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Server Packet - UpdateTransformWithParentMessage (C867AB5A)

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SHORT Operand_Count
INT Opcode
SHORT PositionX
SHORT PositionY
SHORT PositionZ
INT UpdateCounter
BYTE Posture
BYTE Direction

Variable Descriptions

Opperand_Count = 9

Opcode = C867AB5A

  • CellID:
Cell where the object is moving.
  • ObjectID:
ObjectID that you are moving.
  • New Position of Object.

The value is transformed the following way.
(Coordinate * 8) = Position
(Position / 8) = Coordinate
This is to bound the possible position movement in a cell.
  • UpdateCounter:
Number of movement updates the object has done. Incremented +1 for each new movement.

This is the direction for the object to face after moving. It is calculated by (Angle / 0.0625) where angle is in radians.


S→C This packet originates on the server.

100% This packet has been completely reversed.

Sample Packet

09 00 // op count
5A AB 67 C8 // UpdateTransformWithParentMessage
C8 EE 40 00 00 00 00 00 // Cell ID
2A 98 F8 28 00 00 00 00 // Object ID
C7 01 // x
07 00 // y
AB 00 // z
92 2A 00 00 // counter
04 // posture
00 // direction