Foraging Context 1 (Skill Modifier) (Source)

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NRaas, going to ask you to unsticky the old version and sticky this new one. Thanks much!

Going to give a review to those who did not read my previous post, and then my findings.


Through testing, I came to the conclusion that the "inventory too full" message that is received when foraging is *not* when a rare item is foraged, as young Scouts receive the message, too. I found that there are only fifteen foragable items, two of which are bait, and that I could forage them all with a young Scout, eliminating the possibility that some of those are the "rare" items we've heard so much about.

I concluded that the rare item forage is one of three things:

Working, but items are so rare that even after days of consecutive foraging, a Master Ranger never finds one.

Broken. They're out there, but the system does not allow Rangers to forage them like we should be able to.

Non-existant. With such a small table of commonly foragable items, I don't find it hard to believe that rare items simply have not been implemented yet. I do believe it has been stated that foraging is a *low* priority, if one at all.

So what of the "inventory too full" message?

I concluded that one of two things:

A random bug. With no rhyme or reason, that message is given and the item foraged is not placed in the inventory. Given the nature of multiple-item forages, though, I find this conclusion unlikely.

More probably, there is a previously unknown item, that instead of being placed in the inventory when foraged, it gives that message and does not. Perhaps the item has a volume of 101 instead of 1.

For more information and background on this, please refer to my previous post at:

So, What's New?

So, I gave myself a couple nights, and went to Tatooine and Endor to do some extreme foraging. I made further conclusions about the non-buggy aspects of foraging. Perhaps some of you know this from daily knowledge, but I'm just presenting it in a clear format.

People were telling me that they rarely, if ever, have made mutliple-item forages. Now, I had made quite a few two and three item forages in my lifetime, so I could not quite see why they weren't. So I did a bit experimenting. I took only two planets, Endor and Tatooine, just because their vegetation is so radically different. I plan to repeat this on other planets, when I have the time.

Now, I didn't give the developers enough credit. I didn't think the foraging would be that much different, just because I couldn't quite believe that the foraging system was that complex. They said it, themselves, that it was a low priority and so I underestimated them, thinking they hadn't put that much time into it before.

Boy was I wrong!

Endor and Tatooine are radically different, as far as the mutliple-item foraging is concerned.

I only did one multiple-item forage on Tatooine (for 3 items), out of 100 logged attempts.

On Endor, I did two 3-item forages, and three 2-item forages, out of 100 logged attempts.

They also differ on which item you're more likely to find.

On Endor, you're more likely to find Maroj Melons, Wild Snaffs, Ko-Do Fruits, Sosi Hodors, Jars of Berries and Jars of Bugs.

On Tatooine, you're more likely to find Sijjo Sewi, Worm Bait, Insect Bait, and Flurr-Cle Onion.

Schule Nefs, Alever Tweth'peks, and Jars of Fungus were pretty common on both. Etost'ew Zanns and Jars of Grubs, weren't.

Now, this is either unique to each planet, or planet type. For instance, Lok might yield the same as Tatooine, and Yavin IV the same as Endor.

There's a good 10% chance of getting items discarded on both planets.

You also have a 20% chance of failure on both planets as a Master Ranger (which I think is a bit too much.)

Now, for other tidbits...

When you forage, everything in a 20m radius of you is considered your foraging area. When you get the "There is nothing to forage in this area." message, you must move at least 20m off to get a new area.

In each area, you can have four foraging successes before you are forced to move for more. Successes include discards and multiple-item forages (which count as one success.)

Your failure rate doubles (no matter what planet you're on) when you're around cities or structures (player or NPC).

And...that's about it, so far. When I have the time, I'm going to do similiar experiments on the other eight planets, and then try different biospheres within one planet (like the deserts of Endor). I doubt I'm going to find much difference within the zones of one planet, but I've already underestimated the developers once, so I'm not striking it out, yet.

Any more info would be appreciated, and if you've found more success on multiple-item forages when on heavily vegetated planets, do tell!

I'm going to repost the item list, just for reference.

Thanks, and enjoy,


Fishing Bait

Insect Bait Worm Bait (Found 1-5 uses each, 1-2 with Scout w/Survival I, 4-5 with Master Ranger)


Alever Tweth'pek = Action +100, 100s Mind + 25, 100s

Esost'Ew Zann = Health +50, 700s Action +50, 700s Mind +50, 700s

Flurr-Cle Onion = Mind +500, 60s

Jar of Foraged Berries = Health +100, 300s

Jar of Foraged Bugs = Action +100, 300s

Jar of Foraged Fungus = Health +50, 250s Mind +100, 250s

Jar of Foraged Grubs = Action +10, 10s Mind +60, 10s

Ko-Do Fruit = Action +50, 250s Mind +50, 250s

Maroj Melon = Health +50, 150s Mind +50, 150s

Schule Nef = Mind +50, 400s

Sijjo Sewi = Action +100, 200s

Sosi Hodor = Health +120, 400s Mind +50, 400s

Wild Snaff = Health +50, 50s Action +150, 50s Mind +50, 50s

This is an old thread, but it's still the only place that has a foraged item list. I'd just like to note that there is Grub Bait as well as Worm Bait and Insect Bait. This brings the total to 16 distinct items after having foraged hundreds of items.

Scouts can also get 5-use jars of all types of bait, but 2- and 3- use jars seem more common.

I got all of my items from Naboo, but perhaps there are planet-specific forage items in addition to these that have been found so far.