Crafting (Sequence)
The crafting process is monitored in the Player Object. The relevant values are set through the Yalp 9 at initialization and / or changed through the relevant deltas in the crafting process.
The Sequence
On using or doubleclicking the craft item the client sends 3 Packets, through which a crc list of the available schematics is requested.
For starters let us break it down into the steps needed to open up the different craft-screens
Schematic selection aka 1st screen
On using the craft tool, the usual radial menu packets are send. Additional the client sends a
CommandQueueEnqueue : SynchronizedUIListen (F9996AB6)and a
CommandQueueEnqueue : requestcraftingsession (094AC516)
Client Initiates
1) client -> server radial menu request Packet
2) client -> server F9996AB6 synchronizeduilisten
3) client -> server 094AC516 requestcraftingsession
server response The server responds with the customary Menue response and by sending the DraftSchematics (00000102) Packet
4) server -> client Menu response
5) server -> client DraftSchematics (00000102)
client response
Triggered through the DraftSchematics Packet, the Client requests the DraftSlotsBatches and the ResourceWeightsBatches. In these Batches the Complete 64bit ID (crc + uint32 ID)of every schematic the Crafter has access to is send as Unicodestring.
6) ComandQueueEnqueue 5FD21EB0 requestdraftslotsbatch
7) ComandQueueEnqueue 9A8B385C requestresourceweightsbatch
server response
12) server -> client answer : requestdraftslotsbatch
14) server -> client answer : requestresourceweightsbatch
opening the 2nd crafting screen
18) client -> server ObjectControllerMessage selectdraftschematic request to open the 2nd craft screen
(20) server -> client MSCO Object (init, link, 3,6,8,9, close schem object))
(21) server -> client ONAT Object (init, link, 3,6,8,9, close schem object))
16) server -> client blueprints