Music Fundementals (Game Mechanics)

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Game Mechanics - Mechanics Category

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Template (Game Messages)

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Mechanics This document is about game mechanics.

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  • 0% - No substantive information available on game feature
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  • 100% - page has been reviewed and compared against enough sources to the extent that there is reasonable confidence that the game feature is completely documented.

System Messages

SUI Prompts

Radial Menus

Game Mechanics

When you begin to play, your most basic command is /startmusic. This will bring up a popup window that gives you a list of the songs you currently know. You must have your instrument equipped before you may begin playing music. To start a song without the popup, type in /startmusic + the song name, for example: /startmusic starwars1

After you begin playing, you will be able to flourish your avatar, causing him or her to do various moves in the performance as well as changing the song's sound. There are eight possible flourishes per song. You may flourish by using the command /flourish and choosing a number of 1-8. (e.g. /flourish 5)

To stop playing music the command is /stopmusic After a player stops performing, they have to wait 8 seconds before being able to begin performing again.

/pausemusic pausemusic command will stop the sound of the player, but the player is able to still continue playing/gaining exp. If the player uses this while grouped it just means that their instrument is removed from the group track. If the entertainer is listened to indvidually, the patron hears nothing, but can still watch/be healed and such. The command is queued as if it were a flourish so it only executes when it comes up in the queue. When it is executed the silence will last for 10 seconds.

Changing Songs:

You can switch from one song to another using the "/changemusic [song name]" command (when playing alone). You can leave off the song name, and it will prompt you with a song list. Example : /changemusic starwars1

Music Playlist

Source References

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