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Revision as of 20:06, 16 September 2007 by Rouse (Talk | contribs) (Sample Packet)

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PLAY Packet Type QuickNav
PLAY01 - PLAY03 - PLAY06 - PLAY08 - PLAY09

BaseLine Struct

intristingly enough there does not seem to be a complexity value for yalps. (though there is for resourcecontainers......)

//0 Skillability list
[UINT32] size
[UINT32] update counter
         [ASCII] skill name

//1 experimentation flag
[UINT32] 0 Assembly only; 1 exp

//2 crafting stage

//3 crafting station id
[UINT64] ???

//4 schematic List
[UINT32] resourceweights ID
[UINT32] schematic crc

//5 No of experimentation points


Deltas Struct

Sample Packet

11 00
0F 00 00 00 //0 - ABILITY LIST SIZE
00 00 00 00
10 00 
63 65 72 74 5F 6B 6E 69 66 65 5F 73 74 6F 6E 65 // cert_knife_stone
13 00 
63 65 72 74 5F 6B 6E 69 66 65 5F 73 75 72 76 69 76 61 6C // cert_knife_survival
18 00 
63 65 72 74 5F 6C 61 6E 63 65 5F 73 74 61 66 66 5F 77 6F 6F 64 5F 73 31 // cert_lance_staff_wood_s1
13 00 
63 65 72 74 5F 61 78 65 5F 68 65 61 76 79 5F 64 75 74 79 // cert_axe_heavy_duty
0F 00 
63 65 72 74 5F 72 69 66 6C 65 5F 63 64 65 66 // cert_rifle_cdef
10 00 
63 65 72 74 5F 70 69 73 74 6F 6C 5F 63 64 65 66 // cert_pistol_cdef
11 00 
63 65 72 74 5F 63 61 72 62 69 6E 65 5F 63 64 65 66 // cert_carbine_cdef
20 00 63 65 72 74 5F 67 72 65 6E 61 64 65 5F 66 72 61 67 6D 65 6E 74 61 74 69 6F 6E 5F 6C 69 67 68 74 // cert_grenade_fragmentation_light
1E 00 
63 65 72 74 5F 73 74 61 72 73 68 69 70 73 5F 74 69 65 66 69 67 68 74 65 72 6C 69 67 68 74 // cert_starships_tiefighterlight 
14 00 
63 65 72 74 5F 6F 72 64 6E 61 6E 63 65 5F 6C 65 76 65 6C 31 // cert_ordnance_level1
16 00 
63 65 72 74 5F 64 72 6F 69 64 5F 61 73 74 72 6F 6D 65 63 68 5F 31 //cert_droid_astromech_1
16 00 
64 72 6F 69 64 63 6F 6D 6D 61 6E 64 5F 6D 75 74 65 64 72 6F 69 64 //droidcommand_mutedroid
0D 00 
68 61 72 76 65 73 74 43 6F 72 70 73 65 // harvestCorpse
14 00 
70 72 69 76 61 74 65 5F 73 63 6F 75 74 5F 6E 6F 76 69 63 65 // private_scout_novice
1C 00 
70 72 69 76 61 74 65 5F 69 6D 70 65 72 69 61 6C 5F 6E 61 76 79 5F 6E 6F 76 69 63 65 // private_imperial_navy_novice
00 00 00 00    //1 - ExperimentationFlags
00 00 00 00    //2 - CraftingStageFlags
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 //3 - CraftingStationID
01 00 00 00 //4 - Draft Schematics
00 00 00 00
A7 94 A8 12 //SchematicID
63 30 4A 0F //SchematicCRC
00 00 00 00 //5 - ExperimentationPoints
00 00 00 00 //6 - Counter Incremented Every Prototype Creation Ack. And Every Kill. (CU/NGE)
           //PRE-CU This gets flagged as an ExperienceChanged. Old trace of experience most likely.
02 00 00 00 //7 - Friends List
00 00 00 00
05 00          // string count
61 63 68 61 6E // achan
06 00             // string count
66 65 72 72 69 6E // ferrin
02 00 00 00 //8 - Ignore List
00 00 00 00
06 00             // string count
55 6C 74 79 6D 61 // Ultyma
06 00             // string count
52 61 6D 73 65 79 // Ramsey
01 00 00 00 //9 - Current Lanaguage
32 00 00 00 //A - Stomach Food Current
64 00 00 00 //B - Stomach Food Max
32 00 00 00 //C - Stomach Drink Current
64 00 00 00 //D - Stomach Drink Max
00 00 00 00 //E - Not Found (Something related/similar to Stomach)
00 00 00 00 //F - Not Found (Something related/similar to Stomach)
00 00 00 00 //10 - Waypoint Objects - Not Found - Not for Datapad
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 //11 - Jedi State 

Variable Descriptions

Obj_OperandCount = ??


50% This packet has been partially reversed.