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||scan_greeting_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Attention citizen! By Imperial directive number 10774b, you are subject to search for contraband items. If illegal goods are located on your person, you will be punished according to Imperial action directive number 121X-421c. Your cooperation in this matter is required.||Patch 14||Examples
||scan_greeting_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Attention citizen! By Imperial directive number 10774b, you are subject to search for contraband items. If illegal goods are located on your person, you will be punished according to Imperial action directive number 121X-421c. Your cooperation in this matter is required.||Patch 14||[[Contraband2 (Example)|Example]]
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||return_request_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Halt! You are carrying suspected contraband! Remain at your current location! You have ten seconds to comply!||Patch 14||Examples
||return_request_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Halt! You are carrying suspected contraband! Remain at your current location! You have ten seconds to comply!||Patch 14||[[Contraband3 (Example)|Example]]
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||return_thank_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Wise decision citizen. Remain as you are until we have finished our investigation.||Patch 14||Examples
||return_thank_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Wise decision citizen. Remain as you are until we have finished our investigation.||Patch 14||[[Contraband1 (Example)|Example]]
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||neutral_turn_over_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Citizen the use of contraband has been noted in your file under governor directive 74b. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Future use of contraband materials will result in further disciplinary action. Report any other citizen in posession of contraband materials to your local authority immediately, failure to do so is also a crime under judicial code 9-330a.||Patch 14||Examples
||neutral_turn_over_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Citizen the use of contraband has been noted in your file under governor directive 74b. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Future use of contraband materials will result in further disciplinary action. Report any other citizen in posession of contraband materials to your local authority immediately, failure to do so is also a crime under judicial code 9-330a.||Patch 14||[[Contraband4 (Example)|Example]]
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||neutral_faction||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Your failure to comply with directive 74b has been noted in your file. Your status as an Imperial citizen is in jeopardy if you continue to abuse contraband directives. These actions are viewed as an act of rebellion against the Empire. You have been warned.||Patch 14||Examples
||neutral_faction||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Your failure to comply with directive 74b has been noted in your file. Your status as an Imperial citizen is in jeopardy if you continue to abuse contraband directives. These actions are viewed as an act of rebellion against the Empire. You have been warned.||Patch 14||[[Contraband5 (Example)|Example]]
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||imperial_turn_over||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||As an Imperial citizen, you know better than the standard rabble that contraband materials are forbidden under Imperial law. Your use of contraband goods has been noted and you are hearby warned that use of forbidden materials will result in negative standing in the eyes of the Empire.||Patch 14||Examples
||imperial_turn_over||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||As an Imperial citizen, you know better than the standard rabble that contraband materials are forbidden under Imperial law. Your use of contraband goods has been noted and you are hearby warned that use of forbidden materials will result in negative standing in the eyes of the Empire.||Patch 14||[[Contraband6 (Example)|Example]]
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||imperial_faction||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||As a nobel member of the Empire, you well know that the possession and use of contraband goods is illegal under Imperial law. Your actions have been recorded and your standing within the Empire has been updated. Any further illegal activity can seriously affect your rights as an Imperial citizen.||Patch 14||Examples
||imperial_faction||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||As a nobel member of the Empire, you well know that the possession and use of contraband goods is illegal under Imperial law. Your actions have been recorded and your standing within the Empire has been updated. Any further illegal activity can seriously affect your rights as an Imperial citizen.||Patch 14||[[Contraband7 (Example)|Example]]
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||warning_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Your payment of the fine has been received. Be warned that the Empire does not look kindly on those who violate the law, especially when the violator claims to be loyal to the Emperor. Now get out of my sight.||Patch 14||Examples
||warning_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Your payment of the fine has been received. Be warned that the Empire does not look kindly on those who violate the law, especially when the violator claims to be loyal to the Emperor. Now get out of my sight.||Patch 14||[[Contraband8 (Example)|Example]]
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||rebel_turn_over||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The use of contraband has been noted in your file under governor directive 74b. The Empire is watching you and will not tolerate any further infraction of Imperial law on your part. You have the look of someone who has no respect for the security that the Empire offers it's citizens and we will be watching your future activities. Now move along...move along.||Patch 14||Examples
||rebel_turn_over||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The use of contraband has been noted in your file under governor directive 74b. The Empire is watching you and will not tolerate any further infraction of Imperial law on your part. You have the look of someone who has no respect for the security that the Empire offers it's citizens and we will be watching your future activities. Now move along...move along.||Patch 14||[[Contraband9 (Example)|Example]]
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||rebel_faction||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Your failure to comply with the contraband directive has left us no choice but to effect your standing within the Empire.||Patch 14||Examples
||rebel_faction||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Your failure to comply with the contraband directive has left us no choice but to effect your standing within the Empire.||Patch 14||[[Contraband10 (Example)|Example]]
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||jedi_pass||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||This citizen is free of contraband items and is free to resume their activities. There is no need for us to investigate this matter further.||Patch 14||Examples
||jedi_pass||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||This citizen is free of contraband items and is free to resume their activities. There is no need for us to investigate this matter further.||Patch 14||[[Contraband11 (Example)|Example]]
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||jedi_fail||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||There is no use trying to talk your way out of this citizen. We will conduct our search of your person for contraband. Please remain at your current location until we have finished our search. Your compliance in this matter is required.||Patch 14||Examples
