Heal Enhance (Ability)

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Ability - Heal Enhance

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/healenhance <target>: This command enables you to enhance another player's attributes, if you have the appropriate enhancement medpacks handy.

Command: /healEnhance
CommandQueue Entry: healenhance (EEE029CF)

Related Tags

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Ability This document relates to Player Abilities.

Doctor This document is related to the Doctor Profession.

Ability Breakdown & Details

Doctors may enhance player's ham attributes in addition to offering disease/poison resistance buffs.

Resistance Buffs

Resistance buffs are buffs that increases a player's resistance against poison and disease attacks. These buffs use an effectiveness rating which makes a check against the poison/diseases effectiveness rating to determine if the effect will stick. C level Poison/Disease buffs have an absorption value which reduces the amount of damage taken by poison/diseases by a % if they get through the effectiveness check.

Whats the difference between absorbtion and power?

this only applies to the "C" level resist buffs

C level resists also lower the actual amount of damage the poison does (the absoprtion part), as well as decreasing the chance of hitting (the regular power stat). B level resists only decrease the chance of getting hit, you still get 100% of the damage the poison is rated for.

Absorption has a theoretical max of 25%. However, since it uses OQ and PE as determinants, and PE is capped at 700 for 1 of the necessary resources for each type of pack (tat herb for poison resists, wild corn for disease resists), the attainable max (even with perfect resources) is more likely to be 23 or 24%.

Janta blood doesn't help directly -- it increases the base effectiveness of the pack, which might allow you to use all your points in absorption rather than dividing them between 2 experimental qualities, but a Janta resist C starts out with 5 absorption just like a pack made with a normal BEC... (and, janta blood doesn't add 1:1 to effectiveness on these...)

Special note on using cures after absorption check:

The cure roll is made after the absorption, so you only need to cure the reduced tick value of the DOT.

So 2 questions? 1. Whats the difference, Bs appear better but Im guessing they are not 2. Do Bs and Cs stack for use at the same time?

To your questions, they do not stack, and they're not exactly better or worse, just different...

Absorption is a percentage reduction in the tick -- so if you have 20 absorption packs, a 1000 point tick would be reduced to 800. This helps, obviously enough, by causing you to take less damage, but it also means that there's less poison to be cured -- which could be especially helpful if you're using area cures, which don't have the (roughly) 2x modifier on their power...

question Does Poison/Disease resists buff help against DOT weapons?

Yes. The potency of the DOT on the weapon checks against the effectiveness of the resist buff.

Bermag wrote: How do you calculate the chance (risk on the recieving end lol) that a poison will stick? Is it something Potency/Poision resist gives you the chance that it sticks or something like that. How about weapons where potency is listed as %, how does that relate to poision resists.

Also do posion buff resist and def vs poison stack or is it two separate rolls?

The buffs add to the resistance modifiers, so it should stack with resistance mods in clothes. I don't think anyone has derived a formula, but we do know that there is always a 5% chance (at least) of resisting and, conversly, a 5% chance of a DoT sticking. It's been obvserved that when the potency and resistance are equal, the DoT will stick half the time. I'm pretty sure that the potency listed on weapons is on the same scale as those on CM packs. The weapons usually have much lower potency, but given that every hit is an attempted application, they will almost certainly get the DoT to stick at some point.

Bermag wrote: I wonder if there is a hidden poison resist stat?

If you have no resists buff or +skills will the poison then have a 95% chance to stick?

If the potency is over 100, then yes. Before the resistance buffs were added CMs knew our poisons would stick almost 100% of the time if we got the potency over 100. The minimum 5% chance to resist was added at the same time as the resistance buffs. Poisons with a potency below 100 have a higher resist rate, even without resistance buffs. I don't think there's a hidden resist stat per se. I think it's that the potency was originaly indended (and coded) to be the chance of sticking. When the advanced resiliance compound became craftable, (RCs are the CM components that add to potency and the advanced ones couldn't be crafted for the first few months of the game due to a bug) it became very easy for a CM with decent resources to hit 100+ potency without even experimenting the final packs for potency. That's what lead to the addition of the resistance buffs and AOE cures. Personally, I think it would have been better to change the crafting calculations for potency so that 100 couldn't be hit, instead of creating the resistance buffs and AOE cures. But, that's another discussion.

