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Server Packet - ConsentRequestMessage (99DCB094)

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SHORT:             OpperandCount
INT:               Opcode
{         v(ProsePackage)v
   ASTRING:           BaseMessageSTF
   INT:               ??
   ASTRING:           BaseMessageString
   LONG:              ObjectID
   ASTRING:           STFFile
   INT:               ??
   ASTRING:           STFString
   USTRING:           String
   LONG:              ObjectID
   ASTRING:           STFFile
   INT:               ??
   ASTRING:           STFString
   USTRING:           String
   LONG:              ObjectID
   ASTRING:           STFFile
   INT:               ??
   ASTRING:           STFString
   USTRING:           String
   INT:               Integer
   FLOAT:             Float
   BYTE:              DisplayFlag?(00-Display,01-Blank)
}         ^(ProsePackage)^
INT:               ConsentID

Variable Descriptions

Opperand_Count = 3

Opcode = 99DCB094

Prose Package: The Prose Package is a means to make dynamic strings without having the server waste time creating them. For more information see ProsePackage in OutOfBandPackage.

ConsentID: A Unique ID for the Consent message being made. Each new consent request increments the ID. Functions on a PER-SESSION basis. The Reply responds with the same ID.


S→C This packet originates on the server.

25% This packet has been partially reversed.

Sample Packet

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