Playing Instrument (Game Messages)

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Game Messages - Message Category

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Template (Game Messages)

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Game Messages This document refers to internal SWG Messages.

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  • 0% - No substantive information available on game feature
  • 25% - page has been started but not completed
  • 50% - page is as complete as possible with the currently available information but probably needs more research done on the subject matter
  • 75% - page is probably complete but needs to be reviewed for accuracy of the page content and to make sure that no information is missing about the game feature
  • 100% - page has been reviewed and compared against enough sources to the extent that there is reasonable confidence that the game feature is completely documented.

System Messages

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Notes Examples
music_invalid_song /string/en/ performance.stf internal_command_string That is not a valid song name. Message a player receives if they enter incorrect parameter for song name when using the /changemusic or /startmusic commands. Example

music_lack_skill_instrument /string/en/ performance.stf internal_command_string You do not have the skill to use the currently equiped instrument. Message an entertainer receives if they surrender skills while performing with a particular instrument. If they surrender the skills to use that instrument then they will be forced to stop playing and will have to unequip it. Example
music_lack_skill_song_self /string/en/ performance.stf internal_command_string You do not have the skill to perform that song. Message an entertainer receives if they attempt to play a song that they do not have the skill requirement to play. Example
music_listen_not_playing /string/en/ performance.stf internal_command_string %TT is not playing a song. Message sent to a patron if they attempt to use the /watch command on a musician that is not performing. Example
music_listen_npc /string/en/ performance.stf internal_command_string You can not /listen to NPCs. Message that a player receives if they attempt to use the /listen command on an npc. Example
music_listen_out_of_range /string/en/ performance.stf internal_command_string You stop listening to %TT because %OT is too far away. Message that a player receives if they move too far away from the entertainer to continue listening. A player must be within 32 meters of an entertainer to begin to listen to the performance. A player must remain within 60 meters to continue listening. Example
music_listen_self /string/en/ performance.stf internal_command_string You start listening to %TT. Message that a patron receives when they begin listening to a musician. Example
music_listen_stop_self /string/en/ performance.stf internal_command_string You stop listening. Message that a patron receives when they click the stoplisten radial option or enter the command so that they will stop watching an musicnan performance. Example
music_must_be_performing_self /string/en/ performance.stf internal_command_string You must be playing music before you can change the song. Notification sent to the entertainer if they attempt to use the /change song command when they are not actively performing. Example
music_must_unequip /string/en/ performance.stf internal_command_string You must unequip your current instrument in order to play another. Notification sent to an entertainer if they attempt to use another instrument without unequipping their current one, such as attempting to use a nalargon while having a slitherhorn equipped. Example
music_no_instrument /string/en/ performance.stf internal_command_string You must have an instrument equipped to play music. Message sent to an entertainer if they attempt to use the /startmusic or begin a song while no instrument is equipped. Example
music_not_musician /string/en/ performance.stf internal_command_string %TT is not a musician. Message sent to a player who attempts to use the /listen command on a player target that has no entertainer skills. Example
music_not_performing /string/en/ performance.stf internal_command_string You are not currently playing a song. Message a player receives if they attempt to use the /stopmusic command when they are not currently playing music Example

music_stop_other /string/en/ performance.stf internal_command_string %TU stops playing. Message that a patron receives when a musician they are watching stops performing. Patrons continue to watch/listen to entertainers even when they stop performing, so whenever they stop or start up again, a system message will be given to notify the patron. The patron must either click stoplisten/watch radial or manually enter the command to stop watching a player. This message is also given to members of an entertainer group if any of their group mates stop performing while within spatial chat range. Example
music_stop_self /string/en/ performance.stf internal_command_string You stop playing. Message sent to the entertainer when they stop playing music either by using the /stopmusic command or through some interruption such as combat or movement. Example
music_too_tired /string/en/ performance.stf internal_command_string You are too tired to continue playing music. Message sent to the entertainer when their performance is forced to stop due to running out of endurance. Example