From SWGANH Wiki
BaseLine StructDeltas StructSHORT: UpdateCount SHORT: UpdateType { 00: INT: Movement_Ratio 01: INT: Movement_Ratio 02: INT: ListSize INT: UpdateCounter { BYTE: SubType { 00: SHORT: ?? 01: SHORT: Encumbarance_Secondary_Bars INT: Encumbarance_Value 02: SHORT: ?? INT: ?? 03: SHORT: ListSize { INT: Encumbarance_Value } } } 03: INT: ListSize INT: UpdateCounter { BYTE: SubType { 00: A_STRING: SkillMod_Name INT: ?? INT: ?? 01: A_STRING: ?? INT: ?? INT: ?? } } 04: INT: Acceleration_Ratio 05: INT: Acceleration_Ratio 06: LONG: ListenTo_ID 07: INT: Accel/Deccel/Speed 08: INT: ?? (connection with 09) 09: INT: ?Entertainer_Related 0A: INT: Turn_Radius 0B: INT: ?? (connection with mounts) 0C: INT: ?? 0D: INT: ListSize INT: UpdateCounter { BYTE: SubType { 00: LONG: ?? LONG: ?? 01: LONG: ?? LONG: ?? } } } |
Variable DescriptionsObj_OperandCount = ??