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= Skill Mod Details =
= Skill Mod Details =
The camouflage modifier works similar in the way mask scent modifier works with the exception that camouflage has a slightly higher success rate and that it also works vs NPCS.
The camouflage modifier works similar in the way mask scent modifier works with the exception that camouflage has a slightly higher success rate and that it also works vs NPCS.
What does the camouflage skill modifier do?
The camouflage skill determines the rate of success for the /conceal effect.
== Formulas ==
It has no impact on /maskscent, which maxes out at Master Scout
The success rate for /conceal is capped at 98%
So what does increased camouflage skill actually do then?
Let’s try a couple of examples then (these are fictitious values, simply to prove the effect):
Scenario A:
A Ranger with +100 Camouflage skill
A creature of CL 25
Success Rate of 98%
Scenario B:
A Ranger with +125 Camouflage skill
A creature of CL 25
Success Rate of 98%
Even though the Camouflage skill is +125, the success rate caps out at 98%
Scenario C:
A Ranger with +100 Camouflage skill
A creature of CL 35
Success Rate of 90%
The higher creature level has reduced the success rate compared to the CL 25 scenario
Scenario D:
A Ranger with +125 Camouflage skill
A creature of CL 35
Success Rate of 98%
The higher Maskscent has increased the Success rate back up to 98% for the tougher creature
Again, note these are fictitious values, I don’t know what the baseline Creature Level actually is.
== Formulas ==
== Sources ==
== Sources ==

Latest revision as of 17:56, 2 September 2009

Skill Modifier - Camouflage

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A higher camouflage skill means the Ranger's conceal ability will last longer and be more effective on himself and others.

Related Tags

25% This document has been partially completed.

Skill Modifier This document is relates to a Skill Modifier.

Ranger This document is related to the Ranger Profession.

Skill Mod Details

The camouflage modifier works similar in the way mask scent modifier works with the exception that camouflage has a slightly higher success rate and that it also works vs NPCS.



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Source 1 [Source 1]
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Source 4 [Source 4]
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