Sample Resource (Ability)

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Ability - Sample Resource

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The /sample command is used in conjunction with a sample tool. When you /sample your character will take a sample of whatever resource you last selected from the sample tool UI. This allows you to perform sampling without using the sample tool UI.

Command: /sample
CommandQueue Entry: sample (8D0C1504)

Radioactive Sampling Warning Prompt (NGE)
Sample Radioactive Override (NGE)
Survey Event 1 (NGE)
Survey Event 2 (NGE)

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50% This document has been partially completed.

Ability This document relates to Player Abilities.

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Ability Breakdown & Details

General synopsis:

Sampling is the starting means for crafters to obtain resources in SWG. Samples can be taken every 18 seconds and have varying yields depending on survey skill, resource concentration and whether or not a survey event occurs. The survey skill modifier controls the yields for each sample as well as having an effect on the number of resource concentration spots availible to the player.

Survey events are random occurances which allow the player to recieve a larger than average sample of resource if they are able to obtain it. These events pause the players current actions and come in two types. The first is an event which prompts the user if they wish to spend 300 action points to do a special sample on their current spot. If the player choose to do this then they initiate sampling. In this event, if the player does not obtain the concentration, they will recieve a normal sample's yield from the attempt. The second event prompts the player to choose whether or not they wish to go after a nearby resource. If the player chooses to do so, then a waypoint is generated and the player then has to move over to the waypoint and get within 5 meters of it to sample. The waypoint generated is always within a 50 meter radius from the players current location at the time of the event. If the player is unsuccessful with the attempt then they receive nothing. The size of the yield from a survey event is also dependant on the survey skill modifier of the player and thus a higher modifier will allow for a greater yield from the sample.

Detailed overview

The Dummies Guide to Understanding WTF Sampling is. Volumn I.

Normal Sampling

Normal sampling occurs when the sampling process goes on without prompting the user for input. Sampling starts with "You begin to sample for Vacoehium." and has a pause of 2 sec delay between returning the first sample success/failure message. From this point on, the interval between sample attempts is fixed at 18 seconds (30 sec in the nge). Sampling a resource returns yields based on the size of the concentration and which are also modified by the survey skill mod. An increase in the survey skill mod allows for greater yields to be obtained from sampling the same percentage concentration of resource. Hypothetical example: at survey 20, a player can sample anywhere from a 4-5 unit resource on a 90% concentration. At survey 100, the same player can obtain a 8-10 unit sample on the same concentration. There is also an increase in yields between concentrations using the same skill mod. For example, a 10% concentration at 100 survey skill may yield 1-2 units a sample, but on a 90% concentration the yield sizes are 10-12.

As alluded to earlier, Normal samples have a variance in sampling yields however this base range on the variance on the yields concentration increases through having higher survey skill mods.

Normal samples have a fairly common special event that occurs called a critical success or simply put, displays the message "You successfully recover a particularly rich sample!" This is not technically a survey event because it occurs automatically and the user is not prompted to make any sort of action. It is unknown to me atm if what affect survey mods have on this.

In regard to understanding the less common general messages, there are two in particular which relate to resource density. The first which is "%TO's resource density is too low to locate a sample here." deals with handling the situation where a player simply cant sample in that spot, regardless of skill level. This situation only occurs at the extreme lows of sampling, which are on spots that are at less than 10 % concentration.

The second is "Locating a viable sample of %TO here seems a bit beyond your skill." which is fairly obvious. This situation occurs when the player is attempting to sample on a spot at which their skill level is too low to sample on (although above the absolute minimum level aka greater than 10%). This situation occurs for example if a player at 20 skill is attempting to sample on a 10% concentration (requires 100 skill to even attempt). At level 20 survey, the player's min concentration mark is in the 30's so they have no chance at surveying a 10% concentration with that skill.

Among unknown factors..the event "You are only able to locate trace amounts of %TO." only happens when doing a survey on a resource around extreme low densities such as less than 10%. This seems to be chosen randomly along with "%TO's resource density is too low to locate a sample here."