||jedi_fail||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||There is no use trying to talk your way out of this citizen. We will conduct our search of your person for contraband. Please remain at your current location until we have finished our search. Your compliance in this matter is required.||Patch 14||[[Contraband12 (Example)|Example]]
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||bribe_pass||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I see that we are able to reach an agreement that is beneficial for both sides. There is no need to further hamper this honest citizen's activities. You are free to go.||Patch 14||Examples
||bribe_pass||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I see that we are able to reach an agreement that is beneficial for both sides. There is no need to further hamper this honest citizen's activities. You are free to go.||Patch 14||[[Contraband13 (Example)|Example]]
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||bribe_fail||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Are you trying to bribe an officer in the service of the Empire? I certainly hope that was not your intention since that is a crime under Imperial directive 334-7b. You are to remain at your current location until we have completed out search of your person.||Patch 14||Examples
||bribe_fail||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Are you trying to bribe an officer in the service of the Empire? I certainly hope that was not your intention since that is a crime under Imperial directive 334-7b. You are to remain at your current location until we have completed out search of your person.||Patch 14||[[Contraband14 (Example)|Example]]
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||probe_scan||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The probot begins to conduct a scan on you.||Patch 14||Examples
||probe_scan||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The probot begins to conduct a scan on you.||Patch 14||[[Contraband15 (Example)|Example]]
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||contraband_scan_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The Imperial agents begin to conduct a search on you.||Patch 14||Examples
||contraband_scan_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The Imperial agents begin to conduct a search on you.||Patch 14||[[Contraband16 (Example)|Example]]
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||spice_found||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Contraband spice has been discovered by the investigation. Your faction standing with the Empire has been decreased.||Patch 14||Examples
||spice_found||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Contraband spice has been discovered by the investigation. Your faction standing with the Empire has been decreased.||Patch 14||[[Contraband17 (Example)|Example]]
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||slice_found||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Contraband sliced items has been discovered by the investigation. Your faction standing with the Empire has been decreased.||Patch 14||Examples
||slice_found||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Contraband sliced items has been discovered by the investigation. Your faction standing with the Empire has been decreased.||Patch 14||[[Contraband18 (Example)|Example]]
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||discovered_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The investigation has revealed that you are a member of the Rebel Alliance. You will be open to attack from Imperial NPCs until you speak with an Alliance recruiter.||Patch 14||Examples
||discovered_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The investigation has revealed that you are a member of the Rebel Alliance. You will be open to attack from Imperial NPCs until you speak with an Alliance recruiter.||Patch 14||[[Contraband19 (Example)|Example]]
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||discovered_chat_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||This one is a Rebel! Die Rebel Scum!||Patch 14||Examples
||discovered_chat_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||This one is a Rebel! Die Rebel Scum!||Patch 14||[[Contraband20 (Example)|Example]]
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||probe_scan_fly||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||* Scanning... *||Patch 14||Examples
||probe_scan_fly||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||* Scanning... *||Patch 14||[[Contraband21 (Example)|Example]]
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||probe_scan_done||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The scan is complete.||Patch 14||Examples
||probe_scan_done||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The scan is complete.||Patch 14||[[Contraband22 (Example)|Example]]
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||probe_scan_positive||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The scan is complete. Contraband has been discovered.||Patch 14||Examples
||probe_scan_positive||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The scan is complete. Contraband has been discovered.||Patch 14||[[Contraband23 (Example)|Example]]
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||probe_scan_negative||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The scan is complete. No contraband was discovered.||Patch 14||Examples
||probe_scan_negative||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The scan is complete. No contraband was discovered.||Patch 14||[[Contraband24 (Example)|Example]]
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||return_false_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Failure to comply with the orders of an Imperial agent is a crime. Your decision to disobey with this directive will effect your standing in the eyes of the Empire.||Patch 14||Examples
||return_false_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Failure to comply with the orders of an Imperial agent is a crime. Your decision to disobey with this directive will effect your standing in the eyes of the Empire.||Patch 14||[[Contraband25 (Example)|Example]]
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||clean_target_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||This one is clean. Move along citizen.||Patch 14||Examples
||clean_target_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||This one is clean. Move along citizen.||Patch 14||[[Contraband26 (Example)|Example]]
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||sorry_sir||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I apologize %TO! We didn't recognize you at first. We will continue with our patrol and leave you to your business.||Patch 14||Examples
||sorry_sir||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I apologize %TO! We didn't recognize you at first. We will continue with our patrol and leave you to your business.||Patch 14||[[Contraband 1 (Example)|Example]]
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||business_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||There is no need to scan a fellow Imperial. You are obviously on Imperial business. All hail the Emperor! Carry on...||Patch 14||Examples
||business_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||There is no need to scan a fellow Imperial. You are obviously on Imperial business. All hail the Emperor! Carry on...||Patch 14||[[Contraband27 (Example)|Example]]
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||fined_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Our scans have located contraband in your possession. Under Imperial action directive number 121X-421c, we have seized enough credits to cover your fine. Future infractions of the contraband directive will result in further punishment. Move along.||Patch 14||Examples
||fined_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Our scans have located contraband in your possession. Under Imperial action directive number 121X-421c, we have seized enough credits to cover your fine. Future infractions of the contraband directive will result in further punishment. Move along.||Patch 14||[[Contraband28 (Example)|Example]]
