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Baseline - CREO 06

SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.

CREO Packet Type QuickNav
CREO01 - CREO03 - CREO04 - CREO06

BaseLine Struct

SHORT:			ObjOpperandCount
INT:			ServerID
INT:			CombatDefenderListSize
INT:			UpdateCounter
 LONG:			DefenderID
SHORT:			DifficultyCon
ASTRING:		CurrentAnimation
ASTRING:		MoodAnimation
LONG:			WeaponID
LONG:			GroupID
LONG:			InviteSenderID
LONG:			InviteCounter
INT:			GuildID
LONG:			TargetID
BYTE:			MoodID
INT:			PerformanceStartTime
INT:			PerformanceID
INT:			CurrentHAMListSize
INT:			UpdateCounter
 INT:			CurrentHAMValue
INT:			MaxHAMListSize
INT:			UpdateCounter
 INT:			MaxHAMValue
INT:			EquiptmentListSize
INT:			UpdateCounter
 CSTRING:		CustomizationString
 INT:			ContainmentType
 LONG:			ObjectID
 INT:			TemplateCRC
ASTRING:		SetObjectTemplateString
BYTE:			StationaryFlag

Deltas Struct

SHORT:			UpdateCount
SHORT:			UpdateType
    INT:		??
    INT:		CombatDefenderListSize
    INT:		UpdateCounter
      BYTE:		SubType
          SHORT:	DefenderObjIndex
          SHORT:        DefenderObjIndex
          LONG:	        DefenderID
          SHORT:        DefenderObjIndex
          LONG:	        DefenderID
          SHORT:        NewListSize
            LONG:	DefenderID
    SHORT:		DifficultyCon
    A_STRING:		CurrentAnimation
    A_STRING:		MoodAnimation
    LONG:		WeaponID
    LONG:		GroupID
    LONG:		InviteSenderID
    LONG:		InviteCounter(incremental)
    INT:		GuildID
    LONG:		TargetID
    BYTE:		MoodID
    INT:		PerformanceStartTime                        
    INT:	        PerformanceID
    INT:		CurrentHAMListSize
    INT:		UpdateCounter
      BYTE:		SubType
          SHORT:	HAMBarIndex
          SHORT:	HAMBarIndex
          INT:	        HAMValue
          SHORT:	HAMBarIndex
          INT:	        HAMValue
          SHORT:	NewListSize
            INT:	HAMValue
    INT:		MaxHAMListSize
    INT:		UpdateCounter
      BYTE:		SubType
          SHORT:	HAMBarIndex
          SHORT:	HAMBarIndex
          INT:	        HAMValue
          SHORT:	HAMBarIndex
          INT:	        HAMValue
          SHORT:	NewListSize
            INT:	HAMValue
    INT:		EquiptmentListSize
    INT:		UpdateCounter
      BYTE:		SubType
          SHORT:	EquiptmentIndex
          SHORT:	EquiptmentIndex
          CSTRING:	CustomizationString
          INT:		ContainmentType
          LONG:		ObjectID
          INT:		TemplateCRC
          SHORT:	EquiptmentIndex
          CSTRING:	CustomizationString
          INT:		ContainmentType
          LONG:		ObjectID
          INT:		TemplateCRC
          SHORT:	NewListSize
            CSTRING:	CustomizationString
            INT:	ContainmentType
            LONG:	ObjectID
            INT:	TemplateCRC
    ASTRING:		SetObjectTemplateString
    BYTE:		StationaryFlag

Variable Descriptions

Obj_OperandCount = 16

  • CombatDefender:
This list stores a list of all the objects you are in combat with.
It also initiates default combat animation used between combat animations.
(it keeps the consistancy of combat going).
  • DefenderObjIndex:
This is the index value of the defenderID in the list. IE. Position in the list.
4 Objects. List is 00 01 02 03
Remove 3rd Object. Index = 02.
  • DifficultyCon:
This is the ID number of what color difficulty CON to display for the target.
  • CurrentAnimation:
This is a string of what animation this object is doing.
Set for entertainer, as well as misc types of animation.
  • MoodAnimation:
This is a string for what type of facial/mood animation to set on the object.
  • WeaponID:
The ObjectID of the currently equipped weapon.
  • GroupID:
The ObjectID of the GROUP Object if this object is in a group.
  • InviteSenderID:
This is the ID of the Object that sent a group invite to you.
  • InviteCounter:
This is a counter or an InviteID to differentiate invites and allow multiple invites.
SWG seems to have only allowed 1 invite at a time (Counter set to 0).
But by changing the counter we got multiple Invites sent.
  • GuildID:
The ID number from the GUILD Object that corresponds to your GUILD Tag.
  • TargetID:
The Object ID number of the current Object in your target.
  • MoodID:
The numeric ID number for your current Mood used in text and /mood.
  • PerformanceID:
The ID number of what song+instrument/dance is being done by this object.
For entertainers, obviously.
  • CurrentHAM:
A list of the 9 values for how much HAM is current in the pool.
  • MaxHAM:
A list of the 9 values for how much HAM the pool can hold.
  • EquiptmentList:
A list of Objects that are equipped on this Object. (Weapons, Clothes, Inventory/Bank etc).
  • SetObjectTemplateString:
This is a string of a CRC Template found in the object/ folder. It can be used to turn
your object into another object for events, fun, CSR stuffs!
This list stores a list of all the objects you are in combat with.
It also initiates default combat animation used between combat animations.
(it keeps the consistancy of combat going).

