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(Deltas Struct)
(Variable Descriptions)
Line 110: Line 110:
Obj_OperandCount =  
ObjectOpperandCount = 11
:The STF File name for information on the creatures name and default description.
:The STF string reference for the creatures name.
:The override name of the creature. This is the name that will display when set. Use to display Custom Names and Player Names.
:This is the CSTRING used to contain customization variables for this object. Appearance data appears here.
:This bitmask contains flags to set various option aspects such as converse, vendor, mount, etc.
:This sets the incap timer on this creature when it becomes incapacitated.
:This is the current damage taken by a vehicle creature object(and possibly others..)
:This is the maximum HP(condition) of a vehicle creature object.

Revision as of 00:02, 29 November 2007

TANO Packet Type QuickNav
TANO03 - TANO06 - TANO07

BaseLine Struct

SHORT:		ObjOpperandCount (13)
float:          Schematic Complexity (!!!!!)
ASTRING:	ASCII string dir to look for the item name
INT:            ???
ASTRING         item name to look up

USTRING:        Cust String???
INT:            Inventory LOAD in number of slots used 
USTRING         Customization String to look up
INT:            ??? with creo thatd be listsize
INT:            ??? with creo thatd be updatecounter
INT:            optionsbitmask
INT:            count for stackables
INT:            deduction from item health
INT:            item health
BYTE:           ???

Deltas Struct

SHORT:                  UpdateCount
SHORT:                  UpdateType
    FLOAT:              Complexity
    A_STRING:           STFName
    INT:                ??
    A_STRING:           DefaultName
    U_STRING:           CustomName
    INT:                Volume
    A_STRING:           Customization
    INT:                ??ListSize
    INT:                UpdateCount
      BYTE:             SubType
          INT:          ??
          INT:          ??
    INT:                OptionsBitmask
    INT:                IncapTimer
    INT:                ConditionDamage
    INT:                MaxCondition
    BYTE:               ??

Sample Packet

05 00 
0C 5F A7 68
1D 92 14 6D 02 00 00 00 
4F 4E 41 54 03 // ONAT 3
0B 00 00 00 
80 3F 
06 00              // String count
69 74 65 6D 5F 6E  // item_n
00 00 00 00 
11 00                                              // String count
64 65 66 61 75 6C 74 5F 66 75 72 6E 69 74 75 72 65 // default_furniture
13 00 00 00                                        // U-string count
45 00 71 00 75 00 75 00 6C 00 75 00 73 00          // E.q.u.u.l.u.s.
20 00 4E 00 65 00 6D 00 75 00 73 00 27 00 20 00    // .N.e.m.u.s.'. .
43 00 61 00 6D 00 70 00                            // C.a.m.p
01 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 01 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 64 00 
00 00 01 21 

Variable Descriptions

ObjectOpperandCount = 11


The STF File name for information on the creatures name and default description.


The STF string reference for the creatures name.


The override name of the creature. This is the name that will display when set. Use to display Custom Names and Player Names.


This is the CSTRING used to contain customization variables for this object. Appearance data appears here.


This bitmask contains flags to set various option aspects such as converse, vendor, mount, etc.


This sets the incap timer on this creature when it becomes incapacitated.


This is the current damage taken by a vehicle creature object(and possibly others..)


This is the maximum HP(condition) of a vehicle creature object.


50% This packet has been partially reversed.

S→C This packet originates on the server.

To Do

Bitmask 1  : 2  : 4  : Insured