Banking (Game Messages)

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Game Messages - Banking

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Banking Game Messages

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25% This document has been partially completed.

Game Messages This document refers to internal SWG Messages.

Email / System Messages


ID Path Filename Trigger Message Prompt Notes
bank_success /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string Bank transaction successfully completed. This is the message given when the helper droid rewards the player with credit payments after finishing a task. The payments are directly deposited into the player's bank account.
prose_deposit_success /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string You successfully deposit %DI credits to your account. Message received after using deposit or depositall bank options. Example
prose_withdraw_success /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string You successfully withdraw %DI credits from your account. Message received after using withdraw or withdraw all bank options. Example
already_member_of_bank /string/en/ system_msg.stf internal_command_string You are already a member of this bank. Message a player receives when they attempt to join a bank on a planet of which they are already a member on. Example
bank_not_empty /string/en/ system_msg.stf internal_command_string You cannot quit the bank while you still have items in it. Message a player receives when they attempt to quit a bank when they have items still in their safety deposit box. Example
member_of_different_bank /string/en/ system_msg.stf internal_command_string You cannot join this bank while you are already a member of a different bank. Message a player receives when they attempt to join a bank on another planet when they are already a member of a bank in a different location. Example
succesfully_joined_bank /string/en/ system_msg.stf internal_command_string You have joined the bank Message a player receives when they successfully join a bank. Example
succesfully_quit_bank /string/en/ system_msg.stf internal_command_string You have quit the bank Message a player receives when they successfully quit a bank. Example

Credit Network Transactions

width="100px"|ID Path Filename Trigger Body Notes Examples
prose_buy_pass /string/en/ bartender.stf internal_command_string You successfully purchase a %TT for %DI credits. Message given to a player after they have purchased a drink from a bartender in the cantinas. Example
prose_pay_acct_success /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string You successfully make a payment of %DI credits to %TO. Message a player receives when they are purchasing an item or service from a specific service system or organization. Fines are also part of this system. These include things such as "the galactic travel commission," "the Empire." Example
prose_pay_success /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string You successfully make a payment of %DI credits to %TT. Message a player receives when they are purchasing an item or service from their current look at target. This includes things like Trainers, Cloning, Insurance terminals. Example
prose_pay_success_no_target /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string You successfully make a payment of %DI credits. Example

prose_pay_nsf /string/en/ error_message.stf internal_command_string You have insufficient funds to pay %DI credits to %TT. Example
== Bank Deposit/Withdrawal UI ==