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||failure_to_pay_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Our scans have located contraband in your possession. Under Imperial action directive number 121X-421c you are subject to a fine for the possession of contraband. However, our records show that you do not have the credits to pay such a fine. The Empire does not look favorably on criminals, especially destitute ones. Move along before we decide to haul you in.||Patch 14||Examples
||failure_to_pay_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Our scans have located contraband in your possession. Under Imperial action directive number 121X-421c you are subject to a fine for the possession of contraband. However, our records show that you do not have the credits to pay such a fine. The Empire does not look favorably on criminals, especially destitute ones. Move along before we decide to haul you in.||Patch 14||[[Contraband29 (Example)|Example]]
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||pay_fine_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Our scans have discovered contraband in your possession. As a member of the Imperial army, you should know that contraband is forbidden. You will be fined under Imperial action directive number 121X-421c. Failure to pay this fine will sorely affect your standings within the Empire.||Patch 14||Examples
||pay_fine_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Our scans have discovered contraband in your possession. As a member of the Imperial army, you should know that contraband is forbidden. You will be fined under Imperial action directive number 121X-421c. Failure to pay this fine will sorely affect your standings within the Empire.||Patch 14||[[Contraband30 (Example)|Example]]
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||discovered_officer_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Wait...I recognize this Rebel from the security holonet feeds...It's %TT %TO. Blast'em!||Patch 14||Examples
||discovered_officer_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Wait...I recognize this Rebel from the security holonet feeds...It's %TT %TO. Blast'em!||Patch 14||[[Contraband31 (Example)|Example]]
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||imp_fine_title||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Contraband Fine||Patch 14||Examples
||imp_fine_title||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Contraband Fine||Patch 14||[[Contraband32 (Example)|Example]]
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||imp_fine_text||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||For violation of local contraband law, a fine of||Patch 14||Examples
||imp_fine_text||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||For violation of local contraband law, a fine of||Patch 14||[[Contraband33 (Example)|Example]]
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||imp_fine_text2_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||credits has been issued. Failure to pay this fine will result in negative standing within the Empire.  Do you wish to pay this fine and avoid the loss of Imperial faction?||Patch 14||Examples
||imp_fine_text2_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||credits has been issued. Failure to pay this fine will result in negative standing within the Empire.  Do you wish to pay this fine and avoid the loss of Imperial faction?||Patch 14||[[Contraband34 (Example)|Example]]
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||punish_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||So you refuse to pay the fine? We will be forced to report this incident to your superior officer. If you are planning on moving up higher into the ranks of the Empire, you might wish to reconsider such foolish decisions in the future. Now get out of my sight before I decide to bring you up on insubordination charges.||Patch 14||Examples
||punish_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||So you refuse to pay the fine? We will be forced to report this incident to your superior officer. If you are planning on moving up higher into the ranks of the Empire, you might wish to reconsider such foolish decisions in the future. Now get out of my sight before I decide to bring you up on insubordination charges.||Patch 14||[[Contraband35 (Example)|Example]]
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||sorry_sir_name||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I apologize %TT %TO! We didn't recognize you at first. We will continue with our patrol and leave you to your business.||Patch 14||Examples
||sorry_sir_name||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I apologize %TT %TO! We didn't recognize you at first. We will continue with our patrol and leave you to your business.||Patch 14||[[Contraband36 (Example)|Example]]
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||report_activities||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The probot sent out an alert on your rebellious activities.||Patch 14||Examples
||report_activities||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The probot sent out an alert on your rebellious activities.||Patch 14||[[Contraband37 (Example)|Example]]
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||probot_support_fly||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||*Alert...*||Patch 14||Examples
||probot_support_fly||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||*Alert...*||Patch 14||[[Contraband38 (Example)|Example]]
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||probot_distress_fly||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||*Distress Signal...*||Patch 14||Examples
||probot_distress_fly||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||*Distress Signal...*||Patch 14||[[Contraband39 (Example)|Example]]
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||jedi_mind_trick||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||You don't need to scan me.||Patch 14||Examples
||jedi_mind_trick||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||You don't need to scan me.||Patch 14||[[Contraband40 (Example)|Example]]
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||not_search_you||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I don't need to scan this one.||Patch 14||Examples
||not_search_you||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I don't need to scan this one.||Patch 14||[[Contraband2 (Example)|Example]]
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||jedi_mind_trick_dark||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||You should leave. You are making me angry.||Patch 14||Examples
||jedi_mind_trick_dark||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||You should leave. You are making me angry.||Patch 14||[[contraband1 (Example)|Example]]
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||not_search_you_dark||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I should leave before this one gets angry.||Patch 14||Examples
||not_search_you_dark||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I should leave before this one gets angry.||Patch 14||[[contraband1 (Example)|Example]]
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||jedi_mind_trick_novice||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Don't search me.||Patch 14||Examples
||jedi_mind_trick_novice||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Don't search me.||Patch 14||[[Contraband41 (Example)|Example]]
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||not_search_you_novice||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Maybe I shouldn't search this one.||Patch 14||Examples
||not_search_you_novice||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Maybe I shouldn't search this one.||Patch 14||[[Contraband41 (Example)|Example]]
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||dont_search||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||We don't need to scan this citizen. Move along.||Patch 14||Examples
||dont_search||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||We don't need to scan this citizen. Move along.||Patch 14||[[Contraband43 (Example)|Example]]
