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Revision as of 13:47, 6 August 2007 by Rouse (Talk | contribs) (Sample Packet)

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GRUP Packet Type QuickNav
GRUP01 - GRUP03 - GRUP06

BaseLine Struct

SHORT:		ObjOpperandCount
INT:		??
INT:		MemberList_Size
INT:		MemberList_UpdateCounter
 LONG:		MemberObjID
 ASTRING:	MemberName
INT:		??ListSize	
INT:		??ListUpdateCounter
 LONG:		??
 INT:		??
SHORT:		GroupCon/Difficulty
INT:		??
LONG:		LootMaster
INT:		LootRule

Deltas Struct

SHORT:			UpdateCount
SHORT:			UpdateType
    INT:		??
    INT:		MemberList_Size
    INT:		MemberList_UpdateCounter
      BYTE:		SubType
          SHORT:        MemberObjIndex
          SHORT:        MemberObjIndex
          LONG:		MemberObjID
          ASTRING:	MemberName
          SHORT:        MemberObjIndex
          LONG:		MemberObjID
          ASTRING:	MemberName
          SHORT:	NewListSize
	    LONG:	MemberObjID
            ASTRING:	MemberName
    INT:		??ListSize	
    INT:		??ListUpdateCounter
      BYTE:		SubType
          SHORT:        ??ObjIndex
          SHORT:        ??ObjIndex
          LONG:		??ObjectID
          INT:		??
          SHORT:        ??ObjIndex
          LONG:		??ObjectID
          INT:		??
          SHORT:	NewListSize
            LONG:	??ObjectID
            INT:	??
    ASTRING:		??
    SHORT:		GroupCon/Difficulty
    INT:		??
    LONG:		LootMaster
    INT:		LootRule

Sample Packet

05 00 
0C 5F A7 68             // BaselineMessage
65 EE 47 95 25 00 00 00 // Group ID
50 55 52 47 06          // PURG 6
8A 00 00 00 
09 00 43 00 
00 00 
0F 00                          // string count
73 74 72 69 6E 67 5F 69 64 5F  // string_id_
74 61 62 6C 65                 // table
00 00 00 00 
00 00 02 00 
00 00 02 00 
00 00 
B8 A1 AF 61 0C 00 00 00 // Patrizia's character ID
12 00                                                 // string count
50 61 74 72 69 7A 69 61 20 46 6C 79 72 75 6E 6E 65 72 // Patrizia.Flyrunner
8A 97 9A 8F 25 00 00 00 // Rouse's Character ID
0B 00                                   // string count
52 6F 75 73 65 20 44 61 65 6C 61        // Rouse.Daela
02 00 00 00 
02 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00
01 00 00 00 
00 00 
05 00 
00 00 00 00 
B8 A1 AF 61 0C 00 00 00 // Patrizia's character ID
00 00 00 00

02 00 
37 60 43 2C             // SceneEndBaselines
65 EE 47 95 25 00 00 00 // group ID
0F 03 00 04 ?
D5 45 4D FF ?
CA 5B 00 00 ?
00 00 00 00 ?
0F 03 00 04 ?
D5 45 4D 10 ?
78 D2 8F 25 ?
00 00 00 00 ?

05 00 
53 21 86 12             // BaselineEndMessage
65 EE 47 95 25 00 00 00 // ID
50 55 52 47 06          // PURG 6
79 00 00 00 
04 00 02 00 
02 00 00 00 
02 00 00 00 
01 00 00 
B8 A1 AF 61 0C 00 00 00   // Patrizia's character ID
12 00                                                  // string count
50 61 74 72 69 7A 69 61 20 46 6C 79 72 75 6E 6E 65 72  // Patrizia.Flyrunner
01 01 00 
8A 97 9A 8F 25 00 00 00   //  Rouse's Character ID
0B 00                                 // string count
52 6F 75 73 65 20 44 61 65 6C 61      // Rouse.Daela
03 00 02 00 
00 00 02 00 
00 00 01 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 01 01 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
01 00 00 00 
05 00 05 00 
07 00       
B8 A1 AF 61 0C 00 00 00  // Patrizia's character ID

05 00 
53 21 86 12              // BaselineEndMessage
B8 A1 AF 61 0C 00 00 00  // Patrizia's character ID
4F 45 52 43 06           // OERC 6
0C 00 00 00 
01 00 08 00 
65 EE 47 95 25 00 00 00  // group id

05 00 
53 21 86 12              // BaselineEndMessage
8A 97 9A 8F 25 00 00 00  // Rouse's Character ID
4F 45 52 43 06           // OERC 6  
0C 00 00 00 
01 00 08 00 
65 EE 47 95 25 00 00 00  // group id
00 E0    

Variable Descriptions

Obj_OperandCount = 8

  • MemberList:
A list of the members in the group. Contains their ObjectID along with an Ascii of their name.
  • GroupCon/Difficulty:
This variable relates to the players DifficultyCon and how difficult the group is percieved.
TODO: Research the relationship among this variable and the con colors.
  • LootMaster:
The ObjectID of the person in charge of loot, or the person designated as MasterLooter for LootRule[1].
  • LootRules:
Sets the various types of group looting.
0 - "FF" - Free For All
1 - "ML" - MasterLooter
2 - "LO" - Lottery
3 - "RN" - Random


75% This packet has been partially reversed.

S→C This packet originates on the server.


Variables Found to test later... FormationNameCrc LootRule LootMaster Members MemberShips GroupShipFormation AssignPlayerFormation

TODO: Reverse the JTL data and whatever else is left...

Figure out how DifficultyCon works between objects and groups.