Portal:SWGANH Database Documentation

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Architecture - Database Documentation

SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team.

SWGANH Database Schema

Table Name Table XX Table YY Table Description
account This table holds all the user account information.
attacks This table holds all the ... information.
badge_categories This table holds all the badge category information.
badge_regions This table holds all the badge regions information.

+-----------------------------+ | Tables_in_swganh | +-----------------------------+ | account | | attacks | | badge_categories | | badge_regions | | badges | | banks | | biography_faction | | biography_planet | | biography_profession | | biography_templates | | biography_wars | | building_types | | buildings | | cells | | character_appearance | | character_attributes | | character_badges | | character_biography | | character_faction | | character_skills | | character_waypoints | | character_xp | | characters | | chat_attachments | | chat_categories | | chat_channels | | chat_channels_banned | | chat_channels_moderators | | chat_char_channels | | chat_friendlist | | chat_ignorelist | | chat_mail | | chat_mail_attachments | | cities | | clienteffects | | commerce_auction | | commerce_bazaar | | config_message_routes | | config_process_list | | config_zones | | container_item | | container_types | | containers | | crafting_station_types | | crafting_stations | | crafting_tool_types | | crafting_tools | | datapad_types | | datapads | | draft_assembly_batches | | draft_assembly_lists | | draft_experiment_batches | | draft_experiment_lists | | draft_lists_datatypes | | draft_schematics | | draft_schematics_slots | | draft_slot_types | | draft_slots | | draft_weights | | faction | | filler_npc_types | | filler_npcs | | food_types | | foods | | furniture_types | | furnitures | | galaxy | | inventories | | inventory_types | | moods | | name_developer | | name_profane | | name_reserved | | namegen_firstname | | namegen_lastname | | npc | | npc_attributes | | npc_defence | | npc_faction | | npc_harvest | | npc_objects | | npc_specials | | npc_static_spawns | | npc_template | | npc_type | | npc_xp | | parking_garage | | planet | | planet_regions | | planetmap | | planetmapcategory | | quests | | race | | resource_categories | | resource_containers | | resource_name_begin | | resource_name_end | | resource_template | | resources | | resources_spawn_config | | schematic_groups | | shuttle_types | | shuttles | | skillcommands | | skillmods | | skills | | skills_base_xp_groups | | skills_jedi_states | | skills_preclusions | | skills_schematicsgranted | | skills_skill_skillparent | | skills_skill_skillsrequired | | skills_skillcommands | | skills_skillmods | | skills_species_required | | sounds | | spawn_clone | | spawn_shuttle | | starting_attributes | | starting_items | | starting_location | | static_objects | | static_types | | survey_tool_types | | survey_tools | | terminal_elevator_data | | terminal_types | | terminals | | ticket_collectors | | trainer_types | | trainers | | travel_planet_routes | | travel_tickets | | v_planetmapcorellia | | v_planetmapdantooine | | v_planetmapdathomir | | v_planetmapdungeon1 | | v_planetmapendor | | v_planetmaplok | | v_planetmapnaboo | | v_planetmaprori | | v_planetmaptaanab | | v_planetmaptalus | | v_planetmaptatooine | | v_planetmaptutorial | | v_planetmapyavin4 | | waypoint | | weapon_types | | weapons | | wearable_types | | wearables | | xp_types |