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||dont_search_dark||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||We better not search this citizen. Lets get back to our patrol.||Patch 14||Examples
||dont_search_dark||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||We better not search this citizen. Lets get back to our patrol.||Patch 14||[[contraband1 (Example)|Example]]
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||dont_search_novice||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I don't think there is a reason to search this citizen. Move along, move along.||Patch 14||Examples
||dont_search_novice||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I don't think there is a reason to search this citizen. Move along, move along.||Patch 14||[[Contraband44 (Example)|Example]]
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||ran_away_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Failure to comply with a direct Imperial order has lowered your standing with the Empire.||Patch 14||Examples
||ran_away_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Failure to comply with a direct Imperial order has lowered your standing with the Empire.||Patch 14||[[Contraband45 (Example)|Example]]
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||failure_to_pay_imp||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Under Imperial action directive number 121X-421c, you are subject to a fine for the possession of contraband. However, our records show that you do not have the credits to pay such a fine. The Empire does not look favorably on criminals, especially destitute ones. Move along before we decide to haul you in.||Patch 14||Examples
||failure_to_pay_imp||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Under Imperial action directive number 121X-421c, you are subject to a fine for the possession of contraband. However, our records show that you do not have the credits to pay such a fine. The Empire does not look favorably on criminals, especially destitute ones. Move along before we decide to haul you in.||Patch 14||[[Contraband46 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||dismount_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||You are being stopped for a contraband search by the Empire. Remain at your current location until the scan is completed. Failure to comply may effect your standing with the Empire.||Patch 14||Examples
||dismount_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||You are being stopped for a contraband search by the Empire. Remain at your current location until the scan is completed. Failure to comply may effect your standing with the Empire.||Patch 14||[[Contraband47 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||dismount||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Dismounting now.||Patch 14||Examples
||dismount||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Dismounting now.||Patch 14||[[Contraband48 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||return_request_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Stop! This is merely a routine check! Running from an officer of the law is a crime! You have ten seconds to return!||Patch 14||Examples
||return_request_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Stop! This is merely a routine check! Running from an officer of the law is a crime! You have ten seconds to return!||Patch 14||[[Contraband49 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||return_false_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Republic law requires citizens to submit to routine scans during times of war, when requested to do so by a security officer. Disobedience will not reflect well on your record.||Patch 14||Examples
||return_false_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Republic law requires citizens to submit to routine scans during times of war, when requested to do so by a security officer. Disobedience will not reflect well on your record.||Patch 14||[[Contraband50 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||dismount_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||You are being stopped for a security search by local police forces loyal to the Rebellion. Remain at your current location until the scan is complete.||Patch 14||Examples
||dismount_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||You are being stopped for a security search by local police forces loyal to the Rebellion. Remain at your current location until the scan is complete.||Patch 14||[[Contraband51 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||business_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I was going to submit you to a scan, before I recognized you as a Rebel soldier. You may carry on.||Patch 14||Examples
||business_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I was going to submit you to a scan, before I recognized you as a Rebel soldier. You may carry on.||Patch 14||[[Contraband52 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||scan_greeting_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I need you to submit to a brief scan. This is only a routine check and it will only take a few seconds. With the war against the Empire going on, we have to keep security tight. I apologize for the inconvenience.||Patch 14||Examples
||scan_greeting_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I need you to submit to a brief scan. This is only a routine check and it will only take a few seconds. With the war against the Empire going on, we have to keep security tight. I apologize for the inconvenience.||Patch 14||[[Contraband53 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||contraband_scan_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The local security agent begins to conduct a search on you.||Patch 14||Examples
||contraband_scan_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The local security agent begins to conduct a search on you.||Patch 14||[[Contraband54 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||return_thank_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||If you run, I'd have to put out a search and detain order. Remain as you are until the scan is complete. This won't take much longer.||Patch 14||Examples
||return_thank_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||If you run, I'd have to put out a search and detain order. Remain as you are until the scan is complete. This won't take much longer.||Patch 14||[[Contraband55 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||clean_target_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Everything checks out. Sorry to trouble you. Have a good day.||Patch 14||Examples
||clean_target_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Everything checks out. Sorry to trouble you. Have a good day.||Patch 14||[[Contraband56 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||discovered_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The investigation has revealed that you are a member of the Empire. You will be open to attack from Rebel NPCs until you speak with an Imperial recruiter.||Patch 14||Examples
||discovered_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||The investigation has revealed that you are a member of the Empire. You will be open to attack from Rebel NPCs until you speak with an Imperial recruiter.||Patch 14||[[Contraband57 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||discovered_chat_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||What the...he's a known Imperial collaborator! Bring him in!||Patch 14||Examples
||discovered_chat_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||What the...he's a known Imperial collaborator! Bring him in!||Patch 14||[[Contraband58 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||ran_away_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||You have been repoted to the Rebellion for suspicious activity!||Patch 14||Examples
||ran_away_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||You have been repoted to the Rebellion for suspicious activity!||Patch 14||[[Contraband59 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||pay_fine_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Our scans have discovered contraband in your possession. You are also a Rebel officer. I know things have been hectic with the war againts the Empire, but that is no excuse. You need to set an example for our ideals. I'm going to have to fine you.||Patch 14||Examples
