Cloning SUI Prompts (Game Messages)

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Game Messages - Message Category

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Cloning (SUI Messages)

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75% This document is nearing completion.

Game Messages This document refers to internal SWG Messages.

System Messages

Clone Coupon Confirmation

This is the window that appears when the player uses the cloning terminal while they have a cloning coupon in their inventory which was given to them by the starter droid quest.

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Title Notes Examples

clone_confirm_coupon_prompt /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string Will you use your cloning facility authorization release to clone yourself here? Patch 14 Example
clone_confirm_coupon_title /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string Use Cloning Authorization Confirmation Notes Example

Cloning Terminal Confirmation Prompt

This is the window that appears when the player clicks on the store clone data option on the cloning terminal.

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Title Notes Examples

clone_confirm_prompt /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string Will you pay the 1000 credits to clone yourself here? Notes Example

clone_confirm_title /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string Clone Confirmation Notes| Example

Clone Activation Window

This is the window that appears when a player has died.

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Title Notes Examples

revive_bind /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string Pre-Designated Facility Option given in the prompt in which notifies the player that if they choose it, then they will be cloned at the cloning facility that they stored clone data at on the planet. This only appears if the player has stored clone data on the current planet they are on. Example
revive_bind_insured /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string Pre-Designated Facility - Insured Example
revive_bind_uninsured /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string Pre-Designated Facility - Uninsured Example
revive_closest /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string Closest Cloning Facility Option given in the prompt in which notifies the player that if they choose it, then they will be cloned at the nearest cloning facility. Example
revive_closest_insured /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string Closest Cloning Facility - Insured Example
revive_closest_uninsured /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string Closest Cloning Facility - Uninsured Example
revive_title /string/en/ base_player.stf internal_command_string Clone Activated Notes Example

internal_command_string Closest This appears on the player cloning window prompt. The value by this represents the closest cloning facility to the player's location. It will list the city's name in the field or if no city facility is available or not named (such is the case on planets like endor and yavin and the corellian corvette) then the value is defaulted to "Unknown." Example

internal_command_string Pre-Designated This appears on the player cloning window prompt. The value by this represents the cloning facility in which the player bound their character to. It will list the city's name in the field. If the player's cloning location is off planet then the value Off-planet (unavailable) is used. If the player has set a pre-designated cloning position on endor, dathomir or yavin iv then the value will be set to "none" apparently as there is no labeling for the outposts on these places. Pre-designated cloning is also set to "none" if the player has not submitted clone data to any location. Example

internal_command_string Cash Balance This appears on the player cloning window prompt. Cash balance reflects the amount of onhand credits that the player has in their inventory. Example