This is the index value of the defenderID in the list. IE. Position in the list.
4 Objects. List is 00 01 02 03
Remove 3rd Object. Index = 02.

This is the ID number of what color difficulty CON to display for the target.

This is a string of what animation this object is doing.
Set for entertainer, as well as misc types of animation.

This is a string for what type of facial/mood animation to set on the object.

The ObjectID of the currently equipped weapon.

The ObjectID of the GROUP Object if this object is in a group.

This is the ID of the Object that sent a group invite to you.

This is a counter or an InviteID to differentiate invites and allow multiple invites.
SWG seems to have only allowed 1 invite at a time (Counter set to 0).
But by changing the counter we got multiple Invites sent.

The ID number from the GUILD Object that corresponds to your GUILD Tag.

The Object ID number of the current Object in your target.

The numeric ID number for your current Mood used in text and /mood.

A timestamp used to mark the start of a performance. It is in number of seconds.
Also appears to be from the server start time, tested on TC Prime with 278.91 days.

The ID number of what song+instrument/dance is being done by this object.
For entertainers, obviously.

A list of the 9 values for how much HAM is current in the pool.

A list of the 9 values for how much HAM the pool can hold.

A list of Objects that are equipped on this Object. (Weapons, Clothes, Inventory/Bank etc).
ContainmentType is the same type of integer found in UpdateContainmentMessage

This is a string of a CRC Template found in the object/ folder. It can be used to turn
your object into another object for events, fun, CSR stuffs!

This flag when set to 1 freezes the creature object in place. UpdateTransforms no longer work
affect the object. However, if a transform was sent, once it unfreezes (set to 0), the object will update
0 = Moveable
1 = Stationary


100% This packet has been completely reversed.

To Do

  • List PerformanceID
  • List MoodID
  • List Difficulty Cons Color
  • List Regular Animation Types
  • List Mood Animation Types
  • Test Defender List again
  • Test Invite Counter again

Delta Packet

05 00 
53 21 86 12 // Delta message
82 93 8E 39 00 00 00 00
4F 45 52 43 06 // OERC 6
01 00 0D 00 
01 00 00 00 
92 66 00 00 
02 06 00 D8 
02 00 
AB 5D 

Baseline Packet

05 00 
0C 5F A7 68 // BaselinesMessage 
ED 93 FC FB 1A 00 00 00 // swoop ID
4F 45 52 43 06 // OERC 6
B5 01 00 00    // creoByteCount
17 00 
59 00 00 00 
0E 00                                     // string count
6D 6F 6E 73 74 65 72 5F 64 65 74 61 69 6C // monster_detail
00 00 00 00                                         // string spacer
11 00                                               // string count
73 70 65 65 64 65 72 62 69 6B 65 5F 73 77 6F 6F 70  // speederbike_swoop
FF FF 00 00 // CL????
00 00 00 00 
07 00                // string count
6E 65 75 74 72 61 6C // neutral
F2 93 FC FB 1A 00 00 00 // swoops weapon ID
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 // group ID
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 // invite sender ID
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 // guild ID
00 00 00 00 // target ID
00 00 00 00 
00          // mood ID
00 00 00 00 // 
00 00 00 00 //
00 00 00 00 // 
00 00 00 00 // PerformanceID
06 00 00 00 // CurrentHAMListSize
03 00 00 00 // CurrentHitpointsUpdateCounter
F4 01 00 00 // Health.getCurrentHitPoints
00 00 00 00 // Strength.getCurrentHitPoints
F4 01 00 00 // Constitution.getCurrentHitPoints
00 00 00 00 // Action.getCurrentHitPoints
F4 01 00 00 // Quickness.getCurrentHitPoints
00 00 00 00 // Stamina.getCurrentHitPoints
06 00 00 00 // ModifiedHAMListSize
03 00 00 00 // ModifiedHitpointsUpdateCounter
F4 01 00 00 // Health.getModifiedHitPoints
00 00 00 00 // Strength.getModifiedHitPoints
F4 01 00 00 // Constitution.getModifiedHitPoints
00 00 00 00 // Action.getModifiedHitPoints
F4 01 00 00 // Quickness.getModifiedHitPoints
00 00 00 00 // Stamina.getModifiedHitPoints
02 00 00 00 // EquiptmentListSize
02 00 00 00 // equippedObjects
00 00 
04 00 00 00 
EE 93 FC FB 1A 00 00 00 // swoop inventory ID
1C 79 10 21 // object/tangible/inventory/shared_creature_inventory.iff
00 00 00 
04 00 00 00 
F2 93 FC FB 1A 00 00 00 // swoops weapon ID 
42 E7 D0 7D // object/weapon/creature/shared_creature_default_weapon.iff