||pay_fine_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Our scans have discovered contraband in your possession. You are also a Rebel officer. I know things have been hectic with the war againts the Empire, but that is no excuse. You need to set an example for our ideals. I'm going to have to fine you.||Patch 14||[[Contraband60 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||fined_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Our scans have located contraband in your possession. This kind of thing might have been tolerated under the Empire, but not any more. We're working hard to clean things up and make the cities safe for all citizens. I'm going to have to fine you. If I catch you again, I'll have to bring you in.||Patch 14||Examples
||fined_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Our scans have located contraband in your possession. This kind of thing might have been tolerated under the Empire, but not any more. We're working hard to clean things up and make the cities safe for all citizens. I'm going to have to fine you. If I catch you again, I'll have to bring you in.||Patch 14||[[Contraband61 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||failure_to_pay_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Our scans have located contraband in your possession. This kind of thing might have been tolerated under the Empire, but not any more. I would fine you, but you apparently don't have any credit to pay with. Looks like you'll get by with a warning. I suggest you get a job and clean up your act.||Patch 14||Examples
||failure_to_pay_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Our scans have located contraband in your possession. This kind of thing might have been tolerated under the Empire, but not any more. I would fine you, but you apparently don't have any credit to pay with. Looks like you'll get by with a warning. I suggest you get a job and clean up your act.||Patch 14||[[Contraband62 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||discovered_officer_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Hold on, I recognize you from the most wanted Imperial officers list! You're %TT %TO!||Patch 14||Examples
||discovered_officer_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Hold on, I recognize you from the most wanted Imperial officers list! You're %TT %TO!||Patch 14||[[Contraband63 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||neutral_turn_over_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I've recorded your infraction and have submitted the appropriate forms. Future use of contraband material will result in harsher action. We have enough trouble with Imperial agents in our midst, we don't need good people like you making stupid decisions. Clean up your act. You may go.||Patch 14||Examples
||neutral_turn_over_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I've recorded your infraction and have submitted the appropriate forms. Future use of contraband material will result in harsher action. We have enough trouble with Imperial agents in our midst, we don't need good people like you making stupid decisions. Clean up your act. You may go.||Patch 14||[[Contraband64 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||imp_fine_text2_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||credits has been issued. Failure to pay this fine will result in negative standing within the Rebellion.  Do you wish to pay this fine and avoid the loss of Rebel faction?||Patch 14||Examples
||imp_fine_text2_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||credits has been issued. Failure to pay this fine will result in negative standing within the Rebellion.  Do you wish to pay this fine and avoid the loss of Rebel faction?||Patch 14||[[Contraband65 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||warning_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Payment of the fine has been received. I don't want to see this kind of behavior again. You are dismissed.||Patch 14||Examples
||warning_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Payment of the fine has been received. I don't want to see this kind of behavior again. You are dismissed.||Patch 14||[[Contraband66 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||punish_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||You won't pay the fine? I will be forced to report this incident to your superior officer. The Rebellion might not be as organized as we could be, but we don't tolerate direct acts of insubordination. Clean up your act or you'll find yourself in solitary. You are dismissed.||Patch 14||Examples
||punish_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||You won't pay the fine? I will be forced to report this incident to your superior officer. The Rebellion might not be as organized as we could be, but we don't tolerate direct acts of insubordination. Clean up your act or you'll find yourself in solitary. You are dismissed.||Patch 14||[[Contraband67 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||containment_team_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Containment team has arrived. Target identified. Beginning neutralization.||Patch 14||Examples
||containment_team_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Containment team has arrived. Target identified. Beginning neutralization.||Patch 14||[[Contraband68 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||containment_team_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||This is Response Team Alpha. We have identified the target and are moving to intercept. There's the Imperial! Take him out!||Patch 14||Examples
||containment_team_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||This is Response Team Alpha. We have identified the target and are moving to intercept. There's the Imperial! Take him out!||Patch 14||[[Contraband69 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||discovered_jedi_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||By the Emperor, a Jedi! Command, this is security patrol. Code black! I repeat: code black! Dispatch containment team to my location!||Patch 14||Examples
||discovered_jedi_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||By the Emperor, a Jedi! Command, this is security patrol. Code black! I repeat: code black! Dispatch containment team to my location!||Patch 14||[[Contraband70 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||discovered_jedi_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||By the force, a Sith! Command, I have a problem. Dispatch hunt team four to my location. Yes, I said four! Do it now!||Patch 14||Examples
||discovered_jedi_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||By the force, a Sith! Command, I have a problem. Dispatch hunt team four to my location. Yes, I said four! Do it now!||Patch 14||[[Contraband71 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||containment_team_jedi_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Protocol: Zero one active. Jedi: Identified. Containment protocol: Engaged. Directive: Employ maximum force to terminate Jedi.||Patch 14||Examples
||containment_team_jedi_imperial||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||Protocol: Zero one active. Jedi: Identified. Containment protocol: Engaged. Directive: Employ maximum force to terminate Jedi.||Patch 14||[[Contraband72 (Example)|Example]]
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
||containment_team_jedi_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I have a visual on the Sith. Fan out and assault! Avenge your brothers! For the glory of the Old Republic!||Patch 14||Examples
||containment_team_jedi_rebel||/string/en/imperial_presence||contraband_search.stf||internal_command_string||I have a visual on the Sith. Fan out and assault! Avenge your brothers! For the glory of the Old Republic!||Patch 14||[[Contraband73 (Example)|Example]]

Latest revision as of 18:12, 3 May 2010

Game Messages - Contraband

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Contraband (Game Messages)

Related Tags

75% This document is nearing completion.

