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Revision as of 13:31, 4 August 2007 by Rouse (Talk | contribs) (Sample Packet)

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SCLT Packet Type QuickNav
SCLT03 - SCLT06 - SCLT08 - SCLT09

BaseLine Struct

[UINT16] 0x0005;
[UINT32] Baseline 
[UINT64] Item ID
[UINT8]  3
[UINT32] size of the DATA following 
[UINT16] ??
[FLOAT]  ??
[UINT8]  this is the number of the Cell numbered 1 to .... 10 for a large tat house


Deltas Struct

Sample Packet

05 00 
0C 5F A7 68 // BaselinesMessage
92 80 B2 56 14 00 00 00 // Cell ID
54 4C 43 53 03  // TLCS 3
1B 00 00 00 
06 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 01 09 
00 00 00 25 

Variable Descriptions

Obj_OperandCount = ??


50% This packet has been partially reversed.