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Poison and Disease Cure Experimentation Mechanics
Items Affected
1. Cure Disease Medpack - A
2. Cure Disease Medpack - B
3. Cure Disease Medpack - C
4. Cure Poison Medpack - A
5. Cure Poison Medpack - B
6. Cure Poison Medpack - C
Experimentation Lines
These items have 3 lines of experimentation.
1. Experimental Charges
2. Experimental Ease of Use
3. Experimental Effectiveness
The Experimental Charges line on these items depends on 66% OQ and 33% UT. Experimentation on this line increases the Uses Remaining attribute.
The Experimental Ease of Use line depends on 66% OQ and 33% PE and is available only to types B and C. Experimentation on this line decreases the Required Medicine Skill Use attribute. Note that Cure poison and disease packs type A have a default Skill use of 51 which is not experimentable.
The Experimental Effectiveness line depends on 66% OQ and 33% PE. Experimentation on this line increases the value associated with the following attribute for these items: Cure Effectiveness.
Item Attributes
Transferred Component Attributes
Source References