Game Messages This document refers to internal SWG Messages.

Email / System Messages


The Imperial Stormtroopers begin to conduct a search on you.
VK-812 uses Full Charge Shot on Av'fo Aveghyppa (a Rebel commando) for 538 points of damage!
You've received a message. Press the letter-icon on your button bar to access your email!
You have new mail.
VK-812 stands up.
Failure to comply with a direct Imperial order has lowered your standing with the Empire.
You have lost 50 points of Imperial faction standing!
You do not have permission to access this corpse.
You run as hard as you can!


15:53:22 The Imperial agents begin to conduct a search on you.
15:53:23 "Attention citizen! By Imperial directive number 10774b, you are subject to search for contraband items. If illegal goods are located on your person, you will be punished according to Imperial action directive number 121X-421c. Your cooperation in this matter is required.", a Mos Eisley police officer says to Ylypei Omaegieki.
15:53:25 "Halt!", a Mos Eisley police officer says to Ylypei Omaegieki. "You are carrying suspected contraband! Remain at your current location! You have ten seconds to comply!"
15:53:26 The Imperial agents begin to conduct a search on you.
15:53:26 "Wise decision citizen. Remain as you are until we have finished our investigation.", a Mos Eisley police officer says to Ylypei Omaegieki.
15:53:29 "Failure to comply with the orders of an Imperial agent is a crime. Your decision to disobey with this directive will effect your standing in the eyes of the Empire.", a Mos Eisley police officer says to Ylypei Omaegieki.
15:53:35 Failure to comply with a direct Imperial order has lowered your standing with the Empire.
15:53:35 You have lost 50 points of Imperial faction standing!
15:54:15 a Mos Eisley police officer says to Shaila Egro, "Attention citizen! By Imperial directive number 10774b, you are subject to search for contraband items. If illegal goods are located on your person, you will be punished according to Imperial action directive number 121X-421c. Your cooperation in this matter is required."
15:54:31 "This one is clean. Move along citizen.", a Mos Eisley police officer says to Shaila Egro.

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Patch 14 Examples
scan_greeting_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Attention citizen! By Imperial directive number 10774b, you are subject to search for contraband items. If illegal goods are located on your person, you will be punished according to Imperial action directive number 121X-421c. Your cooperation in this matter is required. Patch 14 Example
return_request_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Halt! You are carrying suspected contraband! Remain at your current location! You have ten seconds to comply! Patch 14 Example
return_thank_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Wise decision citizen. Remain as you are until we have finished our investigation. Patch 14 Example
neutral_turn_over_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Citizen the use of contraband has been noted in your file under governor directive 74b. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Future use of contraband materials will result in further disciplinary action. Report any other citizen in posession of contraband materials to your local authority immediately, failure to do so is also a crime under judicial code 9-330a. Patch 14 Example
neutral_faction /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Your failure to comply with directive 74b has been noted in your file. Your status as an Imperial citizen is in jeopardy if you continue to abuse contraband directives. These actions are viewed as an act of rebellion against the Empire. You have been warned. Patch 14 Example
imperial_turn_over /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string As an Imperial citizen, you know better than the standard rabble that contraband materials are forbidden under Imperial law. Your use of contraband goods has been noted and you are hearby warned that use of forbidden materials will result in negative standing in the eyes of the Empire. Patch 14 Example
imperial_faction /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string As a nobel member of the Empire, you well know that the possession and use of contraband goods is illegal under Imperial law. Your actions have been recorded and your standing within the Empire has been updated. Any further illegal activity can seriously affect your rights as an Imperial citizen. Patch 14 Example
warning_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Your payment of the fine has been received. Be warned that the Empire does not look kindly on those who violate the law, especially when the violator claims to be loyal to the Emperor. Now get out of my sight. Patch 14 Example
rebel_turn_over /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string The use of contraband has been noted in your file under governor directive 74b. The Empire is watching you and will not tolerate any further infraction of Imperial law on your part. You have the look of someone who has no respect for the security that the Empire offers it's citizens and we will be watching your future activities. Now move along...move along. Patch 14 Example
rebel_faction /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Your failure to comply with the contraband directive has left us no choice but to effect your standing within the Empire. Patch 14 Example
jedi_pass /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string This citizen is free of contraband items and is free to resume their activities. There is no need for us to investigate this matter further. Patch 14 Example
jedi_fail /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string There is no use trying to talk your way out of this citizen. We will conduct our search of your person for contraband. Please remain at your current location until we have finished our search. Your compliance in this matter is required. Patch 14 Example
bribe_pass /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string I see that we are able to reach an agreement that is beneficial for both sides. There is no need to further hamper this honest citizen's activities. You are free to go. Patch 14 Example
bribe_fail /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Are you trying to bribe an officer in the service of the Empire? I certainly hope that was not your intention since that is a crime under Imperial directive 334-7b. You are to remain at your current location until we have completed out search of your person. Patch 14 Example
