV. There has been some indication that a secret Geonosian Lab was operating on the surface of the planet, but no confirmation has been made. The Imperial Military is rumored to be planning on operation to investigate, though rumors in Coronet indicate that both the Rebels and many criminal syndicates are also interested in obtaining the technology and research contained inside.
- Fixed a problem that caused spawning to stop on some planets.
- Fixed a problem where pets wouldn't properly use an offset for "follow" and "attack".
- Fixed some issues with art schematics related to the Bestine museum
- Minor fixes to the Imperial crackdown
- Various tweaks and fixes for the Geonosian dungeon
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to vote multiple times in Bestine
- Experimentation should now work properly on vehicles
- Improved server stability
Archived from [Official SWG Update Archive]