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Server Packet - AcceptAuctionResponseMessage (C58A446E)

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SHORT Opperand_Count
INT Opcode
INT ErrorCode

Variable Descriptions

Opperand_Count = 3

Opcode = C58A446E

  • ItemID:
The ObjectID of the Item on auction whos bid we are accepting.
  • ErrorCode:
An integer used to represent an error if an error occurred, 0 if okay.
  • Codes:
0: Bid Accepted.
1: ui_auc:[err_accept_bid_invalid_auctioner]
2: ui_auc:[err_accept_bid_invalid_item]
8: [ui_auc:err_accept_bid_not_owner]
10: There are currently no bids on this item
15: That auction is complete.  You cannot accept the high bid.


S→C This packet originates on the server.

75% This packet has been partially reversed.

Bazaar Bazaar related stuff.

Sample Packet

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