probe_scan /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string The probot begins to conduct a scan on you. Patch 14 Example
contraband_scan_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string The Imperial agents begin to conduct a search on you. Patch 14 Example
spice_found /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Contraband spice has been discovered by the investigation. Your faction standing with the Empire has been decreased. Patch 14 Example
slice_found /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Contraband sliced items has been discovered by the investigation. Your faction standing with the Empire has been decreased. Patch 14 Example
discovered_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string The investigation has revealed that you are a member of the Rebel Alliance. You will be open to attack from Imperial NPCs until you speak with an Alliance recruiter. Patch 14 Example
discovered_chat_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string This one is a Rebel! Die Rebel Scum! Patch 14 Example
probe_scan_fly /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string * Scanning... * Patch 14 Example
probe_scan_done /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string The scan is complete. Patch 14 Example
probe_scan_positive /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string The scan is complete. Contraband has been discovered. Patch 14 Example
probe_scan_negative /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string The scan is complete. No contraband was discovered. Patch 14 Example
return_false_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Failure to comply with the orders of an Imperial agent is a crime. Your decision to disobey with this directive will effect your standing in the eyes of the Empire. Patch 14 Example
clean_target_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string This one is clean. Move along citizen. Patch 14 Example
sorry_sir /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string I apologize %TO! We didn't recognize you at first. We will continue with our patrol and leave you to your business. Patch 14 Example
business_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string There is no need to scan a fellow Imperial. You are obviously on Imperial business. All hail the Emperor! Carry on... Patch 14 Example
fined_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Our scans have located contraband in your possession. Under Imperial action directive number 121X-421c, we have seized enough credits to cover your fine. Future infractions of the contraband directive will result in further punishment. Move along. Patch 14 Example
failure_to_pay_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Our scans have located contraband in your possession. Under Imperial action directive number 121X-421c you are subject to a fine for the possession of contraband. However, our records show that you do not have the credits to pay such a fine. The Empire does not look favorably on criminals, especially destitute ones. Move along before we decide to haul you in. Patch 14 Example
pay_fine_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Our scans have discovered contraband in your possession. As a member of the Imperial army, you should know that contraband is forbidden. You will be fined under Imperial action directive number 121X-421c. Failure to pay this fine will sorely affect your standings within the Empire. Patch 14 Example
discovered_officer_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Wait...I recognize this Rebel from the security holonet feeds...It's %TT %TO. Blast'em! Patch 14 Example
imp_fine_title /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Contraband Fine Patch 14 Example
imp_fine_text /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string For violation of local contraband law, a fine of Patch 14 Example
imp_fine_text2_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string credits has been issued. Failure to pay this fine will result in negative standing within the Empire. Do you wish to pay this fine and avoid the loss of Imperial faction? Patch 14 Example
punish_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string So you refuse to pay the fine? We will be forced to report this incident to your superior officer. If you are planning on moving up higher into the ranks of the Empire, you might wish to reconsider such foolish decisions in the future. Now get out of my sight before I decide to bring you up on insubordination charges. Patch 14 Example
sorry_sir_name /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string I apologize %TT %TO! We didn't recognize you at first. We will continue with our patrol and leave you to your business. Patch 14 Example
report_activities /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string The probot sent out an alert on your rebellious activities. Patch 14 Example
probot_support_fly /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string *Alert...* Patch 14 Example
probot_distress_fly /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string *Distress Signal...* Patch 14 Example
jedi_mind_trick /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string You don't need to scan me. Patch 14 Example
not_search_you /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string I don't need to scan this one. Patch 14 Example
jedi_mind_trick_dark /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string You should leave. You are making me angry. Patch 14 Example
not_search_you_dark /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string I should leave before this one gets angry. Patch 14 Example
jedi_mind_trick_novice /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Don't search me. Patch 14 Example
not_search_you_novice /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Maybe I shouldn't search this one. Patch 14 Example
dont_search /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string We don't need to scan this citizen. Move along. Patch 14 Example
dont_search_dark /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string We better not search this citizen. Lets get back to our patrol. Patch 14 Example
dont_search_novice /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string I don't think there is a reason to search this citizen. Move along, move along. Patch 14 Example
ran_away_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Failure to comply with a direct Imperial order has lowered your standing with the Empire. Patch 14 Example