Minimum sampling concentrations per skill range:

Skill        Min Concentration

20          32%?????
40          26%
60          21%
80          14%
100         10%

Ability Flow

<graphviz> digraph G {

       rankdir = LR;
       node [shape=record, width=.2, height=.2];
       node [width=1];
       node1 [color="#929292", label = "Step 01", style="bold", fontname="arial", 

fontcolor="#929292", URL="Test101"];

       node2 [color="orange", label = "Step 02", style="bold", fontname="arial", 

fontcolor="#458CAF", URL="Test102"];

       node3 [color="orange", label = "Step 03", style="bold", fontname="arial", 

fontcolor="#458CAF", URL="Test101"];

       node1 -> node2:w [color="#929292"];
       node2:w -> node3:e [color="#515FCA", constraint=false];

} </graphviz>

System Messages

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Prompt
critical_success /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string You successfully recover a particularly rich sample!
density_below_threshold /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string Locating a viable sample of %TO here seems a bit beyond your skill.
efficiency_too_low /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string %TO's resource density is too low to locate a sample here.
gamble_fail /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string You weren't able to recover the full concentration of resources. 2
gamble_no_action /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string You don't have enough action points to recover the concentration. 2
gamble_success /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string You successfully recover the concentration of resources! 2
no_inv_space /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string You don't have enough inventory space to carry the samples you found.
node_not_close /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string You weren't close enough to the concentration to recover it. 3
node_recovery /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string You successfully recover a particularly rich concentration of resource! 3
node_waypoint /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string A waypoint to the concentration has been added to your datapad. 3
radioactive_sample_known /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string You have chosen to override safety measures and may now sample InsertResourcesNameHere 1
sample_cancel /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string You stop taking resource samples.
sample_cancel_attack /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string You can't take samples while under attack!
sample_empty /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string You are unable to find any more samples in the immediate area.
sample_failed /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string You failed to locate a sample of %TO.
sample_gone /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string Sampling process aborted because the sampling tool is no longer in your inventory.
sample_located /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string You successfully locate a %DI unit sample of %TO.

sample_mind /string/en/ error_message.stf internal_command_string You need to rest before you can take any more samples.

sample_survey /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string You can't take resource samples while you are surveying.
start_sampling /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string You begin to sample for %TO.
tool_recharge_time /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string You will be able to sample again in %DI seconds.
trace_amount /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string You are only able to locate trace amounts of %TO.
wrong_tool /string/en/ survey.stf internal_command_string %TO resources cannot be located with this tool.

SUI Prompt

Prompt 1: Radioactive Sampling

ID Path Filename Trigger Window Title Window Description SUI Button Label Window Contents
radioactive_sample_t /string/en/ survey.stf Internal SUI label Confirm Radioactive Sample
radioactive_sample_d /string/en/ survey.stf Internal SUI label Sampling a radioactive mineral will result in harmful effects. Are you sure you wish to continue?

Prompt 2: Survey Event 1

ID Path Filename Trigger Window Title Window Description SUI Button Label Window Contents
cnode_t /string/en/ survey.stf Internal SUI label Survey Event
cnode_d /string/en/ survey.stf Internal SUI label As you work, your survey device beeps and chatters. You look down to find that it has discovered a nearby node of concentrated resources.
cnode_1 /string/en/ survey.stf Internal SUI label Ignore the survey device and continue working.
cnode_2 /string/en/ survey.stf Internal SUI label Focus the device on the concentration.

Prompt 3: Survey Event 2

ID Path Filename Trigger Window Title Window Description SUI Button Label Window Contents
gnode_t /string/en/ survey.stf Internal SUI label Survey Event
gnode_d /string/en/ survey.stf Internal SUI label It appears you have found a previously undetected concentration of resource. An initial inspection indicates the cache is of high quality, but it looks like it may be difficult to get to.
gnode_1 /string/en/ survey.stf Internal SUI label Ignore the concentration and continue working.
gnode_2 /string/en/ survey.stf Internal SUI label Attempt to recover the resources. (300 Action)

Combat Chat Spam

Fly Text


  • 1 + 1 = 3
  • 2 - 2 + 2 = 3

Source References

Source Source in Context
Prima Guide somelink1 Source1

Ability HAM Costs

Modifier Value
Health Cost 0
Action Cost 200
Mind Cost 150
Force Cost 0

Ability Multipliers

Modifier Value
Health cost 0
Action cost 0
Mind cost 0
Force cost 0
Damage 0
Delay Time 0