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Revision as of 16:31, 12 October 2007 by Snow (Talk | contribs) (New page: <pre> [mIRCStats parser configuration file] // File information (these lines are shown in mIRCStats) [File Description] NoName Script generic parser [Author] Darkbeholder // Allowed va...)

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[mIRCStats parser configuration file]

// File information (these lines are shown in mIRCStats)

[File Description]
NoName Script generic parser


// Allowed variables are:
// Single-word variables: 
//    %nick%, %nick2%, %addr%, %channelname%, %monthname%, %ampm%, %anyword%
// Numeric variables:
//    %hour%, %minute%, %second%,
//    %day%, %month%, %year%, %anynum%
// Multi-word variables (only one allowed per line): 
//    %text%, %mode%, %anytext%

// Main rules: 
// - Variables have to be delimited by some non-variable characters like [%hour%:%minute%]
//   (unless they are fixed length ones like %2hour% (2-digit numeric hour).
// - You can only use one multi-word variable per line.
// - Don't use the same variable multiple times on any line.
// - Use "Test Parser" option to verify your new parsing rules ("Log parser"-settings page).
// - Check mIRCStats help for more info ("Setting options/Log parser")

// ----------------Parser configuration rules start here-------------------------------

// timestamp parsing rules:


// Parsing patterns in order of probability:

[Normal line]
<%nick%> %text%
(%nick%) %text% 
(@%nick%) %text%
-%2anynum%-(@%nick%) %text% 
�%2anynum%�(�%1anyword%�%nick%�%2anynum%�)� %text%
�%2anynum%�(��%2anynum%%1anyword%�%nick%�%2anynum%�)� %text%
�%2anynum%�(��%2anynum%�%nick%�%2anynum%�)� %text%

�%2anynum%�(%2anyword%�%nick%�%2anynum%)�  %text%
�%2anynum%�(����%nick%�%2anynum%)�  %text%
�11�(����%nick%�11�)� %text%
�11�(�@�%nick%�11�)� %text%

• �%2anynum%�%nick% %text%
• �%2anynum%%1anyword%�%nick% %text%
• %nick% %text%
* %nick% %text%
�%2anynum%• ���%nick% %text%
�%2anynum%• @�%nick% %text%

[Mode change]
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% mode: �%2anynum%(�%2anynum%%nick%�%2anynum%)�%2anynum% sets �%2anynum%(�%2anynum%%mode% %text%��%2anynum%)
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% mode: �%2anynum%(�%2anynum%%nick%�%2anynum%)�%2anynum% sets �%2anynum%(�%2anynum%%mode%��%2anynum%)
—› mode: (%nick%) sets (%mode%)
—› mode: (%nick%) sets (%mode% %text%)
* %nick% sets mode: %mode% %text%
*** %nick% sets mode: %mode% %text%
�09%4anyword%�11 �0M�11ode�0�»� �11(�00%nick%��11)�15 sets �11(�00%mode% %nick%��11)�15
�09%4anyword%�11 �0M�11ode�0�»� �11(�00%nick%��11)�15 sets �11(�00%mode% %nick% %nick% %nick% %nick%��11)�15

� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% join: �%2anynum%(�%2anynum%%nick%�%2anynum%) (�%2anynum%%addr%�%2anynum%)
—› join: (%nick%) (%addr%)
* %nick% (%addr%) has joined %channelname%
* %nick% has joined %channelname%
* Joins: %nick% (%addr%)
* Rejoined channel %channelname%
*** %nick% (%addr%) has joined %channelname%
*** %nick% has joined %channelname%
*** Joins: %nick% (%addr%)
*** Rejoined channel %channelname%
�09%4anyword%�11 �0J�11oin�0�»� �11(�00%nick%��11)�15 �11(�00%addr%��11)�15

� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% part: �%2anynum%(�%2anynum%%nick%�%2anynum%) (�%2anynum%%addr%�%2anynum%)
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% part: �%2anynum%(�%2anynum%%nick%�%2anynum%) (�%2anynum%%addr%�%2anynum%) �%2anynum%(�%2anynum%%text%�%2anynum%)�%2anynum%
—› part: (%nick%) (%addr%)
—› part: (%nick%) (%addr%) (%text%)
* %nick% (%addr%) has left %channelname% (%text%)
* %nick% (%addr%) has left %channelname%
* %nick% has left %channelname% (%text%)
* %nick% has left %channelname%
* Parts: %nick% (%addr%) (%text%)
*** %nick% (%addr%) has left %channelname% (%text%)
*** %nick% (%addr%) has left %channelname%
*** %nick% has left %channelname% (%text%)
*** %nick% has left %channelname%
* Parts: %nick% (%addr%) (%text%)

� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% quit: �%2anynum%(�%2anynum%%anyword%�%2anynum%) (�%2anynum%%addr%�%2anynum%)� �%2anynum%(�%2anynum%%text%��%2anynum%)�%2anynum%
—› quit: (%anyword%) (%addr%) (%text%)
* %nick% (%addr%) Quit (%text%)
* %nick% (%addr%) Quit
* %nick% Quit (%text%)
* %nick% Quit
* Quits: %nick% (%addr%) (%text%)
* %nick% has quit IRC (%text%)
*** %nick% (%addr%) Quit (%text%)
*** %nick% (%addr%) Quit
*** %nick% Quit (%text%)
*** %nick% Quit
*** Quits: %nick% (%addr%) (%text%)
*** %nick% has quit IRC (%text%)
�09%4anyword%�11 �0Q�11uit�0�»� �11(�00%nick%��11)�15 �11(�00%addr%��11)�15 �11(�00%text%��11)�15

[Session Start]
Session Start: %anyword% %monthname% %day% %hour%:%minute%:%second% %year%
Session Start: %anyword% %monthname%  %day% %hour%:%minute%:%second% %year%

[Session Close]
Session Close: %anyword% %monthname% %day% %hour%:%minute%:%second% %year%
Session Close: %anyword% %monthname%  %day% %hour%:%minute%:%second% %year%

[Session Time]
Session Time: %anyword% %monthname% %day% %hour%:%minute%:%second% %year%
Session Time: %anyword% %monthname%  %day% %hour%:%minute%:%second% %year%

[Own normal line]
�%2anynum%�)� %text%
) %text%
> %text%

* Now talking in %channelname%
*** Now talking in %channelname%
Session Ident: %channelname%
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% �%2anynum%now talking in: �%2anynum%(�%2anynum%%channelname%��%2anynum%)�%2anynum%
* Now talking in %channelname%
*** Now talking in %channelname%
Session Ident: %channelname%

—› nick: (%nick%) is now known as (%nick2%)
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% nick: �%2anynum%(�%2anynum%%nick%�%2anynum%)�%2anynum% is now known as �%2nynum%(�%2anynum%%nick2%�%2anynum%)
* %nick% is now known as %nick2%
*** %nick% is now known as %nick2%
�%2anynum%¹ºº¹�%2anynum% �%anynum%N�%2anynum%ick��%anynum%�»� �%2anynum%(�%2anynum%%nick%�%2anynum%)�%2anynum% is now known as �%2nynum%(�%2anynum%%nick2%�%2anynum%)%2anynum%
�09%4anyword%�11 �0N�11ick�0�»� �11(�00%nick%��11)�15 is now known as �11(�00%nick2%��11)�15

[Topic change]
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% topic: �%2anynum%(�%2anynum%%nick%�%2anynum%)�%2anynum% changes topic to �%2anynum%(�%2anynum%%text%��%2anynum%)
—› topic: (%nick%) changes topic to (%text%)
* %nick% changes topic to '%text%'
*** %nick% changes topic to '%text%'

� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% kick: �%2anynum%(�%2anynum%%nick%�%2anynum%)�%2anynum% was kicked by �%2anynum%(�%2anynum%%nick2%�%2anynum%) �%2anynum%(�%2anynum%%text%��%2anynum%)�%2anynum%
—› kick: (%nick%) was kicked by (%nick2%) (%text%)
* %nick% was kicked by %nick2% (%text%)
*** %nick% was kicked by %nick2% (%text%)
* You were kicked by %nick2% (%text%)
*** You were kicked by %nick2% (%text%)

// skip these unused lines
*** %nick% sets mode: %anyword%
*** Topic is %text%
* Disconnected
*** Disconnected
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% �%2anynum%topic: %text%
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% �%2anynum%set by: %text%
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% �%2anynum%users: %text%
�%2anynum%-�%anyword%�%2anynum%-� %text%
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% �%2anynum%•�%anyword%�%2anynum%•� %text%
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% �%2anynum%join synced %text%
* Looking up %text%
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% �%2anynum%mp3: %text%
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% �%2anynum%delaying paste of %text%
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% �%2anynum%pasting finished after %text%
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% �%2anynum%retrieving %text%
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% �%2anynum%you %text%
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% �%2anynum%this %text%
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% no such nickname: %text%
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% �%2anynum%?�%text%
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% can't join %text%
� � � �%2anynum% —›�%2anynum% �%2anynum%press %text%

// If you use %monthname% in your parser configuration
// you need to define 12 month strings that are converted
// into a month number here

[Month names]