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Exquisite-khelpcenter.png Instructions
In order to keep all documentation the same format, please use the source to this page to begin a new packet description, the template contains all the options, simply remove what is not required and fill in the details.


SHORT Operand_Count
INT Opcode
LONG ContainerID
INT ContainmentType

Variable Descriptions

Opperand_Count = 4

Opcode = 56CBDE9E

  • Object_ID:

The unique ID for an object. In this packet, this object gets put into the "container" of the container object. It may also be seen as a "link"

  • Container_ID:

This is a unique ID for a container object. the Object_ID gets "put into" this container. Container types include Inventory, Storage Containers, Buildings or Structures, etc.

  • ContainmentType:

This variable is odd. It does not seem to directly related to the client or have any effect. It may just be a serverside containment type.

The common two trends are:



S→C This packet originates on the server.

75% This packet has been partially reversed.

Sample Code

Insert Code Snippet Here...

Sample Packet

Insert Sample Packet Here...