Will B level buffs overwrite C level buffs?

Bs will buff over Cs due to the higher power, but the absorption goes away.

Observed Resist Rate

Note: The resist rates on these are extremly low considering the buffs are at near maximum effectiveness. It is recommended that the effectiveness of CM poisons/diseases be severely hampered by these buffs, and that resist rates of up to 95% should be allowed given maximum quality buffs as the intent behind the buffs was to impede CM's role in dominating the PvP scene.

Using pre-patch poison B resist buffs 204 power: against 210 pot poison C - 26 resists, 20 successes, 46 total throws against 131 pot poison C - 27 resists, 19 successes, 46 total throws

Using post-patch poison B resist buffs 196 power: against 192 pot poison C - 28 resists, 18 successes, 46 total throws against 131 pot poison C - 31 resists, 15 successes, 46 total throws

Ability Flow

<graphviz> digraph G {

       rankdir = LR;
       node [shape=record, width=.2, height=.2];
       node [width=1];
       node1 [color="#929292", label = "Step 01", style="bold", fontname="arial", 

fontcolor="#929292", URL="Test101"];

       node2 [color="orange", label = "Step 02", style="bold", fontname="arial", 

fontcolor="#458CAF", URL="Test102"];

       node3 [color="orange", label = "Step 03", style="bold", fontname="arial", 

fontcolor="#458CAF", URL="Test101"];

       node1 -> node2:w [color="#929292"];
       node2:w -> node3:e [color="#515FCA", constraint=false];

} </graphviz>

System Messages

SUI Prompt

Combat Chat Spam

Fly Text


How do buffs work? how do I know how powerfull they are?

Total Buff Power

Heal Power of Pack x Environment x [(100 + Wound Treatment Skill + Bivoli + BE modded clothes) / 100] x Med City Bonus

for example:
900 Heal Power Buff pack
110 Med Module Droid
100 Master Doctor Skill
25 Bivoli
25 BE clothes
10% Medical City Specialization Bonus

900 x 1.1 x [(100+100+25+25)/100] x 1.1 = 2722 total buff

Now how Battle Fatigue affects this...

If player Battle Fatigue is 0 - 250 = no change in buff value.

If player Battle Fatigue is greater than 250 then...

Buff - [Buff x (Battle Fatigue-250) / 1000] = Buff after Battle Fatigue

so with 696 Battle Fatigue (Randomly chosen number)

2722 - [ 2722 x (696 - 250) / 1000] = 1507 buffed after 696 Battle Fatigue

Helpful Notes:

* Bio Engineered Clothes effectively cap at +25/ +25 so a person with +9999/ +9999 will do the SAME as one with only +25 / +25 damage / wound treatment clothe.

* Bivoli DOES STACK with BE clothes.

* Battle Fatigue DOES NOT affect buff performance until 250 Battle Fatigue ... One could have 249 Battle Fatigue and it will be the same as one with 0 Battle Fatigue.

* Battle Fatigue after 250 .. affects the buff performance by 1% per 10 Battle Fatigue.

* At 1000 Battle Fatigue (when Battle Fatigue caps) buff performance is reduced by 75%.

* At 750 Battle Fatigue buff performance is reduced by 50%

* At 500 Battle Fatigue buff performance is reduced by 25%

* Med Centers and scout Cmps override Droid Bonuses.

* If not in a Medical Specialized Player City .. the variable is calculated at 1.0.

* If in a Medical Specialized Player City .. the varible is calculated at 1.1.

* Wound Treatment Speed can be affected by consuming Ruby Bliel or Havla 

Source References

Source Source in Context
Prima Guide somelink1 Source1

Ability HAM Costs

Modifier Value
Health Cost 0
Action Cost 0
Mind Cost 140
Force Cost 0

Ability Multipliers

Modifier Value
Health cost 0
Action cost 0
Mind cost 0
Force cost 0
Damage 0
Delay Time 0