Bio-Engineer (Game Messages)

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Game Messages - Bio-Engineer (Game Messages)

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Bio-Engineer (Game Messages)

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75% This document is nearing completion.

Game Messages This document refers to internal SWG Messages.

System Messages

Sample DNA

ID Path Filename Trigger Message Notes Examples
harvest_dna_already_harvesting /string/en/ bio_engineer.stf internal_command_string You are already in the process of taking a DNA sample. Patch 12
harvest_dna_attrib_too_low /string/en/ bio_engineer.stf internal_command_string You are too tired to sample DNA now.
harvest_dna_begin_harvest /string/en/ bio_engineer.stf internal_command_string You begin taking a DNA sample.
harvest_dna_cant_harvest /string/en/ bio_engineer.stf internal_command_string You cannot sample DNA from that target.
harvest_dna_creature_in_combat /string/en/ bio_engineer.stf internal_command_string It is too dangerous to sample DNA from a creature while it's in combat.
harvest_dna_creature_killed /string/en/ bio_engineer.stf internal_command_string The shock to it's system was too much, the %TT falls over dead.
harvest_dna_failed /string/en/ bio_engineer.stf internal_command_string You failed to get a viable DNA sample.
harvest_dna_invalid_target /string/en/ bio_engineer.stf internal_command_string You cannot sample DNA from that target.
harvest_dna_need_target /string/en/ bio_engineer.stf internal_command_string You need to target the creature you wish to take a DNA sample from.
harvest_dna_out_of_range /string/en/ bio_engineer.stf internal_command_string Your target is too far away to be able to sample from.
harvest_dna_skill_too_low /string/en/ bio_engineer.stf internal_command_string You are not sufficiently skilled to take DNA samples.
harvest_dna_succeed /string/en/ bio_engineer.stf internal_command_string You successfully collected a DNA sample.
harvest_dna_target_baby /string/en/ bio_engineer.stf internal_command_string That creature is too young to get a viable DNA sample.
harvest_dna_target_corpse /string/en/ bio_engineer.stf internal_command_string You cannot sample DNA from a corpse.
harvest_dna_target_pet /string/en/ bio_engineer.stf internal_command_string You cannot sample DNA from that pet.

harvest_dna_failed /string/en/ error_message.stf internal_command_string What creature would you like to sample DNA from? Patch 12

prose_harvest_dna_failed /string/en/ error_message.stf internal_command_string You are unable to sample DNA from the %TT right now.