Extinguish Fire (Ability)

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Ability - Extinguish Fire

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/extinguishFire <target>: This command enables you to cure a fire effect from a target, if you have the appropriate medical equipment.

Command: /extinguishFire
CommandQueue Entry: extinguishfire (DF49EA58)

Related Tags

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Ability This document relates to Player Abilities.

Doctor This document is related to the Doctor Profession.

Ability Breakdown & Details

These skills have a range of 6m and are on the treat injury speed modifier. This skill requires the use of a flame suppresion blanket.

Much like cure poison and disease, if the effectiveness is high enough it will extinguish the patients fire with the use of only one charge from the blanket. It costs approximately 200 mind points to extinguish fire. Also, you will need to move the /extinguishfire macro from your macro pad (found under the other macros tab) to your toolbar in order to use any fire blankets that are in your inventory

No formula exists (that I have found) for healing fire dot so perhaps we can use the ones for poison/disease cure which are as follows:

1. Formula for weapon base dots. This formula will handle these weapons which offer an effectiveness rating. The effectiveness rating will be countered by the fire blankets effectiveness cure rating exactly like Single Cures work for poisons/diseases. If a fire dot rating has 250 effectiveness/strength and the fire blanket has 250 effectiveness, then the blanket heals the dot in one shot. If the dot rating is 300 and blanket is 250 then the dot effectiveness is reduced to if it were 50, and if a blanket is used again then the dot is removed.

Dot effectiveness - cure effectiveness = Remaining Dot effectiveness

2. Formula for skill based dots like torso shot, command flame dots, etc. These dots do a percentage damage sized tick that is based off of the player's total damage. We can use the effectiveness rating of the blanket as a direct reductionf rom the total damage of the dot. Example, a 1000 tick fire dot meets a 500 effectiveness fire blanket. The dot is now reduced to 500 per tick. If a blanket is applied again, then the dot is removed.

[ cure effectiveness ] x ( 1 + ( ( wound heal mod + BE clothes + food ) / 100 ) = the amount of fire dot tick a doctor can cure.

Ability Flow

<graphviz> digraph G {

       rankdir = LR;
       node [shape=record, width=.2, height=.2];
       node [width=1];
       node1 [color="#929292", label = "Step 01", style="bold", fontname="arial", 

fontcolor="#929292", URL="Test101"];

       node2 [color="orange", label = "Step 02", style="bold", fontname="arial", 

fontcolor="#458CAF", URL="Test102"];

       node3 [color="orange", label = "Step 03", style="bold", fontname="arial", 

fontcolor="#458CAF", URL="Test101"];

       node1 -> node2:w [color="#929292"];
       node2:w -> node3:e [color="#515FCA", constraint=false];

} </graphviz>

System Messages

SUI Prompt

Combat Chat Spam

Fly Text


[ cure effectiveness ] x ( 1 + ( ( wound heal mod + BE clothes + food ) / 100 ) = the amount of fire dot tick a doctor can cure.

                                      Injury Treatment Speed

1. This needs a formula but I think the formula for wound treatment speed goes like this:

speed = ( ( 100-foodbuff)/100 ) x  ( ( 100 -  InjuryTreatmentSpeed  ) /100 ) x base healing speed

Where base healing speed = 10 seconds

Where foodbuff = value of the foods used

example: Ruby Bliel = .25 or Havla = .75 or even 100 if its 100+ as each point in these foods counts as a percentage reduction in the current healing speed timer (after modifier effects are calculated) and any food bonus over 100 is ignored and treated as just 100.

If the final value for Speed is less than 4 then speed is set to 4, as 4 seconds is the absolute minimum for injury healing actions.

Source References

Source Source in Context
Source 1 [Source 1]

Ability HAM Costs

Modifier Value
Health Cost 0
Action Cost 0
Mind Cost 200
Force Cost 0

Ability Multipliers

Modifier Value
Health cost 0
Action cost 0
Mind cost 0
Force cost 0
Damage 0
Delay Time 0