failure_to_pay_imp /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Under Imperial action directive number 121X-421c, you are subject to a fine for the possession of contraband. However, our records show that you do not have the credits to pay such a fine. The Empire does not look favorably on criminals, especially destitute ones. Move along before we decide to haul you in. Patch 14 Example
dismount_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string You are being stopped for a contraband search by the Empire. Remain at your current location until the scan is completed. Failure to comply may effect your standing with the Empire. Patch 14 Example
dismount /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Dismounting now. Patch 14 Example
return_request_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Stop! This is merely a routine check! Running from an officer of the law is a crime! You have ten seconds to return! Patch 14 Example
return_false_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Republic law requires citizens to submit to routine scans during times of war, when requested to do so by a security officer. Disobedience will not reflect well on your record. Patch 14 Example
dismount_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string You are being stopped for a security search by local police forces loyal to the Rebellion. Remain at your current location until the scan is complete. Patch 14 Example
business_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string I was going to submit you to a scan, before I recognized you as a Rebel soldier. You may carry on. Patch 14 Example
scan_greeting_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string I need you to submit to a brief scan. This is only a routine check and it will only take a few seconds. With the war against the Empire going on, we have to keep security tight. I apologize for the inconvenience. Patch 14 Example
contraband_scan_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string The local security agent begins to conduct a search on you. Patch 14 Example
return_thank_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string If you run, I'd have to put out a search and detain order. Remain as you are until the scan is complete. This won't take much longer. Patch 14 Example
clean_target_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Everything checks out. Sorry to trouble you. Have a good day. Patch 14 Example
discovered_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string The investigation has revealed that you are a member of the Empire. You will be open to attack from Rebel NPCs until you speak with an Imperial recruiter. Patch 14 Example
discovered_chat_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string What the...he's a known Imperial collaborator! Bring him in! Patch 14 Example
ran_away_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string You have been repoted to the Rebellion for suspicious activity! Patch 14 Example
pay_fine_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Our scans have discovered contraband in your possession. You are also a Rebel officer. I know things have been hectic with the war againts the Empire, but that is no excuse. You need to set an example for our ideals. I'm going to have to fine you. Patch 14 Example
fined_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Our scans have located contraband in your possession. This kind of thing might have been tolerated under the Empire, but not any more. We're working hard to clean things up and make the cities safe for all citizens. I'm going to have to fine you. If I catch you again, I'll have to bring you in. Patch 14 Example
failure_to_pay_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Our scans have located contraband in your possession. This kind of thing might have been tolerated under the Empire, but not any more. I would fine you, but you apparently don't have any credit to pay with. Looks like you'll get by with a warning. I suggest you get a job and clean up your act. Patch 14 Example
discovered_officer_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Hold on, I recognize you from the most wanted Imperial officers list! You're %TT %TO! Patch 14 Example
neutral_turn_over_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string I've recorded your infraction and have submitted the appropriate forms. Future use of contraband material will result in harsher action. We have enough trouble with Imperial agents in our midst, we don't need good people like you making stupid decisions. Clean up your act. You may go. Patch 14 Example
imp_fine_text2_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string credits has been issued. Failure to pay this fine will result in negative standing within the Rebellion. Do you wish to pay this fine and avoid the loss of Rebel faction? Patch 14 Example
warning_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Payment of the fine has been received. I don't want to see this kind of behavior again. You are dismissed. Patch 14 Example
punish_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string You won't pay the fine? I will be forced to report this incident to your superior officer. The Rebellion might not be as organized as we could be, but we don't tolerate direct acts of insubordination. Clean up your act or you'll find yourself in solitary. You are dismissed. Patch 14 Example
containment_team_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Containment team has arrived. Target identified. Beginning neutralization. Patch 14 Example
containment_team_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string This is Response Team Alpha. We have identified the target and are moving to intercept. There's the Imperial! Take him out! Patch 14 Example
discovered_jedi_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string By the Emperor, a Jedi! Command, this is security patrol. Code black! I repeat: code black! Dispatch containment team to my location! Patch 14 Example
discovered_jedi_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string By the force, a Sith! Command, I have a problem. Dispatch hunt team four to my location. Yes, I said four! Do it now! Patch 14 Example
containment_team_jedi_imperial /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string Protocol: Zero one active. Jedi: Identified. Containment protocol: Engaged. Directive: Employ maximum force to terminate Jedi. Patch 14 Example
containment_team_jedi_rebel /string/en/imperial_presence contraband_search.stf internal_command_string I have a visual on the Sith. Fan out and assault! Avenge your brothers! For the glory of the Old Republic! Patch 14 Example